The reason I had to cut the "RAAAAR" from Drexle's wav file is that the scene with Tobor talking/laughing was too short, and because the camera pans, if I were to try and slice in a few extra frames, it'd look like it's skipping.
The whole thing does run too quickly and it's kind of over before you really know what the fuck you've just seen, but then we were only told to make a 30 second animation, I just dragged mine out with credits and transitions.
It HAS to be quicktime, I can't think of any way in which I can display it in Flash..... yet. However the last part of my course is to create a Digital CV using Flash to display my work, so I imagine there may be some neat little trick, but I haven't learned it yet.
Please, the name's Kajun, Tommy's what all those normal people call me.
I tried to pass it off as a "love story" but they wouldn't listen. I'm glad you saw the message I was trying to convey. Did you also spot the "random cube" at the start? When I rendered the scene I forgot to delete one of the primitives and it just sat there slightly out of shot, I now claim that she represents the "futility of man".
Dad was flammable