I was thinking about posting something along the same lines last night, and then I decided against it. But now that this thread is here, I'll say my piece.
Before I get started on my rant, or whatever you'd like to call it, I'd like to point out that this is my opinion. Meaning this is how I feel. If I come off as sounding preachy, I'm sorry. I'm trying to explain what I'm thinking.
In the last couple years worth of posting in the forums we've talked about just about every topic under the sun. Religion, music, relationships... It's pretty obvious that we're a very diverse group. We've got people from different ages, sexes, countries, backgrounds, sexual preferences... You name it.
I'm always impressed when we really get into a topic, like the in religion threads. Everyone speaks their mind, and for the most part we get a great chance to learn quite a bit about our fellow forum members. It always make me feel good that with the wide array of different views we have on a particular topic, we're almost always tolerant with one another.
That's really the idea I wanted to bring up. Tolerance, not only of one another in our little community, but of everyone.
Like it or not, we are a little community. We live in a box in a server farm somewhere, but we're still a community. Sometimes I'm a little worried about how we as a community treat new people that tend to wander into our little realm.
Yes, I say 'we'. Imagine for a minute a bunch of us were hanging out in real life, chatting away in a pub. Someone walks up to one of us and says, "Hey, what time is it?", totally ignoring the giant clock on the wall right next to him. "THERE'S A CLOCK RIGHT THERE, YOU DIPSHIT!" someone yells. Maybe one or two of us snickers. The person turns beet red and walks off.
How do you think he feels about us as a group? He thinks we're a bunch of dicks most likely. So like it or not, every time a newbie gets flamed, it reflects on all of us.
Now I'm not saying that I think everyone needs to turn into huggy peaceloving beatnicks and never say a bad word to anyone. Some people are trolls. Some people are out just to be argumentative and pissy and want to make our lives miserable. I'm just saying that the next time you run into a situation like this, take a second and put yourself in that person's place. We've all done stupid things at one time or another.
My tolerance extends to everyone. If you think I'm off my rocker and don't think there's anything wrong with laying the smack down on the n00bs, then I respect your decision. I may not like it, or think it's very nice, but I'm not going to spend my life nagging you about it.
I just thought that this was worth bringing up once.
If you go to Alexa.com and search for stripcreator, in it's reviews, g0d says "There is a really mean man on the forums. His name is Gabe_Billings. Stay away from him!"