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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun



I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

eat my shorts
eat your penis
No thanks. I have a pizza.
i have a penis
wanna fight about it?
I win.
*Choadwarrior greases up his zipper
mine is already greasy

8-31-03 10:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

mAAk: oh right right the announcement
mAAk: the announcement
mAAk: the announcement is
chooby: yes?
•Jes_L lets one go
Jes_L: so...
Chicka: give me food.
•Jed rolls drum
•chooby rolls joint.
•Nate rolls around
•BigEvilDan rolls over
•Jed rolls eyes
•Kajun rolls rock
•Jes_L rolls out the barrel
•BigEvilDan rolls stones.
•Nate rolls a loaf
•Jes_L rolls over Beethoven
•Nate rolls back the stone
•chooby rolls royce
•Jed rolls rolls
•Nate rolls up his sleaves
•BigEvilDan rolls the dice.
•Nate rolls up to the door
•Kajun rolls his tongue
•Jed rolls ankle
•Jes_L rolls around on the floor laughing
•BigEvilDan rolls out the red carpet.
•chooby rolls out the rest of the autobots
•BigEvilDan rolls with the punches.
•Nate rolls his head
•Jed rolls over in my grave
•Ewwwww has joined #stripcreator
Jed: Roll Ewwwww!
Ewwwww: Howdy all
•Ewwwww rolls
chooby: quotefile!

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

9-02-03 5:13pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Thanks chooby!

Please replace the handset, and try again.

9-02-03 5:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[00:21] * Jes_L gives Ewwwww a double absinth


[00:24] * Ewwwww drinks double absinth
[00:25] * Ewwwww dies
[00:25] * bunnerabb buries Ewwwww
[00:25] * Jed cries
[00:25] damn kids
[00:25] poor ewwwww....
[00:25] we knew him....
[00:25] sucker
[00:25] Always saying "watch this!" and then DYing and STINKING UP the place!
[00:25] well, we did know him.
[00:25] * Jes_L burns Ewwwww's corpse
[00:25] damn kids
[00:25] * Ewwwww left his will on the table for bunner to read aloud
[00:25] you can't procve anything
[00:26] *ahem*
[00:26] prove
[00:26] Please be seated
[00:26] Im not so good at funerals
[00:26] shhhh
[00:26] * Chicka twitches
[00:26] * Jes_L starts welling up
[00:26] the last will and testament of Ewwwww
[00:26] * Jed has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[00:26] * tripppiingbillee has joined #stripcreator
[00:26] * tripppiingbillee is now known as trippingbillee
[00:26] To my friend, Jes, I leave my loogie collection and some BAtman comics
[00:26] * trippingbillee is now known as tripppiingbillee
[00:26] yoyo
[00:27] to, Jed.. nothing.
[00:27] Dammit
[00:27] after all I did for Ewwwww....
[00:27] bah!
[00:27] I wanted those comics.
[00:27] yo trip, its Ewwwws will
[00:27] To my sweet chicka, I leave 72.12in Arby's coupons. I loved you so.
[00:27] * Jes_L leaves coic collection in the lavvie
[00:27] that's cute
[00:27] YES!
[00:27] To chooby, I leave my playstation. It's busted, but deal.
[00:27] * Jes_L applauds
[00:27] Ewwwww,, I
[00:27] I had no idea.
[00:27] cool
[00:28] To bogEvilDan, I leave my stripcreator password
[00:28] a new beercoaster
[00:28] big
[00:28] sorry
[00:28] typo
[00:28] * kreftron has joined #stripcreator
[00:28] poor Dan.
[00:28] * Jes_L laughs his literal ass off
[00:28] To Brad, I leave my Pi Big Muff distortion pdeal
[00:28] very nice
[00:28] ooooOooo
[00:28] that's nice
[00:28] mmm...Big Mufff Pie
[00:28] To billie, I leave all of my flakey CD/R's that wouldn't record over 4X
[00:29] yay
[00:29] wow, he had quite a lot of crap.
[00:29] to Kajun, a fifth of vodka that I nicked from my dad's bar
[00:29] and to bunner....
[00:29] joy!
[00:29] :-/
[00:29] Not a fucking thing
[00:29] :(
[00:29] Ok... that's it
[00:29] what...
[00:29] Well, you did better than some.
[00:29] Take your stuff and hit it
[00:29] Ill share my cuopona
[00:29] * BigEvilDan logs on as bunner and asks for all his stuff back.
[00:30] coupons
[00:30] It was ewwww's will
[00:30] it was Ewwwww's will, Dan.
[00:30] yeah
[00:30] * Jes_L digs up Ewwwww's corpse
[00:30] Ok... cheesecake and tea in the lobby
[00:30] :/
[00:30] dont spit!
[00:30] This is why all of my evil plans fail.
[00:30] yup
[00:30] * Jes_L starts crying again
[00:31] * bunnerabb grabs a cab with all of Ewwww's money
[00:31] so many recent memories
[00:31] DONT SpIT on it....
[00:31] For the love of god.
[00:31] Dont
[00:31] * bunnerabb hums "Money changes Everything" on teh way to the airport
[00:31] is someone quotefiling this one and all?
[00:31] I hope noe.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

9-02-03 5:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Its cold and my nipples are in attention.

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

9-03-03 6:57pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm spooky.

Member Rated:

Pfft. You just posted that because it had the word "nipples" in it.


9-03-03 9:14pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Veteran

Member Rated:

I agree that was just a gratuitous use of the word "NIPPLES".

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

9-04-03 1:11am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

That's as good a reason as any.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

9-04-03 2:55am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

my weiney is small and it don't work right

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

9-04-03 2:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

I witnessed it. It made mAAk cry.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

9-04-03 3:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Oh yea! Well josh, I didnt want to have to do this, but you have forced me.

Its cold and my nipples are in attention.

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

9-04-03 3:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

That was AT attention.

Mediocrity at its most average.

9-04-03 5:22pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

Did someone say nipples?


9-04-03 6:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

man, krefton and trip have been sucking for a long time now
Each other?
we're not sure
sources say trip may be sucking on a goat
I must be in the wrong chatroom.
I could have sworn I didn't click on

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

9-04-03 8:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

hey barg
welcome to #goatfellatio
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "#goatfellatio[+n]"
so yeah, like i was saying
[12:54] * Now talking in #goatfellatio
i'm with this goat right
and we're trapped in this barn, cause it's storming outside
Go on, go on....
Oooh, even Big Black Goatz Monthly doesn't have stories this good!
and i'm sitting there, wondering what i'm gonna do
and then i look over, and find a people magazine
and one the cover is a picture of Dom Delluise's face
so i cut this face out, and i tape it to the face of the goat
well... not to get into to much detail
but lets just say, there's more than one way to milk a goat
Okay, now let's trade chicken porn stories!
ala' Pink Flamingoes?
They don't call 'em Battery Hens for nuthin'.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

9-04-03 8:58pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm spooky.

Member Rated:


Everyone knows I don't capitalize my name.

A common mistake.


9-05-03 11:34am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[18:45] I sleep a lot now.
[18:45] yea, me to
[18:45] well, you're mexican
[18:45] Yea
[18:46] We have nap time from 2-4 pm in mexico

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-06-03 2:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:


Everyone knows I don't capitalize my name.

A common mistake.

If everyone knew it wouldn't be a common mistake.

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-06-03 2:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

brad: if this turns into a blowjob contest i'm leaving

I logged on drunk, managed to type(o) two lines then fell asleep at my computer, I got to read a helluva good conversation when I woke up though.

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

9-06-03 4:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

"We have a Code Red" "Anna Nichole Smith is eating Canada?" "No. Christoper Robin and Winnie the Poo are fucking"

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

9-06-03 3:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

did you know if everyone pushes "alt-f4" at the same time brad gets booted from the channel
well actually... hairspray makes the hair hard and not very fun to
run fingers through
because of and irc exploit
* bunnerabb typos more
let's try it on 3
*** Ewwwww changed topic to "AFK=Arse Faced Knickers"
i am eating a blt
what exactly are Arse Faced Knickers?
*** Ewwwww ( has left #strip
haha... i have no idea
knickers work by soem chick with a face like an arse?
*** Ewwwww ( has joined #s
im going to get to shoot a mossberg shotgun
i'm over tired, so i absolutely no brains working right now
Goddamn mAAk!
It kicked me!
haw haw
Feck you, Arseface!

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

9-06-03 3:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I recorded them live at the Sandusky State theatre once and he jerked me around over the tapes until I finally just told him to go to hell and hung up.
he jerked you off on tape?
That's 30 hours of my life I'll never get back
that's a lot of jerking off
i hope you had some kind of moisturizer
boo wye ehm zee condoocterr! wha doan joo joot geef m
e your tepps?"
Wha doan joo fuck off?
the fingers you have tried to type with are too fat

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

9-06-03 3:39pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[13:03] gay niggers from outer space
[13:03] sounds hot

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-06-03 9:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

dcom is being a bitch lately

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

9-07-03 11:14pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[11:01] damn, spiderman made me gay
[11:01] guess i'll never find vagina again
[11:01] ha ha!
[11:02] bah - he saw it coming
[11:02] and they both looked like jerks
[11:03] "Spider-Man, Spider-Man"
[11:03] "Homo-sex-u-al Spider-Man"
[11:03] "Is he gay?"
[11:03] "Listen bud"
[11:04] "He's got hom-e-o-sexual blood"
[11:04] "Hey there!"
[11:04] "There goes gay Spider-Man"
[11:04] heh
[11:04] gay spiderman rules
[11:05] (don't go to that one)
[11:05] * Jes_L does anyway
[11:05] my boss is away
[11:05] awesome
[11:05] woah
[11:06] jayzuz, I'm *bookmarking* that one
[11:07] * Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Sep 08 11:07:42 2003

Session Start: Mon Sep 08 11:08:48 2003
Session Ident: #stripcreator
[11:08] * Now talking in #stripcreator
[11:08] * Topic is 'Click Below to Make Juggalettes Gone Wicked the #1 Psychopathic Related Website!!'
[11:08] * Set by Jes_L on Mon Sep 08 11:52:06
[11:08] go in 2 do stuff now
[11:08] bye
[11:08] lovers
[11:09] laterz
[11:09] gay lovers
[11:09] lates, dcom
[11:09] who I love
[11:09] in a gay way
[11:09] won't you love me?
[11:09] bye
[11:09] * dcomposed has left #stripcreator
[11:09] thx for the links
[11:09] that was pretty gay
[11:09] * Jes_L hopes the management don't check the web logs
[11:10] tell them you were doing research
[11:10] into vaginas and gay superheros
[11:11] "Never mind the profit margin, just look at the width!"
[11:11] they'll buy that, sure
[11:11] but if they don't, just start barking
[11:11] i can't tell you how many times insanely barking has got me out of a jam
[11:13] now I can't get the Spider-Man theme out of my head
[11:15] listen to the skeletor one, that knocked it out of mine
[11:15] where's that at?
[11:16] just below spidey
[11:16] I was afraid to click on that
[11:17] shit, i just listened to spidey again and it knocked skeletor's ymca out
[11:18] I'm comfortable with the Spiderman one now
[11:18] I'm making my own lyrics up to help
[11:20] do i want to hear?
[11:20] not yet
[11:20] they're like:
[11:21] "Gay Spider-Man, Gay Spider-Man"
[11:21] "Does what ever gay spiders can"
[11:21] "What's that like?"
[11:21] "It's not important"
[11:21] "But Spider-Maaaan! Spider-Man!"
[11:22] "Hey there!"
[11:22] "There goes gay Spider Maaaan"
[11:22] * obijo applauds
[11:22] * obijo holds up a lit lighter

[11:26] * dcomposed has joined #stripcreator
[11:26] just for a minute
[11:26] dcom!
[11:27] brb
[11:27] "Dcomposed, dcomposed"
[11:27] i am just on my way from one room to another and thought I would say
[11:27] Hi.
[11:27] so
[11:27] bye
[11:27] * dcomposed has left #stripcreator
[11:27] "does whatever a zombie can"
[11:27] Hey!
[11:27] I was rhymin' there
[11:29] "Chats online"
[11:29] "When I'm tired"
[11:29] "Sends me porn"
[11:29] "gets me fired"
[11:29] "Hey theeeere!"
[11:29] "There goes the dcom maaan!"
[11:32] "dcom's gay"
[11:32] "so so gay"
[11:32] "when i see him i think "gay""
[11:32] he's so gay
[11:32] so goddamn gay
[11:33] he should get on a gay ship and sail away
[11:33] i title that one "dcom is gay"
[11:33] * obijo-away is now known as obijo
[11:34] quote file
[11:34] what?
[11:35] I am sending that to the "#stripcreator is fun" thread...
[11:36] ah
[11:36] cool, baby
[11:37] give props to spidey for it
[11:37] and of course our lord and savior, jesus christ
[11:37] will do
[11:37] I'm trying to come up with one with "ObiJo" in the title
[11:40] how about "ObiJo does NOT kill hookers"
[11:40] "and until you can prove otherwise I suggest you get off my porch"
[11:40] "ObiJo! ObiJo!"
[11:40] "Hey there!"
[11:40] "Jes_L backs awaaaaay!"
[11:41] "Backing off"
[11:41] "Nice and slow"
[11:41] "Away from whore-killing Obi Jo"
[11:42] * obijo applauds

Please replace the handset, and try again.

9-08-03 4:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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