Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

ewwww and dcom sittin in a tree...

9-08-03 8:02am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

It hurts.
In a "This penis is too big for my ittybitty Vagina" way.

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

9-08-03 9:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

brad: dongs
chooby: dongs, eh?
chooby: tell me brad, what does that mean to you?
bunnerabb has joined #stripcreator
*chooby waves
bunnerabb: m0o
bunnerabb: hey, choob
chooby: I am trying to psychoanalyse brad.
bunnerabb: beer, music, beer, poon, beer, beer, music, bandwidth, beer
bunnerabb: 'BYU
bunnerabb: and pizza
chooby: well done, doctor rabb...
bunnerabb: no charge.
chooby: however, it's his constant muttering about "wangs" and "dongs" that I am concerned about.
bunnerabb: you got something againt wang?
bunnerabb: against
chooby: there's nothing against it just now
chooby: wait, now there is.

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

9-09-03 11:12am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

chooby: Good weekend?
BigEvilDan: Not enough internet.
chooby: Ah yes.
chooby: Well, it's still here.
BigEvilDan: I was afraid you'd move the site.
chooby: No......
chooby: we'd never do that.
•chooby adds to his "to do:" list.
•BigEvilDan has left #stripcreator
chooby: mwa haha ha ha ha
chooby: MWA HA HA HA HA HA!!
•chooby moves stripcreator.
chooby: WEEEEEEE!!!
•brad has joined #stripcreator
•chooby puts stripcreator back.
chooby: Uh..
chooby: I didn't do nuthin'
brad: well hello there
chooby: h...hello brad.
•chooby whistles innocently.

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

9-09-03 11:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Eamus Catuli

Member Rated: I want someone to do to me what they did with Star Wars Kid.
what's the protruding arm for?
I'll get a broomstick and walk around fighting invisible enemies.
cuz i have a couple of suggestions
That's some weird jedi training.
obi, always with the "protrusion"
on top of it all
i seriously need to do laundry
What arm?
The arm entering your anus.
the one that looks like a horn
that i want to use as a self-fellator
That's the sucker thing. I didn't invent the Daleks, you know.
The Daleks are friggin' forty years old!
I want to play the new Battlestar Galactica game.
drop kick murphy's rawk yo
i don't need the history, bub. just tell me how to get it into suck mode
The Dalek will exterminate you.
if that's what the kids are calling it
ow... bruises
And then they will take your head, and use it to make another Dalek.
random phrases are teh awesome
by the way, if i'm getting really really annoying, let me know
Then, you'll exterminate Nate, etc., etc.
i'll make the Dalek my bitch
Non sequitur is Latin, you know.
where's chooby at...
starting with the vacuum aspiration of fleshy purturbances
darnit i cant think of a cooler robot
* Dragon|X is away, smokes, (log\off pager\on)
So can the Daleks be defeated by stairs?
Daleks aren't robots. They're travel machines for nasty little mutants.
is he a pusher robot?
Daleks can hover over stairs.
the grabber robot will bring them down
do they do housework?
cuz i'm looking for a new housebot
No. They exterminate everyone.
cause i have a real roach problem
will they take out the trash on the way?
Though, I guess if the bugs got in the way of their galactic domination, they have to go, too.
there we go
it'd be cool if they came with a awashing machine and a microwave
now i have something to work with
then you could just stick your clothes and pizza in em and pull em out when their done with the bugs
i'll just make sure the trash and an empty refrigerator stand in the way of thier dominating
Then they'd exterminate the refregerator and trash.
And you.
what if he jumped out of the way
Daleks don't beep.
that might throw a wrench inot it
they do if they want a job with me, bub
would they exterminate Quincy?
can you pull out the mutant and drive all over town in one? how fast do they go?
if he fucked with them
They don't. They want to kill you so they can set up a time corridor in your house to trap the Doctor with.
they're anti-abortion too?
trap quincy?
No. The Doctor.
Dr. Quincy?
what kind of doctor? an abortion doctor?
He's a Time Lord, and the Daleks hate him.
what'd he do, piss in their gears?
are you sure we're talking about the same Quincy?
When did Quincy become a Time Lord?
They want to exterminate him.
They're always saying so.
so is Sam
is Sam a Dalek?
"The Doctor is an enemy of the Daleks. He will be exterminated."
That sort of thing.
no, sam couldn't be a Dalek
he doesn't beep
thats too bad
Maybe he's just bad at being a Dalek.
What about K-9??
that could be
maybe he's still studying
There are now two kinds of Daleks, and they both hate the Doctor.
Doctor? Doctor Who?
The Doctor can't get him none of that Dalek lovin'.
the beeping kind and the non-beeping kind?
"The Doctor is an enemy of the Daleks. He will be...line?'
sam and anti-sam
Neither beeps, but the lights on their heads light up when they talk.
when they beep you mean
what do the jawas think
can they use the parts?
The Jawas will be exterminated.
I wanna find a copy of the Halo beta.
Just 'cause.
how about darth vader, can they exterminate him?
for the fuck of it
I already have Halo.
For PC?
how about galacticus?
I think Vader would use the Force or something.
Vader died a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
vader beeps sometimes too
but he usually says excuse me
But he came back as a ghost.
that's not true he was a highlander
didn't you see the crossover?
No, he doesn't. He has a respiratory problem.
He's probably still haunting a galaxy far away.
Him, Obi Wan and Yoda.
what about the borg
yes he does. he's quite the gentleman
could Daleks take on the borg?
All the Ewoks died.
They get drunk off Tarisian Ale and hant Dagobah.
how bout a Dalek vs. Ditka?
The Borg vs. the Daleks would be interesting.
The Daleks would win.
Because the Daleks aer teh win.
my money's on Ditka
what if the borg got ahold of the death star and made it like a superbase
Ditka can't beep.
The Borg would have a hard time assimilating the Daleks, but the Daleks would have a hard time killing the Borg.
what would the daleks do?
gotta point there
we should wire him to
Nothing could stop Beeping Ditka.
If the borg got ahold of the death star, they'd be destroyed far more easily than if they kept the stupid cubes.
If the Borg assimilated Dalek technology, though, they'd have plunger arms.
Beeping Ditka would rule all
with an iron mike fist
how about jesus
Ditka is Unicron.
Daleks VS God
Someone would just fire a shot into that little hole in the death star, and the borg would all die.
Beeping Jesus or regular Jesus?
super duelux action Jesus
And if they absorbed the Empire technology, all their cubes would be modified to have no shields and that stupid hole.
It wasn't in the movie, but they went into it in the novelization.
with miracle poewr
I've got $50 if it's Beeping Jesus
what about Jesus vs the Death Star
Ditka became a cyborg, and kept eating and eating, and getting more and more implants, until he was a planet-sized
is Ditka on the death star?
Ditka could eat the Death Star.
maybe Ditka is the Death Star
holy shit!
you just blew my mind!
it would all make sense
The Dit Star.
The Beeping Dit Star
Da Bears.
Doctor Who had the Borg in 1966.
Da Empire.
havin a heart attack their Dragon|X?
*whacks his chest*
No, I'm fine.

I ate a hooker half a bottle of knife.

9-10-03 12:11pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:


9-10-03 11:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Don't eat any wooden nickels.

Member Rated:


Life is a lot like getting mugged; you get your kicks, you take your punches, and when it's over, someone else gets your cash.

9-11-03 1:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:51] i like dcomposed he has quality work unlike some others in here

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-11-03 10:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

* Now talking in #stripcreator
* Topic is '9/19/03 - Talk Like A Pirate Day... ye scurvy cabin boys'
* Set by nate on Fri Sep 12 10:15:32
Arrrr, Mrs. Howell. Might ye be a horatio Hornblower?
Come 'ere, little buddy... Arrrr!
o O ( Pirate day is lame, yo. )
I should hope not, you terrible, cruel little man!
What's a pirate's favourite crime?

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

9-12-03 10:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:


9-12-03 3:29pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

* bunnerabb glues everybody's shoes together
* Schlong has joined #stripcreator
* Looking up Schlong user info...
dudes... be cool
i have 345 comixz0rz feeeere me
there's a huge schlong in the room
* bunnerabb whistles innocently
I'M A FLOPPY DONKEY DICK!!!!!!111111111
I see.
* bunnerabb takes a look
You see
Yup. AOL
Pay up.
Haha kon likes Simple Plan
kon kon kon kon kon nipple
this is less fun than watching my pubes grow
* Schlong has left #stripcreator
Thank you, Jesus
Jesus wouldn't have subjected you to him in the first place.
I'm guessing Satan just found something better for him to do.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

9-12-03 6:15pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[03:35] * nate has joined #stripcreator
[03:35] good morning
[03:35] morning, nate
[03:35] hi nate
[03:36] its 1pm here
[03:36] i dunno where anyone is
[03:36] 10:36 in San Diego
[03:36] 3:36 here
[03:36] winds out of the southwest
[03:36] some early morning haze that should burn off by afternoon
[03:37] lets take a look at the maps
[03:38] i should eat some oatmeal
[03:39] i should sleep
[03:39] have you been on here since i went to bed?
[03:39] No, I got off to watch wrestling.
[03:39] i knew you got off watching wrestling
[03:40] then I wrote another poem for Jes
[03:40] and watched some gay movie
[03:40] yay 4 u
[03:40] then I came here
[03:40] The Birdcage?
[03:40] gotta deal with my dad
[03:41] it was something about a guy and another guy and a girl and another girl and a cop and a helicopter
[03:41] and a little old lady
[03:41] and a couple of bags of cash
[03:41] and some guns
[03:41] and a moustache
[03:41] and a car or two
[03:41] and a doctor
[03:41] and penicilin
[03:41] and a ring
[03:42] and a newly divorced lady
[03:42] and crime
[03:42] and love
[03:42] and passion
[03:42] and a transexual
[03:42] and mexico
[03:42] and mountains
[03:43] and eggs
[03:43] and drugs
[03:43] and jail
[03:43] and a pit bull
[03:43] and there was a cat, but he wasn't on tv
[03:43] he was watching it with me
[03:43] actually i think he was asleep
[03:44] but he was there
[03:44] and then the bad guy died
[03:44] and the good guy asked the girl to marry him
[03:44] and she said yes
[03:44] and they all lived happily ever after
[03:44] except the newly divorced lady, she was bitter
[03:45] then the credits came on
[03:45] * BigEvilDan has left #stripcreator
[03:45] OH! I remember now!
[03:45] then I watched Wild On
[03:45] I saw some boobies in the snow
[03:45] and dog racing
[03:45] and suitcase racing
[03:45] and a guy's ass
[03:46] and more boobies
[03:46] and a naked woman
[03:46] and a naked woman again
[03:46] and a naked woman driving a truck or something
[03:46] and more boobies
[03:46] then I watched SNL for a few minutes
[03:46] but that was gay so I came here.
[03:47] so dan said
[03:47] [00:47] Hey dcom
[03:47] and i said
[03:47] [00:47] Hi Dan
[03:47] i wait for a while
[03:47] I was going to go sleep but I rememberd kitty would be on soon
[03:47] I waited
[03:47] and waited
[03:47] then
[03:47] [02:10] * kitty has joined #stripcreator
[03:48] i said
[03:48] [02:11] kittay
[03:48] kitty said
[03:48] [02:11] hello?
[03:48] * You were kicked by Tobor (flood)
[03:48] * Attempting to rejoin channel #stripcreator
[03:48] * Rejoined channel #stripcreator
[03:48] * Topic is ' You and the Little Mermaid can go fuck yourselves!'
[03:48] * Set by bunnerabb on Sat Sep 13 14:24:40
[03:48] and Dan said
[03:48] [02:11] Hello
[03:48] so kitty says
[03:48] [02:12] yaaay!! there are people alive in here!!!
[03:48] and then we start talking about stuff
[03:49] kitty has to leave so I am
[03:49] :(
[03:49] but then nate comes
[03:49] oh, and choadwarrior came while kitty was here
[03:49] nate started talking about the time
[03:49] he said
[03:49] i came?
[03:49] i dont remember that
[03:49] [03:36] its 1pm here
[03:49] choadwarrior said
[03:50] [03:36] 10:36 in San Diego
[03:50] i said
[03:50] [03:36] 3:36 here
[03:50] oh you came
[03:50] you came so much I thought it was Bargaintuan's seventh birthday party all over again.
[03:50] hahaha
[03:50] so nate said
[03:50] [03:39] have you been on here since i went to bed?
[03:50] and i said
[03:50] [03:39] No, I got off to watch wrestling.
[03:51] to which choadwarrior replied
[03:51] [03:39] i knew you got off watching wrestling
[03:51] then I started describing what I did tonight
[03:51] i said
[03:51] [03:40] then I wrote another poem for Jes
[03:51] then I said
[03:51] [03:40] and watched some gay movie
[03:52] choadwarrior enquired
[03:52] [03:40] The Birdcage?
[03:52] and I started my description of the movie
[03:52] * choadwarrior is boiling water
[03:52] i said
[03:52] [03:41] it was something about a guy and another guy and a girl and another girl and a cop and a helicopter
[03:52] and continued talking about my night untill now
[03:54] * bunnerabb has joined #stripcreator
[03:54] re
[03:54] hu
[03:54] hi
[03:55] hey
[03:55] you missed a lot
[03:55] :(

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 11:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[03:57] Can you get everybody to replay it?
[03:57] that's pretty much what it was

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 11:55am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[03:57] ?
[03:57] i put in #stripcreator is fun for you
[03:57] ah
[03:58] oh no
[03:58] i left out the part where I found the song
[03:58] i also found a song I did about an old man
[03:59] i don't remember doing it
[03:59] but i did
[03:59] then choadwarrior showed me his favourite song
[03:59] i like it
[03:59] i liked it a lot
[03:59] heh
[03:59] cool

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 11:56am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[04:00] bunner came online somtime tonight too
[04:00] * crabby has joined #stripcreator
[04:00] but he left
[04:00] and now he's back
[04:00] and so is crabby
[04:00] hi crabby
[04:00] so i said
[04:00] hi crabby
[04:00] and crabby said
[04:00] hi
[04:00] and crabby said hi
[04:00] ssshhh
[04:01] but then you know what?
[04:01] the thing happened
[04:01] and i walked to the corner
[04:01] then bunner logged off
[04:01] oh
[04:01] no
[04:01] who is narrating?
[04:01] i think it was me
[04:01] oh
[04:01] sorry
[04:01] and then bunner logged off
[04:01] ok you can
[04:01] awesome
[04:01] so whats goin on in here?

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 11:59am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

04:01] * bunnerabb has left #stripcreator
[04:02] i was telling the story of the stuff that happened that time
[04:02] bunner seems pissed
[04:02] hes so testy and holier than tho
[04:02] u
[04:03] he was happy in the sun untill you came
[04:03] ouch!
[04:03] does bunner hate me?
[04:03] and bunner said
[04:03] [04:01] I hate crabby don't tell him.
[04:04] ok i made that up
[04:04] bunner doesn't hate you

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[04:04] so
[04:04] no, because crabby doesnt pick on bunner until he leaves the room
[04:04] christian bale, eh?
[04:04] what a faggot
[04:05] he was good in american psycho, but not batmanable
[04:06] * BigEvilDan has joined #stripcreator
[04:06] christ, Dan, where have you been?
[04:06] I say Johhny Depp should be Batman.
[04:06] yeah
[04:06] Or at least scarecrow
[04:06] johnny depp is a great actor
[04:06] yeah
[04:07] johnny depp would be an awesome batman
[04:07] he's an awesome everything
[04:08] i agree
[04:08] :O
[04:08] i never pick on bunner for the record
[04:08] yes
[04:08] you do
[04:08] when you type
[04:08] like this
[04:08] not in a mean spirited way
[04:08] so its all good then
[04:08] i love you all
[04:08] even if
[04:08] you do type
[04:09] like this

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

What the hell am I doing?

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

[04:02] bunner seems pissed
[04:02] hes so testy and holier than tho
: (

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

9-13-03 12:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[04:09] hey i like typing like this
[04:09] well im outta here ill be back later
[04:09] !
[04:09] !
[04:09] i like dcom's pic of you crabby
[04:09] oooo
[04:09] i didnt see it yet
[04:09] hold on
[04:09] you ask me to do something and then don't look at it
[04:09] sheesh
[04:09] i gave up like a week to do that
[04:10] i had no internet for a coupla days
[04:10] kick ass picture dcom
[04:10] kick ass indeed
[04:10] i like the baby hermit crab nice touch
[04:10] thanks crabby
[04:10] * yaw has joined #stripcreator
[04:10] DCOM ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Looking up yaw user info...
[04:11] alright now im leaving
[04:11] bye bye all
[04:11] bye crabby
[04:11] * crabby has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[04:11] later
[04:11] * yaw is now known as kxkn
04:11] kxkn?
[04:11] so much happens in the morning
[04:11] bhd!
[04:12] i need to sleep less so I can be here when it does
[04:12] knkx?
* Looking up kxkn user info...
* Looking up knkx user info...
[04:14] i am playing gin
[04:14] last night i drank gin
[04:14] omg
[04:15] * kxkn has quit IRC (Quit: you're mental)
[04:15] i think maybe I just won't sleep tonight.
[04:18] cat is on the bed anyway
[04:19] and then I accidentaly posted the bad things crabby said about bunnerabb on #stripcreator is fun
[04:19] and bunner said
[04:19] : (
[04:19] ha
[04:19] hey, the cat just walked past.
[04:19] that means he's not sleeping on my bed
[04:19] detective dcom

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[04:22] then choad said
[04:22] [04:19] detective dcom
[04:22] and i said
[04:22] [04:22] then choad said
[04:22] [04:22] [04:19] detective dcom

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:20pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Eamus Catuli

Member Rated:

Being a magbast.

I ate a hooker half a bottle of knife.

9-13-03 12:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[04:23] then fred said
[04:23] [04:23] right
[04:23] haha

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[04:26] * obijo has joined #stripcreator
[04:27] so what did I miss?
[04:27] then obijo came on and said
[04:27] [04:27] so what did I miss?
[04:27] then obijo came on and said
[04:27] * Bargaintuan has joined #stripcreator
[04:27] then Bargaintuan came and I said
[04:28] hey barg
[04:28] so whatever we say here will go in stripcreator is fun, huh?
[04:28] Everything.
[04:28] most likely
[04:29] obijo noticed I was posting a lot to #stripcreator is fun
[04:29] he said
[04:29] [04:28] so whatever we say here will go in stripcreator is fun, huh?
[04:29] so if I say, boy that boorite, what a turdmercher, there's a good chance he'll see that?
[04:29] dan said
[04:29] [04:28] Everything.
[04:29] obijo said
[04:29] [04:29] so if I say, boy that boorite, what a turdmercher, there's a good chance he'll see that?
[04:29] oh crap
[04:29] i'm narrating in real time
[04:29] dcom is gay with it.
[04:29] barg never answered when I said hi
[04:30] I'm not awake.
[04:30] first person?
[04:30] but then bargaintuan said
[04:30] hi barg
[04:30] [04:30] I'm not awake.
[04:31] which brought back nate, who said
[04:31] [04:30] hi barg
[04:31] HELLO, EVERYONE!!!
[04:31] bargaintuan decides to say hello
[04:31] he says
[04:31] [04:31] HELLO, EVERYONE!!!
[04:31] so how does everyone REALLY feel about brad?
[04:31] just between us
[04:31] what is he gay or something?
[04:32] i think he has a small penis and his music is really, really bad
[04:32] and his comic site is stupid and dumb

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[04:32] when i talk to him my ears bleed and i contemplate self-devouring
[04:32] I think I'm brad.
[04:32] i think brad sells drugs to small children and then takes picutres of their naked bodies
[04:32] Cogito ergo brad
[04:33] let's post a picture of him on "Hot or Not" so we can find out if he's hotter than hitler
[04:33] is hitler on there?
[04:33] cool
[04:33] oh i mean, bad
[04:33] * brad has joined #stripcreator
[04:33] yeah, let me find the link
[04:33] who has a picture of brad?
[04:33] * obijo whistles
[04:33] oh no it
[04:33] onos
[04:33] its brad
[04:33] I do.
[04:33] brad!
[04:33] * nate muffles dcom
[04:33] you are SOOOOOO cool!
[04:34] ass or face shot?
[04:34] but uglier than hitler
[04:34] brad i was just telling obijo how much you suck
[04:34] whichever you think will give you a better chance against mon fuhrer
[04:34] and your sites are really dumb
[04:34] that's right and we were telling him how he's a looser, right obi?
[04:34] BigEvilBrad
[04:34] :O
[04:34] * DMSO has joined #stripcreator
[04:34] :o
[04:35] no!
[04:35] not at all!
[04:35] and then choadwarrior used ninja tactics like i did
[04:35] why would i tell him he's a loser?
[04:35] not in the slightest.
[04:35] me, an unpaying member?
[04:35] i mean dcomposed
[04:35] that would be stupid
[04:35] oh
[04:35] you're right, i made a mistake
[04:35] then DMSO came in
[04:35] and I said
[04:35] hi DMSO
[04:35] i said donkey felcher
[04:35] [04:35] hi DMSO
[04:35] go to bed
[04:36] yourtimestamp says its 4am
[04:36] Yes, go to me.
[04:36] yes it is

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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