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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun




Member Rated:

[04:39] and then i decided to stop posting everything to #stripcreator is fun
[04:39] I'm sorry.
[04:39] yayyayayayayayay
[04:39] and maybe I would stop narrating

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 12:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[07:46] boinky's keyboard is f*cked
[07:46] but is it fucked?
[07:46] .
[07:46] see!
[07:46] and then boinky said
[07:46] [07:46] .
[07:46] Stop narrating!
[07:47] Gah!
[07:47] Gah!
[07:47] Gah!
[07:47] ok, go ahead
[07:47] dcomposed started narrating again
[07:47] maybe a hamster is sitting on his "."
[07:47] only for bunner to say
[07:47] [07:46] Stop narrating!
[07:47] the bunner said
[07:47] [07:47] ok, go ahead
[07:47] and dcomposed continued.

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 3:45pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[07:49] I'll return when the narrating stops
[07:49] 23
[07:49] Like, March
[07:49] huh
[07:49] * bunnerabb waves
[07:49] * bunnerabb has left #stripcreator

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 3:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[08:47] * Ewwwww summons the ancient spirits of SC
[08:47] * bunnerabb has joined #stripcreator

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

9-13-03 4:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[08:47] * Ewwwww summons the ancient spirits of SC
[08:47] * bunnerabb has joined #stripcreator
[08:47] hahahahahaha
[08:47] damn
[08:47] ha!
[08:47] * bunnerabb pokes his head out
[08:47] Hey bunner
[08:47] Is it safe?
[08:47] 8-\
[08:47] Send that to me, dcom
[08:47] yes
[08:47] ish
[08:47] k
[08:47] * bunnerabb waves
[08:47] Bunner, you missed it AGAIN!
[08:47] Gah!
[08:47] No1
[08:48] No more!
[08:48] Safe can have many different meanings.
[08:48] hey bunner
[08:48] * bunnerabb has left #stripcreator
[08:48] Ewwwww said
[08:48] DAMN IT!
[08:48] :O
[08:48] my narration

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 4:49pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[11:39] * bunnerabb has a sudden revelation
[11:39] * bunnerabb has left #stripcreator
[11:39] bunnerabb had a sudden revelation
[11:39] then
[11:39] [11:39] * bunnerabb has left #stripcreator
[11:39] nice narration
[11:39] thanks

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 7:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[12:05] I wish I had amnesia.
[12:05] What was I saying?
[12:05] bargaintuan said
[12:05] [12:05] I wish I had amnesia.

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 8:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:42] and then Captian_Blood came
[14:42] [14:41] * Captian_Blood has joined #stripcreator
[14:43] Captian_Blood changed his name to nate
[14:43] [14:41] * Captian_Blood is now known as nate
[14:43] I said
[14:43] [14:42] hey nate
[14:43] and nate said
[14:43] nate said
[14:43] he said
[14:43] ""
[14:44] nate didn't say.

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 10:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:44] hi
[14:45] nate said
[14:45] [14:44] hi
[14:46] im so happy
[14:46] my dl only has 11 hours
[14:46] nate was happy
[14:46] i can play it tommorow
[14:46] his gay star wars thing was downloading
[14:46] providing its the right thing and it works :C
[14:46] Why is it taking so long?
[14:47] * kitty has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[14:47] then kitty left
[14:47] and dcom was :( again

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 10:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:47] cause its like 1.3 gigs
[14:47] that's not big
[14:48] :p
[14:48] what are you on 28k or something?
[14:48] * choadwarrior has joined #stripcreator
[14:49] hi choad
[14:49] and then choad came back
[14:49] hi dcom
[14:49] i said
[14:49] haha
[14:49] [14:49] hi choad
[14:49] and choad said
[14:49] you sleep yet?
[14:49] [14:49] hi dcom
[14:49] not yet
[14:49] jebus
[14:49] this is how I spend my weekend.

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 10:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:50] * kitty has joined #stripcreator
[14:50] then kitty came back
[14:50] hi kitty
[14:50] I said
[14:50] u r teh looz
[14:50] :/
[14:50] nate was being mean.

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 10:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:52] dcom i heart you
[14:53] kitty I heart you
[14:53] and i love you
[14:53] ur affection is sadly misplaced
[14:53] :|
[14:53] no one hearts nate
[14:54] nate's mommy hearts nate, but that's not the same.

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 10:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[15:02] i love you all
[15:02] except nate
[15:02] who i hate
[15:02] hey, that rhymed
[15:02] even boinky didn't love nate
[15:02] nice rhyme btw
[15:02] thank you

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-13-03 11:00pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

i heart rap like kobe bryant hearts rape

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

9-13-03 11:15pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

recent rap is crap
i know
most of it
it's all shake yo tail feather, let's smoke crack and diss whities
It's not all that.
most of the rap I listen to isn't about that
australian rap is a bunch of kangaroos sing hippity hip hop

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

9-13-03 11:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[16:31] i saw the most amazing camel toes tonight at dinner

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-14-03 12:29am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[17:22] oman this is funny
[17:22] I went up to my sister
[17:22] IAnd I was all
[17:22] Psst
[17:22] Sam I have somthing to tell you
[17:22] then I was all
[17:22] Nevermind, it's supposed to be kept secret
[17:22] hdb!
[17:22] now she's all
[17:22] hdb!
[17:22] and it's nothing
[17:23] oh, and hdb!

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-14-03 1:20am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[17:35] Stop the ride
[17:35] I am fabio
[17:35] I got a face full of goose
[17:36] I got some goose on my blouse
[17:36] in the house
[17:36] I got some louse from my spouse.
[17:37] lame
[17:37] .
[17:37] you claim it's lame
[17:38] you know what's not lame?
[17:38] me
[17:39] banana tree
[17:40] killer bee
[17:42] seven seas
[17:42] disagrees
[17:43] tommy lee
[17:43] tennesee
[17:44] hidden fee
[17:44] water ski
[17:44] brb
[17:44] er
[17:45] rb, i'll b
[17:45] you messed it up
[17:45] put all those words up on #stripcreator is fun
[17:48] stupid brb
[17:48] that was going good
[17:48] i know

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-14-03 1:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[13:29:25] I changed my timestamp so it has seconds.
[13:30:18] this is gay...
[13:30:23] I'm putting it back.
[13:30] back to hh:mm
[13:30] :O
[13:32]9 hh:nn even
[13:32]9 Now you're just being crazy.
[Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:37:28 pm +10] hdb!
[Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:37:36 pm +10] oh yes
[Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:37:42 pm +10] this is very annoying
[Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:37:45 pm +10] I like it.
[Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:38:00 pm +10] this is my timestampon:
[Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:38:00 pm +10] [Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:37:28 pm +10] hdb!
[Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:38:05 pm +10] er.. timestamp
[Monday 15 September 2003 - 01:38:09 pm +10] it's not a tampon

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-14-03 9:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

[13:22] "Maryland - It's better than West Virginia"
[13:22] Hey... they do things differently in Maryland
[13:22] South Carolina - the Other White State
[13:22] Raping Bulls is NOT different
[13:23] the strap on is
[13:23] Massachutesess - Now with 30% Fewer Kennedys
[13:23] haha that ones good
[13:23] Iowa - Now Open 7 Days A Week
[13:23] awww this kitty is chewing on my laces
[13:23] Idaho - Tomorrow You Be Da Ho
[13:24] lol
[13:24] Good one
[13:24] Kentucky - Come For THe Bluegrass. Stay For The Incest.
[13:24] LOL
[13:24] geez
[13:24] ok... sorry

9-15-03 11:39am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

its amazing how people ridicule others for having something they like, then become mortified if they try to share it... more so than you would with a regular solicitor
nah, im rude to all salespeople
biblical or otherwise
the thing is they're not salespeople
yeah they are
they're trying to share an emotional experiance
not a product
its not like they're getting paid
its still marketing
no, but someone is
that is low bs
yes they are
You know who pays for my church?
my family
they're selling god
becuase nobody pays tithes
or offereing
when you go to church, they pass around the "collection" plate, for the "church"
they are selling a belief
what if my dad didn't have a job? we couldn't have a church
god doesnt live in a building
no he doesn't
if he exists
but his people work out of one
thats what pray-per-view is for
watch pat robertson
you are sick
Pat Robertson is a freaking phony
he's in it for the money
he's a corporation
so how dare you compare him to me and my family
im not
you are
how dare you
I've had enough
you arent on tv begging
Im not
there you go
im trying to share something I have with you
ergo, no comparison
and not getting paid
and i dont want to be paid
because its what i feel
and if you want to sterotype it
that is valid
bugger off
good night
you can share
*** Signoff: nate (Quit: [12:21] I just hate being logged and pasted somewhere)

9-15-03 11:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

but yeah, choad, you're a hottie
thank you
i must tell you that straight up
choadwarrior, i-

9-16-03 1:26am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

9-16-03 5:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

come suckle on my teet
mine is the teet of life
*Ewwwww would rather eat the biscuit of death

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

9-17-03 5:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

then watch who you point the word assy at
i sorry obi
i take all my assy back
* assy points at obijo.
i have a team of copyright lawyers right now in my pocket begging to get out

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

9-18-03 11:17am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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