Let me clarify a better scenario for you. Railroad corporations, buffered by the friendliest Justice to the Railroad corporations, gained massive amounts of power through several key, albeit obscure Supreme COurt decisions after the disatrous economic collapse of the Civil War and the mass unemployment. You'll notice a trend in my proceeding statements.
The only thing I can accurately say in regards to this is that "parties" or groups tend to consolidate their power the best immediately following landmark events, such as Versailles and others. Also, National Socialists were a pretty far cry from actual socialism, which just goes to show you that you can call a festering bacteria a lovely force of nature, but it's still eating your flesh.
Do you not find it strange that an ultra-anything party generally takes control in these situations? I dare say after 9/11 the Bush Administration did everything in its power to consolidate its stranglehold over the House. They're pretty ultra-right-wing, even by conservative standards. And any economy can breed despicable parties, not just a desperate one. A desperate economy breeds desperate people. And as we know that the real power in just about ANYWHERE is whoever's got the most money, any of our presidents are technically figureheads. Do you think the U.S. has all the money it needs, on its own, to do everything it needs to do? Enough money to wage a hundred-billion-dollar war across the Gulf, subsidize certain private corporations based on their functions, subsidize housing, subsidize farms & farmers, renovate schools, build schools, research AIDS, research cancer, care for patients, provide salaries, benefits, and retirement packages for all its employees, send Senators and FCC members on all-expense-paid vacations, fund new education and health programs, etc., etc., et fucking cetera?The answer is NO. The entire government is reliant on joint profit-sharing deals with corporations and donations from company PACs and lobbyists for all of this great stuff. So, since we as a country are so dependant on corporate money, it's pretty understandable that the bickering figures on Capitol Hill are really just...figures. At this point they might as well be figures of speech.
Forget for a second that there is no written piece of paper saying "Manifest Destiny" on the President's desk. Let's take a look at what is absolutely established by even the most radical rightie. America relies on corporations. Corporations are merely superefficient money-making machines. They exist as fairly faceless creatures whose sole purpose is to gather money. Let's use that time-honored corporate pariah itself, Halliburton, to make my point. Iraq was inaccessable to U.S. corporate interests under Saddam Hussein. That regime is no longer, and as far as anyone can tell, the U.S. pretty much controls Iraq (as much as it can actually be controlled, that is.). Halliburton has a very exclusive, very lucrative contract with the U.S. government to do some rather vague stuff, considering their corporate charter is rather vague, and nowadays a corporation does not legally have to define exactly what it is. Halliburton will make lots of money in Iraq, becaue they already are. Halliburton = huge U.S. corporation. Huge U.S. Corporations = good things for government based solely on taxes (if reported accurately). Huge US Corp = GREAT thing for US government if money made by Huge US Corp gets put back into America in some cool ways. Ways like a Halliburton Little League Stadium or a Halliburton-donated phalanx of police cars for certain city forces. See the connection? Manifest Destiny is not simply the government taking what it thinks will be its anymore. The property gets taken, but never becomes OFFICIALLY the US' property.
Don't know him.
And all the while, the corporations were using the 14th amendment to grant them unprecedented rights as "persons", even going as far as to gaining rights under the 5th amendment. Overturning Jim Crow laws was important, if you look at some 9th Circuit Court decisions, you'll see that the reversal of Jim Crow laws was inevidable.
Racial oppression is nothing more than a more expertly specified arm of class oppression. Class oppression continues in America as the gap between the poor and the rich grows wider BY THE DAY. Racial Oppression is easy to the oppressors, as it makes it ten times easier to oppress a particular group of already oppressed people.
You're going to hear many conflicting tales of what happened in Vietnam, and you should believe NONE of them initially. Question everything, research it, read both for and against arguments, and make your decision if necessary. A reason for the inability to dig up mass graves could be the rampant use of Napalm, which burns the shit out of everything. As it is, the U.S.' reasons for going into Vietnam are STILL vague. And please don't say it was because the Commies were killing other Vietnamese people, because I find it hard to believe that with all the class warfare in the world (including the African Hutu and Tutsi genocidal conflict) that Vietnam was somehow more important than hundreds of other dying people.
Then who were we fighting?
I hope you are not saying that Africans started the slave trade. Dutch and English profiteers started slavery, and some more enterprising (and turncoat) Africans hopped on the slave trade and became frontline slavetraders. Slavery is most definitely genocide when an untold number of a certain race, class, or ethnicity of people die and are unaccounted for due to haphazardly documented conditions. Do you know how many black people perished just on transport over here? Or died within hours of being put in fields? Died from exhaustion? Died from beatings ministered while succumbing to exhaustion? Died from common, treatable ailments, even back then, simply because they were "property" and not "People" and didn't warrant proper medical treatment? Slavery, especially en masse, is most certainly genocide, my ignorant friend.
The past is not something that washes away once it is over. The past is not something that exists solely in book or a recording or a story. The past is interwoven into everything, today, tomorrow, and right this second. Everything that happened, especially the negative things, are still impacting society today. You cannot simply wave away the accurate references of boorite simply because they are history. Not only do they have analytical relevance, but if you are smart enough, you can trace the exact route where something he referenced is still in some way in effect today.
There already IS a one-party state. The Corporate Party. Enron alone donated over 600 million to the Republican party and over 400 million to the Democratic party in its reign. We don't even have the true ability to debate these issues in a truly public forum (like Capitol Hill) because the people in the Senate do not represent any of us. They are ll businessmen, and most of us in the U.S. are NOT.
As for soldiers, basic training is designed to break as much free will and thought as possible to whip you into a routine. Routine breeds familiarity, and they wish to instill a core inside you through basic training. You are instructed to never forget the lessons you learn in Basic, as it is the guidebook for the rest of your military, and ultimately civilian, career. Soliders are automatons in a limited manner of speaking. Soldiers are not always given direct commands. Sometimes they are given a command to do something and there is a very small group of choices they can make. This is why SOME autonomy is necessary for soldiers. But they are trained to be single-minded individuals, Dummie. That's what is wanted of them. Do you want a soldier under you, as a Staff Sergeant or maybe an actual Officer, to ask why God seems to want him to kill a bunch of poor people right after you've told him to charge up a hill and take out a bunker? You don't want a curious soldier. You want one who can take care of himself and who will take your orders.
Please, resume your normal discourse.
The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.