I have german porn.
is it scat?
it usually is
Mostly enema.
thats what germans and japanese have in common
I mean..
we were watching porn with german subtitles
it was weird
what I meant was
most of my enema porn is from Russia
THat's not it.
Was it english porn that was subtitled?
yeah, it was english porn that was german subtitled
we were like... what the hell...
and, like, jenna jameson was in it
So what's german for "ooh"?
its like... the o's with the lines through them
there's probably some technical term for it
but OBVIOUSLY i'm too lazy to get technical
Technical is for nerds.
But so is porn.
porn is for the cool, sexually frustrated kids
Then who is sex for?
the other cool and sexually frustrated kids
what's REALLY cool... is if you watch porn... and then go have sex.
not with yourself, mind you
And try out the new moves you just learned.
that, and get rid of that frustration built up
because ... if you watch it with someone else (generally the person you want to have sex with, but whatever), usually both of the parties get turned on
The same thing can be acomplished by building a hut out of tooth picks.
by the time you're done, you don't want sex anymore.
that is the best anti-sex thing i have ever seen you say
Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.