Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun



I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

Toe blood is good blood.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

11-05-03 8:13pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

*** Inflatabl changed topic to "Blame Justin Timberlake."
Justin Timberlake is the problem with the econemy
Justin Timberlake is why mommys break up with daddys.
as long as he's around, they'll never be peace in the middle east
And why 9/11 happened.
And why Clinton lied.
Justin Timberlake is why I can't get out of bed in the mornings
Justin Timberlake is why Boorite can't get it up anymore
Justin Timberlake is why we'll all die sad and alone.
nate I cant get it down
Justin Timberlake is why 34% of the population are clinically obese
pshaw on this
what are you aunt bea?
Justin Timberlake is why 1 in 3 Africans have AIDS.
He was very busy.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

11-06-03 2:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

* Now talking in #stripcreator
* Topic is 'Psychos Encouraged'
* Set by Chicka on Sat Nov 08 01:49:04
* Looking up Tobor user info...
* Looking up kitty user info...
o/' I think we're alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone around '\o
o/' I think we're alone now, the beating of our hearts is the only sound'\o

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

11-08-03 2:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

A mutual fund is nothing more than a consortium of investors under a common broker
no kidding
* boorite owns a finance dictionary
So you lend money to this fund to make it's options greater
you can invest in adam freeland, buy his cds
you are not the a priori lender
whatever, I didnt say this a priori shit
I said youre a lender
and you agree.
and that fund has bank affiliations to keep it's liquidity at a level that allows them to ionvest in large scale opportunities
are S&P Depositary Receipts good to invest in?
the point is, inflation can hurt you if your strategy is large sums on deposit in interest bearing accts of any kind

What others say about boorite!

11-10-03 11:40am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

11-10-03 11:42am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

I thought this thread was called #stripcreator is fun.

11-10-03 12:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

*** boorite has joined #stripcreator
wheres my fanfare
* Jes_L breaks wind
oops - let me tune that

What others say about boorite!

11-10-03 1:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

.... possibly the most disturbing quotefile yet.

* Rabid_Weasle pimps dan's body
* Rabid_Weasle sells anal sex to a junkie for $5
so, inflate
looking for a good time?
Well... I only have $4.50.
I do have some paint remover you can huff as well.
Now do you have the Big Evil Dan frozen in Carbonite for Jabba the Inflatable Hutt?
yes i do
(Little monster on my shoulder laughs as well)
* Inflatabl puts Big Evil Dan in a metral Princess Leia slave bikini.
* Inflatabl ties him to giant chair.
*** Rabid_Weasle changed nick to Salacious_Crumb
he he he he he he!
* Salacious_Crumb sits next to Inflatable the hutt
* Inflatabl eats Salacious Crumb.
heee he he he he hee!
*** Salacious_Crumb changed nick to Rabid_Weasle
Raaaargh! Inflatable huuuungry!
* Inflatabl licks side of Princess Big Evil Dan's face with slimey tongue.
Hoo haa haa haa hoo haa haaa haaaa....

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

11-13-03 9:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

* Inflatable_Hutt sits on Princess Dan's head.
I ate Ewoks for lunch too!
* Inflatable_Hutt relieves himself.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

11-13-03 9:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

name her zelda
if it's a boy name him mAAk
No. Then she'll have to marry a link
then let me be your middle man to the black market
i only take 25 percent
Because of all the fighting Link will go through to get to her
Fuck you mAAk
I'm not selling my baby
chicks are so uptight about selling their babies
fine fine
*** Chicka ( has left #stripcreator
i can get you a good deal on your breast milk
Nice one, mAAk
mAAK dont preach
You fucked things up again
aw man
i'm so STUPID
'you have to ease into these deals
i should have started at 30 percent and let her talk me down to 25
now she thinks i'm trying to double-cross her
i know, i know
anyone else here got a baby
Ewwwwww how many babies do you have
why am i not dead yet
please be greater than or equal to one

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-16-03 11:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

oh, i have the perfect screenplay
a real dcom vehicle
Tell me, bubeleh
its about a young tough from the streets of melbourne
Make me dance
but he also likes to sing
I see
but he's poor, so he has to work a blue collar job
and although he's tough, he loves his mama
Very nice
and his little sister
good feel
he has a girlfriend, but they fight a lot
* bunnerabb pours the sctoch
she doesnt realize that music is everything
I think we should title it "12.8 Kilometer"
this is very nice.. a Rocky feel
she's also afraid that if he makes it big and moves to sydney that she'll lose him forever
I was thinking "Melbourne Mile"
That's better
* choadwarrior lived on 14 mile
Seeing as I don't live on 8 Mile
(farmington hills, MI)
dcom continues to rock at night, and then a high class broad from the music industry discovers him
and soon, they become lovers
the love interest, oy dis is a winner
* bunnerabb pourts more scotch and offers CW a Havana
and she promises him the world
buys him new clothes
hires some studio musicians
and buys some studio time
she's got the world on a string.. never has this poor Melbourne schnook SEEN such a thing!
he starts off a little rocky in the studio, but soon, he gets it right
and while he belts out his songs, she stands behind the engineers nodding
and the engineers look at each other with knowing glances
* bunnerabb high fives Chaod
I'll have my people call you in a week.. I want a rough draft and a lock at 7%
you're the man!
bunner is gonna get rich off us
silly boy....
I'm gonna make us all rich
so they run off to sydney, but soon dcom realizes that he didnt want to be a celebrity...he just wanted to make music and be with his argumentative girlfriend and his poor, but noble mama
Not he same!
so he gives it all up and returns to the trailer park
but he's happy
Oy, were retiring off of this one!
i've never seen a movie like that
if its not maudlin enough, we can kill the mama
and make sure she says with her dying breath "take care of your sisterrrrrrrr....beeeeeeeeeeeep....
* choadwarrior sobs uncontrollably
'Keep the broad on ice just in case... we'll let the writers pool wait on the changeds
we can film it both ways
and test it
smart boy this guy
* bunnerabb pourts more scotch
* choadwarrior puts on his beret and looks for his riding crop
* bunnerabb goes afk
of course...dcom...if you REALLY want this part, there's something you'll have to do for me
* dcomposed cornholes choadwarrior.

11-19-03 8:56pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

You people scare me.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

11-19-03 9:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

What a coincidence.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

11-19-03 9:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[16:50:17] * Now talking in #stripcreator
[16:50:17] * Topic is '#Stripcreator: To boldly go nowhere®'
[16:50:17] * Set by bunnerabb on Thu Nov 20 12:49:17
[16:50:36] Hey Dcom!
[16:50:42] * Acroexist has joined #stripcreator
[16:50:42] Hi Inflat
[16:50:51] also Dan
[16:50:54] And Acro
[16:51:14] damn... dan beat me to it
[16:51:16] fucker
[16:51:22] * Acroexist has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[16:51:25] * Acroexist has joined #stripcreator
[16:51:40] Hey Acroexist.
[16:51:44] .... you fucker.
[16:51:53] whays up
[16:52:00] inflate, stop calling acroexist a fucker
[16:52:05] you fucker
[16:52:07] I didnt call him a fucker.
[16:52:08] You fucker.
[16:52:11] I called you a fucker.
[16:52:16] yes you did
[16:52:18] you fucker
[16:52:21] well fuck you
[16:52:23] you fucker
[16:52:25] Hey fuck you buddy.
[16:52:28] fuckers
[16:52:33] shut up fucker.
[16:52:35] * dcomposed fucks Rabid
[16:52:37] stay out of this, you fucker
[16:52:40] Youre the ultimate fucker.
[16:52:41] * Rabid_Weasle fucks dcom
[16:52:44] fucking hater.
[16:52:46] that dcom.
[16:52:48] fuck
[16:52:58] did we say you could talk?
[16:52:59] ducker
[16:53:01] I'll fuck your hater
[16:53:16] all you do is fuck, fucker
[16:53:23] I KNOW
[16:53:33] Aren't I awesome?
[16:53:45] I bet I fuck more than Acrofucker.
[16:53:47] fuck that.
[16:53:49] * Acroexist has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[16:53:55] Now look at what you did.
[16:53:58] The fucker left.
[16:53:59] Fuck him.
[16:54:02] Good fucking riddance.
[16:54:16] I couldn't be fucked talking to him anyway.
[16:54:19] * Acroexist has joined #stripcreator
[16:54:27] Hey, the fucker's back!
[16:54:39] That's fucking great!
[16:54:46] How the fuck you doing, Acroexist?
[16:54:55] why the fuck did you leave?
[16:54:56] uhh
[16:55:09] Too much fucking.
[16:55:12] Probably.
[16:55:14] uhh accident
[16:55:29] dcom, you know what?
[16:55:48] you're a fucker
[16:55:58] You have to keep the fucking window on the chat thing
[16:56:12] Rabid: Fuck you, fucker
[16:56:15] I fucked your mom
[16:57:11] ya that sucks
[16:57:42] Fuck yeah, it does.
[16:57:53] dcom, i'm sorry
[16:57:59] i can't understand you
[16:58:07] i don't speak fucker!
[16:58:51] Let me translate my fucker to fag then, maybe you could understand that.
[16:59:49] so what goes on in here?
[16:59:55] We say fuck a lot.
[17:00:04] oh ya
[17:00:21] fuck no we dont
[17:00:32] what the fuck are you talking about?
[17:00:32] where the fuck did you get that fucking idea, you fuck?
[17:00:41] dcom's so fucking stupid
[17:01:03] fuck yeah
[17:01:19] where the fuck is dan?
[17:01:27] fucking canada
[17:01:27] Fucking some fucker.
[17:01:29] i mean fuck, is he to fucking good for us?
[17:01:41] hey, i'm from fucking canada
[17:01:45] you fucking yank
[17:01:53] yeah, you're probably fucking dan
[17:02:05] can-id-da a?
[17:02:06] canadian fucker
[17:02:07] I'm from Fuck, Fuckerton.
[17:02:18] don't get me started on fucking australia
[17:02:25] they should call it Fuckerland
[17:02:28] wait, you arent a canadian fucker
[17:02:28] I wouldn't want to fucking australia.
[17:02:31] cause it's full of fucks
[17:02:36] mr 76%
[17:02:42] fuck you
[17:02:44] fucker
[17:02:52] fuckin burn!
[17:02:58] i should fuck you up
[17:03:02] Fuck burn.. ow
[17:03:10] only dcom can fuck me
[17:03:11] with a fucking screwdriver
[17:03:17] * dcomposed fucks choadwarrior
[17:03:19] dcom fuck everything
[17:03:25] * dcomposed fucks everything
[17:03:32] * Acroexist has left #stripcreator
[17:03:39] where the fuck is he going?
[17:03:41] fucking dweeb
[17:03:47] * kitty has joined #stripcreator
[17:03:50] did it get to fucking gay for him
[17:03:52] He fucked off again.
[17:03:56] hey it's fucking kitty!
[17:03:58] KITTY!!!
[17:04:03] * dcomposed fucks kitty
[17:04:06] * Rabid_Weasle fucking hugs kitty
[17:04:09] DCOM!!
[17:04:18] now THAT was a warm welcome!
[17:04:19] hee hee!
[17:04:22] webcam webcam!
[17:04:25] aka webcam's up
[17:04:28] * kitty hugs rabid
[17:04:36] what is UP my diseased little rodent?
[17:04:36] It was a warm fucking welcome.
[17:04:39] kitty, say fuck more often for fuck's sake
[17:04:49] shut the fuck up, rabid
[17:04:52] not much is fucking up
[17:04:56] there's a fucking chick here
[17:04:56] choad, fuck you
[17:04:57] fucker
[17:05:04] (fuck)
[17:05:10] fuck yeah, im a fucker
[17:05:13] i'm the only girl in here? oy
[17:05:16] i fucked your fucking mom
[17:05:20] but, then again, what else is new...
[17:05:24] I could wear a fucking dress or something
[17:05:32] wow choad, that was fucking original
[17:05:44] Like it was when I said it FIVE FUCKING MINUTES AGO!
[17:05:48] ugh... choad, don't let me hear that come out of you again... i heard enough milf comments to last me a lifetime
[17:05:48] did you get that from the "Jokes For Stupid Fucks" book?
[17:06:02] I leave for twenty fucking minutes and you unoriginal fucks are still saying fuck five fucking times every fucking second.
[17:06:06] I saw it on
[17:06:07] God, its getting fucking old.
[17:06:15] Fuck off
[17:06:17] fuck you you inflatable fuck
[17:06:23] flate!!
[17:06:24] * kitty hugs
[17:06:30] ok... i'm only going to say this once...
[17:06:36] fuck you, you fucking fucks
[17:06:44] fuck you to
[17:06:49] fuckers
[17:06:50] You can fuck me
[17:06:54] you'd like that, wouldnt you rabid?
[17:06:56] * Rabid_Weasle fucks dcom
[17:07:00] :P
[17:07:06] I fucking meant kitty, you fucker.
[17:07:07] 8-/
[17:07:08] i mean fucking :P
[17:07:18] you fucking liked it
[17:07:41] Fuck.
[17:07:59] * choadwarrior watches fucking south fucking park
[17:08:01] I'm going to stop saying fuck now.
[17:08:06] phew
[17:08:09] you fucking pussy
[17:08:18] SHut up, you cunt.
[17:08:23] fuck!
[17:08:37] why don't you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself
[17:08:41] 2 pc nerds, one called /part and one called /quit worked in the same building. One day /part left work............who was left ?
[17:09:10] /quit
[17:09:15] haha
[17:09:19] ahhh dcom...
[17:09:21] you're a funny kid
[17:09:23] * kitty hugs
[17:09:25] someone tried that on me, I did the same as Dan
[17:09:36] fuck
[17:09:38] * Rabid_Weasle explodes
[17:09:43] /fuck
[17:09:49] * kitty punts rabid
[17:09:55] * Rabid_Weasle is punted
[17:09:56] stop saying "fuck"!!!
[17:10:03] someone fucking quotefile this fucking shit.
[17:10:03]  /msg Toborr !fuck BigEvilDan
[17:10:07] fucking aye.
[17:10:09] You fucking do it
[17:10:13] YOu lazy fuck.
[17:10:17] fuck dcom
[17:10:21] just fucking do it
[17:10:29] * BigEvilDan covers kitty's ears.
[17:10:48] I don't have to do what you say, i'm not fucking you.
[17:11:10] fucker
[17:11:18] I'm fucking your mom though!
[17:11:19] you better fucking do what i say
[17:11:23] or i'll fucking fuck you up
[17:11:31] * kitty sniffles
[17:11:33] That's so fucking original.
[17:11:38] i'm going to start crying if you don't stop swearing
[17:11:42] i'm a girl, i'm delicate
[17:11:43] :(
[17:11:51] flip you com, you flipper
[17:11:53] I'll stop
[17:11:58] what the flip?
[17:12:50] * Rabid_Weasle stops
[17:12:56] * Rabid_Weasle goes back into his corner

Batman created by Bob Kane

11-19-03 11:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

Can't bomb an ocean.
Or you can, but it wouldn't kill as many terrorists.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

11-20-03 1:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

If Bush is legally elected next year, I am moving to Ireland
and I'm not shitting
do you know the phrase "pessimism of intellect, optimism of will?"
I do not
but it is very germaine
let it cogitate a month
Do you know the phrase, "strike me for a penny, stab me for a pound"?
Also germaine
do you know the phrase "cunt me for a godfucker?"
germaine to: nothing
you heathen fuck

What others say about boorite!

11-20-03 10:36am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:


Dad was flammable

11-20-03 11:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Jes_L: hey, you know who's a cuntwad?
•brad has joined #stripcreator

Dad was flammable

11-20-03 11:28am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

Jes_L: brad (& all): listening to kitty's swap CD
brad: hey jes, i got your CD but there was no CD in it
brad: just a case and the paper
chooby: h4w!
Jes_L: w-h-a-t?
Jes_L: NO!
chooby: Did you listen to the case?
brad: yes, it's immaculate
chooby: I didn't think it was as good as some earlier case-work.
chooby: not very experimental.
Jes_L: I was opting for cross-over case appeal
chooby: Did you seriously send an empty case over the pond?
Jes_L: looks like it
chooby: ha ha
chooby: you suck Lawson
chooby: SUCK!
chooby: ha ha ha
Jes_L: I also sent a blank CD to kitty
chooby: ah-ha ha
brad: poor jes
chooby: laff@j00
brad: thanks for thinking of me though jes
jools: b00bies
brad: i appreciate it
Jes_L: I shouldn't have insulted that CD leprechaun
chooby: har har har
Jes_L: or walked under the ladder outside the RIAA

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

11-20-03 11:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[21:40:49] Hey Dcom.
[21:41:04] Hi DX
[21:41:12] (rhymes with pee sex)
[21:41:28] And dcom rhymes with, er, assrapist.
[21:41:35] no it doesn't
[21:41:46] Well, in my weird language it does! So there.
[21:42:04] * dcomposed cornholes Dragon|X.
[21:42:11] * Dragon|X loves it.
[21:42:13] there's your assrapist
[21:42:18] now where's my pee sex
[21:42:29] * Dragon|X pisses all over dcom.
[21:42:35] thank you

Batman created by Bob Kane

11-21-03 3:44am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

*** Inflatabl changed nick to Ron
*** Ron changed nick to Ron_Jeremy
*** Rabid_Weasle changed nick to Ron_Jeremys_Penis
I starred in 'Sea Biscuit'.
I played the horse.
i costarred
i played the horse's penis
Hey penis, go to Jes.
He wants you.
*** dco ( has joined #stripcreator
* Ron_Jeremys_Penis attacks jes
Hey dco.
put it away
It has a mind of its own.
You cant stop it.
heey fuckers
I can with this:
byee fuckers
Attack dco!
*** dco ( has left #stripcreator
* Ron_Jeremys_Penis attacks the coffee table
You scared away our leading actress, penis.
Get back in my pants.
hit me!
come on, hit me!
Or I'll put you in gay porn again.
Don't make me do it.
* Ron_Jeremy beats penis.
Oh yeaaah.
who's my bitch?
Hey penis...
*** dco ( has joined #stripcreator
who's my bitch?
Hey dco.
Back already?
* Ron_Jeremys_Penis spits on dco
Or should I say....
*** dco changed nick to dcom
hi fucks
Go touch my penis.
fuck you
hey fucker
He's nice....
'sup fuckface\
Very sensitive.
He likes long walks in the park.
And massages.
* Ron_Jeremys_Penis attacks dcom
People say he can be a bit crooked at times....
But I think he's a pretty upstanding fellow.
He always rises to the occasion.
and shows some real spunk when pressed hard
And he's very punctual.
He comes in no time.
If you want him.
hey dcom
hit me
fuck you
hit me bitch
fuck you
hit me!
Its okay, dcom.
Come to the dark side.
My penis has a sentinent mind of its own.
hit me haaaaard!
* Ron_Jeremy slaps penis.
Shut up.
You're scaring him.
hit me again
You're scaring me, penis.
* Ron_Jeremys_Penis attacks ron jeremy
* Ron_Jeremy hires Rabbi Shmendrick.
Cut him up.
I'm sorry it had to come to this.
* Ron_Jeremys_Penis wraps around ron jeremy's neck and strangles him
But you left me no choice.
* Ron_Jeremy dies.
the world has lost an outstanding member
of society

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

11-21-03 5:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Session Start: Sat Nov 22 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #stripcreator
[00:16] * mmyers has joined #stripcreator
[00:18] * mmyers has left #stripcreator
[00:18] 8|
[00:24] * Inflatabl has joined #stripcreator
[00:24] 8|
[00:24] * Inflatabl blows up.
[00:24] 8|
[00:24] Hey.
[00:25] * BigEvilDan is now known as Mr_8|
[00:25] .......
[00:25] um....
[00:25] Hello Jes.
[00:25] Hello BED.
[00:25] 8|
[00:25] ..........
[00:25] ..... ha?
[00:25] eerie, isn't it?
[00:26] No.
[00:26] Just nonsensical.
[00:31] .........
[00:32] 8|
[00:32] That's the spirit
[00:32] *sigh*... If ya cant beat em, join em.
[00:32] I'm such a sheep.
[00:32] wangs
[00:32] 8|
[00:33] excellent
[00:34] We can make a film of this now
[00:34] "Night of the Living 8|"

Please replace the handset, and try again.

11-21-03 6:00pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

damnit... australia, why are you so far away?!
So Americans can't get here.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

11-21-03 7:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Discussion about funerals and funeral music was here

[19:06] and i always remember my friends mom wailing during that song
[19:06] Jesus
[19:06] I just want a bunch of rock and roll and blues at my funeral
[19:06] No theme
[19:06] And a wet bar
[19:06] :)
[19:06] cheer up choad
[19:06] * Choadwarrior boo hoos
[19:06] I'm going to shoot a video to be played at my funeral
[19:06] * Jes_L passes choad a hankie
[19:07] not that I wish you dead for a *long* time bunner, but your funeral would punish
[19:07] * Choadwarrior horks into the hankie and hands it back to jes
[19:07] "Look. motherfuckers... If any of you are all worked up, knock it off. I'm dead. Dead as a motherfucker, and that's that... so crank up the tunes and kiss my ass goodbye."
[19:07] * Jes_L puts the hankie in the wash
[19:07] heh
[19:07] ha ha!
[19:07] open coffin
[19:07] If I can
[19:07] :)
[19:07] upside down, back to front
[19:08] Actually, I want them to use my coffin as a bar
[19:08] i want to be cremated
[19:08] I want to be buried with those littel rings from glasses full of ice on my coffin
[19:08] I want a web cam in my coffin so everyone can see my decomposing body
[19:08] :)
[19:08] Neato
[19:08] the gift that keeps giving
[19:08] aw man! yuck!
[19:09] yeah
[19:09] I think I want a comic to emcee it, too
[19:09] i want them to turn me into a chuck e cheese animatronic character
[19:09] like the half-man half-machine crew in The Black Hole
[19:09] * bunnerabb puts a quarter into CW
[19:10] DANCE!
[19:10] DANCE!
[19:10] * Choadwarrior dances
[19:10] nice
[19:10] * bunnerabb eats pizza
[19:10] * Choadwarrior makes herky-jerky movements
[19:10] * Choadwarrior is no better dancer dead than alive
[19:10] * Jes_L gets downh
[19:10] * bunnerabb gets more quarters
[19:10] but at leat the music is good
[19:11] DANCING!
[19:11] * Choadwarrior blows a fuse
[19:11] it's like Kraftwerk meets The Who
[19:11] heh
[19:11] HAHAHAHAH!
[19:11] * Jes_L gets the soldering iron
[19:11] * bunnerabb repatches the 220 into the 440
[19:11] * jools repatches the 550 into the 880
[19:12] * Choadwarrior does the robot
[19:12] * Choadwarrior cornholes tobor
[19:12] Rowwr!
[19:12] * jools adds a "cornhole" subroutine to the firmware
[19:12] weird
[19:13] he cornholed tobor before i entered the subroutine
[19:13] :-/
[19:13] AI!
[19:13] AI!
[19:13] we have AI!
[19:13] * bunnerabb calls MIT
[19:13] * Jes_L burns the Turing test
[19:13] * Choadwarrior tosses tobor a towel and goes off to shower
[19:13] * jools calls the Air Force, and tells them to put the napalm on standby
[19:13] Number Five ALIVE!
[19:14] No disassemble
[19:15] k
[19:15] wrong window
[19:15] okay. time to really shower
[19:15] bah
[19:15] an oil shower?

Please replace the handset, and try again.

11-23-03 12:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[08:47] * Ewwwww summons the ancient spirits of SC
[08:47] * bunnerabb has joined #stripcreator

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

11-23-03 11:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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