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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » IRC Adventures



Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

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chaos is a homophobe!

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

12-12-03 3:34pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

Has he met nate? I'm sure they will love eachother.

12-12-03 3:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 38 by boinky33
[Inflatabl] [Chicka]
Are you showing yet, chicka?
A lil.
I am.
Because I ate a whole ham.
[boinky33] [Humbert_Rohypnol]
And then I ate a turkey so the ham could have a friend.
You could eat a horse and have a threesome.

12-12-03 8:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 39 by boinky33
[Humbert_Rohypnol] [boinky33]
boinky, when you hit it, you hit it HARD!
I am told that.
[Inflatabl] [boinky33]
Like a mexican whore.
I am told that more.
[Humbert_Rohypnol] [Inflatabl]
Actually, you normally don't have to hit a mexican whore too hard. Just raise your hand and they get pretty obrdient.
No, not true. Ewwwww can be very disruptive at times.

12-12-03 9:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 40 by boinky33
[areallystupidguy] [boinky33]
i have ADD.
i have SUBTRACT.
[areallystupidguy] [boinky33]
[areallystupidguy] [boinky33]

12-12-03 10:15pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Going. Coming.

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12-13-03 3:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 41 by boinky33
[kitty] [Ewwwww]
Ewwwww, bunner has been married.
Not what he told me. He said he had a chick and she died or something.
[boinky33] [Ewwwww]
Why? Was he on top?
You cunt!
[boinky33] [dcomposed]

12-13-03 6:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 42 by boinky33
[kitty] [boinky33]
I need a hug from somebody who isn't obsessed with my boobs.
*boinky33 hugs kitty
[kitty] [boinky33]
*boinky33 hugs kitty's boobs
[kitty] [boinky33]
*kitty hugs boinky's boobs
*boinky33 hugs Rabid Weasle's sturdy penis

12-13-03 6:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 43 by boinky33
[FrixFrax] [Bargaintuan]
But Ewwwww left.
[FrixFrax] [Bargaintuan]
Yes, he did, but it's not nice doing something behind someone's back.
[boinky33] [FrixFrax]
I do things behind Ewwwww's back every night though.

12-13-03 6:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 44 by boinky33
[mAAk] [boinky33]
*mAAk rests his head on kitty's breasts again
Hey, you crushed my penis, mAAk!
[kitty] [mAAk]
Ok, that's it!
But I crushed the penis that was resting there. I deserve some credit for that.
[boinky33] [mAAk]
Kiss it better.

12-13-03 6:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 45 (me and nate 1) by boinky33
[nate] [boinky33]
dangit i cant listen to shine on you crazy diamond with people vaccuming outside my door.
Kill them!....or don't.
I don't give a rat's cunt!
Because they're mine! All mine! My precious!
[nate] [boinky33]
My precious rat cunts....

IRC Adventures 46 (me and nate 2) by boinky33
[nate] [boinky33]
i was so into lotr before the movies
I wasn't. I havn't even heard of it.
[nate] [boinky33]
then that means i have a bigger penis than j00
I was just about to let you borrow my rat cunts, but now FORGET IT!
[nate] [boinky33]
u can have it u tiny penis person u....roofles

IRC Adventures 47 (me and nate 3) by boinky33
[boinky33] [nate]
I shall date rape you.
plz dont mistar
[boinky33] [nate]
Excuse me while I maintain an erection.
k u do that
* boinky33 date rapes nate
tee hee. that kinda rhymed....nate rape

IRC Adventures 48 (me and nate 4) by boinky33
[nate] [boinky33]
ho ho ho
[nate] [boinky33]
No, pimp.
Merry Pimpmas!
[nate] [boinky33]
wtf is pimpmas?
It's celebrating the birth of Jesus' pimp.

IRC Adventures 49 (me and nate 5) by boinky33
[nate] [boinky33]
my back is sweaty...i went for a bike ride and im outa shape
sweaty... so sweaty.
[nate] [boinky33]
like ive-been-banging-your-mom-all-night-and-im-tired sweaty
Jesus wont be happy about that. And on his birthday!
[nate] [boinky33]
christmas is a pagan fabrication mixed with catholic propoganda
If you see it that way, give me back all your prensents. Yes, even your Barbie Dream House.

12-27-03 3:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 50 (me and nate 6) by boinky33
[nate] [boinky33]
ill shoot you with my bb gun
You'll shoot your eye out!........don't you get it?
Oh, too busy beating off to midget porn to reply, eh?
If that's true, say nothing.

IRC Adventures 51 (me and nate 7) by boinky33
[nate] [boinky33]
was putting dog out
Is that some sort of drug slang?
[nate] [boinky33]
no...oh and boinky what was the name of that best movie in the world?
Best movie?
[nate] [boinky33]
like gay midgets or something
Itty Bitty Gang Bang?

IRC Adventures 52 (me and nate 8) by boinky33
[nate] [boinky33]
now what?
cunts, tits, ass, fuck, shit, anus. There, happy?
*** nate has quit IRC
What a dipshit.
[boinky33] [Bargaintuan]
But so sexy.
I saw Return Of The King!

IRC Adventures 53 by boinky33
[kitty] [boinky33]
boinkster, how was your Christmas?
Cuntastic! I got a pony!
[kitty] [boinky33]
Wait... That was a lie.
[kitty] [boinky33]
ohh, that's so sad.
I know...and I was really horny, too.

me and nate 7 is actually #52 and the last one is #53.

12-27-03 3:10pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 54 by boinky33
[boinky33] [areallystupidguy]
This place is totally dead.
Nobody's really been here since Christmas eve.
[boinky33] [areallystupidguy]
Everyone's too busy....pfft, posers!
Too busy wanking off.
[boinky33] [areallystupidguy]
I multi-task.

12-27-03 3:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 55 by boinky33
[HeyZeus] [Kajun]
kajun, who is "we"?
We = me and some people from work.
[Chicka] [boinky33]
We almost always = me and Nate
We = just me because I'm royalty
[Chicka] [boinky33]
Sometimes we = me and the unborn. Like in this sentence: "We had soup and grilled cheese for lunch."
That's the same with me and my tapeworm.

1-21-04 12:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 56 by boinky33
[boinky33] [BigEvilDan]
Dan, you've been to Napanee before, no?
Yes, I took the train there.
[matchy] [boinky33]
I've never been on a train...
I've never been on a train either.
[matchy] [boinky33]
I've been in one a few times though.

4-17-04 1:56pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 57 by boinky33
[Jes_L] [boinky33]
Wait, Anna Nicole is thin again?
Anna Nicole lost weight because she got too fat to walk to the fridge.
[Bargaintuan] [boinky33]
I really think Anna Nicole lost weight because she finally saw her show.
[Bargaintuan] [boinky33]
And her ass.

4-17-04 6:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 58 by boinky33
[possums] [Jes_L]
You say you go to London.
Only 45 minutes on the train for me.
[possums] [boinky33]
Good for you.
It's a much longer train ride for me.
[possums] [boinky33]
Shut up, Tony.
And the train also has to have wings.

4-17-04 6:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 59 by boinky33
[possums] [Jes_L]
It could be a submarine train.
They have talked about making that.
[possums] [Jes_L]
omg lol
[Jes_L] [boinky33]
Unless my boss is even more full of shit than I had thought.
Maybe he should eat more bran.

4-17-04 6:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 60 by boinky33
[FTC] [boinky33]
Are you on java?
No, I don't drink coffee.
[FTC] [boinky33]
Ah, you're not a techie. Well, are you running off the java applet on SC?
Java the Hutt?
Ooow Juwa Hon Solo! Huh! Huh! Huh!

5-01-04 3:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 61 by boinky33
[boinky33] [cowtipper]
Hey, if I made a voodoo doll out of a girl I like and instead of pins, I poke it with my penis, would that put a spell on the girl which would make her have sex with me?
[boinky33] [cowtipper]
[boinky33] [cowtipper]

IRC Adventures 62 by boinky33
[boinky33] [kitty]
I have green pants. Do you?
I do actually.
[boinky33] [kitty]
NOOOO!!!!!! I AM DIEING!!!!!!
[boinky33] [kitty]
Because that's what cancer does, kitty. It kills people.

5-01-04 8:32pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 63 by boinky33
[boinky33] [kitty]
Insult her cooking. Chicks hate that.
I don't care if people insult my cooking.
[boinky33] [kitty]
Yeah, some people like horrible food, kitty.
[boinky33] [kitty]
Don't worry your pretty little head about it. You don't have to cook. You can still clean or get pregnant.

IRC Adventures 64 by boinky33
[Rabid_Weasle] [boinky33]
so you're a douchebag? lewl, i called boinky a douchebag. get it?
[Rabid_Weasle] [boinky33]
I cleanse vaginas?
[boinky33] [kitty]
Kitty, you don't look so fresh.
boinky, stop hitting on me!!!!

IRC Adventures 65 by boinky33
[boinky33] [cowtipper]
cowtipper, you can tip my cow any day.
[boinky33] [cowtipper]
Ooohhhh baby!
[boinky33] [cowtipper]
Damn, I'm smooth.

5-01-04 9:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

In spite of the fact that few things ever devised by the human mind are as vile and horrible as chatroom transcripts, I must admit I found these entertaining.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

5-02-04 6:28am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 66 by boinky33
[Jes_L] [boinky33]
One of my mates is 32, he's been seeing a 16 year old for a while now.
Well, I'm 35 and he's 21.
18 is generally the age of consent across the US with a few exceptations.
[choad] [boinky33]
16 is the age where you are allowed to drive cars, not 32 year old men.

6-30-04 4:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

IRC Adventures 67 by boinky33
[MikeyG] [boinky33]
I bet I know where you left your penis.
Yo mama?
[MikeyG] [boinky33]
No. Yo-Yo Ma.
[MikeyG] [boinky33]
He's using it to play his cello.

10-13-04 9:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:


Get Your War On

10-13-04 5:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » IRC Adventures

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