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Pictured above: Nate "Damn that mAAk! I'm going to go get him this time...LEGS OR NO LEGS!"
--- Vote Jeb Bush 2008
Pictured above: Happier times Nate with his first pair of legs
wirthling supercalifragilisticexpialadosucks
Nobody expects the Spanish Acculturation.
---"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."
JrnymnNate I fling the shoddy polo stick
when was i "acting like a mod"?
im not one so why should i pretend to be?
I'm not going to argue with someone who has no legs.
It's...BENEATH me.
Get it? BENEATH me.
thats an incredibly weak joke
Maybe you don't get it. I said it's BENEATH me.
It's a play on words. Get it?
It's BENEATH me.
Matchbook_Romance Going. Coming.
Sorry choad, please don't beat me :(
DragonXero I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it
quote:I'm white as the driven snow. I just happen to have made two comics in Spanish.
When you live 30 minutes from Mexico, the Spanish tends to creep in every now and then.
San Diego?
---Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.
choadwarrior Crash Magnet
Nice place.
SrHombre Junior Comic Technician
Well DUH guys! Why do you think I didn't make any more comics?
---No more Mr. Nice Hispanic!
Rabid_Weasle Professional style cramper
El noo! It el iso el twato!
El whowantsmypasswordo?
boinky33 I'm with stupid ^
nobody because YOU SUUUCK!!!!
I el beto it el iso "El Ilovethecocko".
Inflatable_Man Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.
"You have no friendss... Nobody likesss yoooou!" [/Gollum voice]
---Destroying my reputation one post at a time.
Stuff it you queer!
El whato the el fucko are el youo el doingo el hereo?
graykane as if i knew what i was talking about
basta ya con las jilipollezas, ¿o te gusta que te peguen con palabrotas? si no, entonces no contestes más. ház cómicas en páz.
--- i want to piss on you
Oh, don't pay attention to boinky. "Fuck you," is his way of saying "I love you!"*
But... you're an assface. A face in someone's ass. Hence= assface.
*for the sake of not getting "boinked" I was joking.
here's the babel fish:
it is enough or with the jilipollezas, or you like that they beat to you with palabrotas? if no, then you do not answer more ház comedians in páz
i like that version better.
MikeyG Shoots the shit and often misses
Boinky rocks. possums doesn't.
---The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.
True dat.
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