Okay, the eight picks for this Cup.... There were a number of strippers I'd like to see in, but these were the entry round comics that made me laugh the most.
Spankling - For his amazingly massochistic preparations
kaufman - For his deal with Satan... he'll remember that later.
DexX - Giving gabe a blow is probably the sickest thing you could do aside from letting wirthling have his way with you fresh off a donkey. I admire your dedication!
Skagg - That's just a damn fine comic all around. I especially enjoyed the "I can hear you" at the end.
evil_d - Not only was this in verse, but it was actually worse... no... umm... It was written in rhyme and just in time... no... eh, you're better at it than I am.
DH-01 - another overall winner. This one really won me over with the 2nd and 3rd panels. It's a narrow road indeed...
NastyPope - Ouch! Definitely my favorite of the entries. The whole method acting really got me.
crabby - Boy, this one took me off guard! It probably has something to do with the fact that he made two crabby jokes in a single panel. Anyways, *I* had a good laugh, and so he's in.
These are the eight contestants. I'll work on the brackets tomorrow, and should have it all set up by evening.