I'll try evil_d's route and offer my two cents worth. Shneil doesn't have too many comics, and as mentioned earlier, most of them really don't do much for me with the exception of the 'fat albert theory', which had a glimmer of hope but didn't really get carried off too well.
I started wading through Josh's and came across a few that were kind of funny, a couple of which are here and here.
And this is an all-around bit of criticism for everyone who makes comics. I can't speak for everyone else, but punctuation and spelling make a difference to me. I'm not perfect, and like everyone else I make mistakes every once in a while. But I try hard not too, because in my mind, it helps the readability of your comics big time. I couldn't even get all the way through Josh's because it annoyed me to the point of making me want to stop. If you don't capitalize things because you think it makes some sort of artistic point, fine. But be realistic; most of you do it because you're lazy. And spelling...
Tell me honestly, when you type something like suvinear, do you actually think that's the right way to spell it, or are you too lazy to look it up? If that's the case, try bookmarking this. I check this a couple of dozen times a day because I think I might be spelling something wrong. And maybe no one would care if I did, but it bothers me. And yes, Dexx will make fun of you for using an inferior dictionary, but c'est la vie.
So that's what I think. Take it with a grain of salt. Hope it helps.
100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.