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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Have you been read lately????



Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Yeah, mine aren't very good...I might start making some again.

Hammer and Nail by AudaciousMoose
I was going to fix the kitchen cabinet with this hammer and nail.
But the author didn't think that would be very interesting.
What a bitch...

Silly Tree Huggers by AudaciousMoose
There was a protest at the White House yesterday involving crazed Lord of the Rings' fans.
They were protesting housing developments taking the place of rainforests in South America...Take a look.
You will not take our forests! The ents will prevail!
We will not be under the oppression of Saruman any longer!
When the crowd of four violent protesters started attacking the gates of the White House with their plastic swords and wands, officials became frightened.
Within five minutes, the riot guard had arrived. Three of the protestors are in the hospital, while the other escaped on his horse that he had brought to the event.

The Saga of Devin and Oliver: Episode 3 by AudaciousMoose
It was clear to him that I wasn't a hippie and we became friends. I found that he was named Oliver and he had lived out in the woods for 20 years looking out for hippies.
I hear there's a protest at the White House. Something about no abortion. This is hippie business...
You're pro abortion?
'Course I am. Look, I eat chicken eggs all the time. So how is a fetus any different then a chicken egg?
I'm not sure if comparing a fetus to a chicken egg is a valid way to argue pro abortion.
Anyways, I'm taking extra precautions. For all you know, that fetus could grow up to be a hippie.
You're sick...

12-13-04 7:20pm (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

I can't edit my

Why Neil Armstrong Was The First by AudaciousMoose
Hey, Aldrin, you mind if I take the first step?
Fuck yeah. I'm not letting some stupid douche bag like yourself land first.
C'mon, let's be civil about this.
I don't want to be the miserable fuck who has to introduce himself as the man who took a step on the moon after the cunt who stepped out first.
Hey, how did Kennedy get on board with us?
Kennedy? What the fuck is he doing here?

12-13-04 7:57pm (new)
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I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

Nobody can edit their post. Not even DragonXero.

12-14-04 4:52am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

You know what I would do?

I would hit that.

12-14-04 1:48pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Ian meets Tobor. by Aramis_Blade
Alright! I joined and I made my first comic!
But....why?'s sort of what I do....
Well.....will this hurt?

This is my latest, and in my opinion is my best one so far. e_e

12-14-04 5:26pm (new)
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Official Traveling Menstrual

Member Rated:

But I can delete them.

Most of my comics deserve to be read. But you should read them from the beginning to keep up with the characters. (Not necessary but better that way.) In the meantime, I'll post some comics which don't follow my characters or story line... enjoy (Or don't.)

Random Comic! Modern Pastoral by Scyess

Random Comic! Spontaneousness by Scyess
Dude, watch this!
Spontaneous combustion! Is this cool or what!!
It's not really spontaneous if you planned it.
Damn, this guy is hard to impress.

Random Comic! No by Scyess
Hi! Would you like to sign my petition against...
I think I need a more specific sign.

and some for Christmas...
Random Comic! Holiday Cheers by Scyess
I am the Ghost of Christmas Past! Tonight I will...
Stop right there, buddy. I'm Jewish.
Sorry, but Channuka is one of our least significant holidays. The only reason anyone cares about it is that it comes around Christmas time.
Umm... I am the hallucination caused by drinking Everclear straight from the bottle!
Well, all right then.

Random Comic! Meanwhile, at the North Pole... by Scyess
Hey, Frubert! What's small and green and is about to be ripped open and have its heart devoured by me?
An artichoke! Ho ho ho!
One day, laughing boy, the revolution WILL come.
Ho ho ho! Just kidding! It's really you.


[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Metropolitan Destruction']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Confessional']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Contemplative']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Civic Duty']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! More Floating Trash Cans']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Seat Cushion? So What?']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Nearly Love']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Bernard']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Morbid Fascination with Death']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Make Stellar Love, Not Star Wars']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Free-Lance Evil Genius']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! The Truth about The Truth Commercials']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Among Us']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Ballad of a Gay Black Icthyophile']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Career Women']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! "Good" Friday']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! First AID']

Lord of the Rings:
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Lord of the Rewrites']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Lord of the... What?']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Lord vs Lord']

Untold religious stories:
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Untold Religious Stories']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Untold Religious Stories ][']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Untold Religious Stories ]|[']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Untold Religious Stories |V']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Untold Religious Stories V']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Untold Religious Stories V|']
[Click to view comic: 'Random Comic! Untold Religious Stories V||']
[Click to view comic: 'Untold Religious Stories V|||']
[Click to view comic: 'Untold Religious Stories |X']
(there are more of these, but I don't feel like looking for them.)

"Old" is the old new.

12-14-04 10:04pm (new)
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Definitely drunk

Member Rated:

I have nearly 600 comics, if you want to ready any I suggest avoiding any of the longer series' I've done. I also suggest that you don't read any of my comics, or if you do, be prepared to be VERY offended...

Here's one of the family oriented ones:

Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.

12-15-04 3:46pm (new)
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Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

World's Worst Things to Say 2 by MikeyG
During Sex
Oh! Oh! Mikey, you're incredible!
Thanks! I thought I was gonna have a rough time getting it up to fuck a fat chick, but I guess I was wrong!
During a Job Interview seem to be overqualified, Mr. G, but we've decided you'd be an asset to our company. Welcome aboard!
Nice tits.
During Sex II
Did you just come inside me?
No, baby, don't worry. It's just piss.

World's Worst Things to Say 3 by MikeyG
During Sex III
Ouch! That's my ass, stupid!
I know. Shut up and take it, cock-socket.
At the Bus Stop
Hey, do you know when the 30 bus comes?
Yeah, usually it comes right after I fuck your mother and kick the bitch out on the street.
On a Date
Why do you look so uncomfortable, Mikey?
Aaah, it's these pesky crotch crickets I got from that Vietnamese Ladyboy I molested yesterday.

World's Worst Things to Say in.... by MikeyG
The Boss' Office IV
The reason that I called you into my office is because the other clowns are complaining about the smell in the Funny Car.
I poo'd myself.
The Boss' Office V
Nurse G, can you get me the kidney ready for transplant?
Um... *BUUUUUURRRRRP* No can do, Doc.
The Boss' Office VI
Listen, Mikey, the reason I've brought you in here is because we really just don't feel comfortable with a male working at the Angry Lesbian Coalition Headquarters.
Oh. If I showed you my penis, would it help?

Worst Things to Say at Family Dinner by MikeyG
Dude, mom looked HOT in that nightie this morning!
I've decided to wear a diaper to the dinner table so I can eat uninterrupted.
This meatloaf looks just like the bomb I dropped in the toilet a half hour ago.

Superbowl Halftime Show - Who Knew? by MikeyG
And now, Janet Jackson and I will be singing a song!
Thank you, Justin Timberlake! It's called 'Punch Me In The Nuts And Shove A Frozen Weasel In My Ass.'
"Baby, Baby I want to smoke your twat like a bong and nail your floppy pancake titties to the wall!"
"Baby, I swear to God after your part of the song I'm gonna gag on your tubesteak and finesse your balls"
Oh my God! This was NOT planned, ladies and gentlemen!
*mmgorfmmschlurp, slurp*

I couldn't help posting more.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

12-16-04 7:30am (new)
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Member Rated:

Here's one of the family oriented ones:

Building on George Carlin's joke. Not bad.

-=- You eat one lousy foot and they call you a cannibal. What a world. -=-

12-16-04 10:16am (new)
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Too orangey for crows

Member Rated:

Cage Advice by smamurai
Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
How can I step? I have no legs.
Open your mind and my meaning will become clear.
Just get to the point Dad.
Your brothers and I are off to Ibiza for a week. You get to stay here and be at one with nature.
You're putting me in the fucking dog shelter again, aren't you?

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

12-17-04 9:43am (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Have you been read lately????

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