Yeah, so I lied. Something came up last night and I ended up losing my buzz and going to sleep. LAME-O
No, I'm not drinking now. I wish.
- All of you guys rule some hot teen assholes. I didn't expect this thread to go over so well. All the space beings and I thank you for that.
- There were a lot of good entries. That's true.
- These three entries are the closest to what I was looking for:

There are other entries here that made me laugh almost as hard, but the above are the best combination of good editing work, humour, and meeting of the criteria.
*The very first entry to the contest, and first pictured here, mandingo's, is the winner.*
A hard decision to make, but the simplicity and elegance of the piece won me over from the beginning. There would have been a significant explanation for it not winning if it hadn't.
Other high points - Chi's depiction of battle (could be the closest to my original idea); Ivy (the XXX hardcore one) and fzh's amusing, absurd entries; mandingo's fantastic ducks.
biped and lukket; SO ridiculously close. You've made me feel guilty. Thanks.
Everybody else; don't worry, all your moms secrectly think you're winners.