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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Katrina Disaster comix



Crash Magnet

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Gonna Wash Dem Voters Right Outta My Hair by choadwarrior
A lotta people are out there sayin' the federal gummint idn't doin' anything to help out down there in New Orleans.
I disagree.
This is the most attention we've paid to black people since the last crime bill.

Antediluvian by choadwarrior
The deep South hasn't been this devastated since 1964.
Are you referring to the year when five major huricanes struck land?
No, Bob, that's when President Johnson signed The Civil Rights Act.

9-06-05 5:14pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

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Hell or High Water by choadwarrior
Rev. Jackson, what brings you to Louisiana.
I'm here to help out the best way I know how.
Speaking in platitudes and rhyme?
I'll tell you now, and it's no joke...
The Atlantic must apologize to all black folk.

9-06-05 7:48pm (new)
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What the Cat Dragged In

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Priorities by DexX
Dick! Dick! We gotta do summat 'bout New Orleans! The Merrkin people is gettin' so pissed with me I might not get re-elected!
George, I already told you - a president can only get elected twice. You can't get elected again.
Oh... I done forgot...
Round of golf?

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

9-06-05 9:15pm (new)
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100mg Thorazine, Please

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Butch and the Hurricane by HCRoyall
Wasn't your family from New Orleans, Butch?
Yeah, but they all died a couple of years ago, so there's no personal worry here.
All of them? How?
Coincidentally, it also involved a lot of water..

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

9-07-05 3:20am (new)
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100mg Thorazine, Please

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If Only
In the latest breaking news of the aftermath of Katrina, we bring you this update!
After being identified by conservatives as being responsible for the disaster, God is facing several thousand charges of homicide and as many wrongful death suits. More at 11.
  by HCRoyall, 9-07-05 

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

9-07-05 3:27am (new)
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Part of it all, just like you.

Member Rated:

I didin't even know about this post when I made this one

Live from New Orleans - Comic #200 by RedfeatheR
We take you now live to New Orleans for a up close and personal update from Stone... Stone?
Thank you, Tom
The scene is that of chaos and mayham. This city ripped to shreads... people raping, looting and killing...
The only place these people can find solice is in Houston. The Texans have helped these people find and regain the pride they have been without for a long while.
Live from New Orleans at the Super Bowl Houston - 3, New Orleans 28

9-08-05 2:22am (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Think Locally, Act Locally by choadwarrior
This whole disaster thing in New Orleans has really affected me.
I mean, I know there have been other disasters around the world and all...
But these are Americans!

Some Child Left Behind by choadwarrior
We've had to take in quite a few refugees into our schools from out of state.
Many of whom come from some of the lowest- performing schools in the country.
So how are you reacting?
We're trying to get other districts to take them so our test scores don't go down.

Bloat by choadwarrior
Now that the water is starting to subside, we in the coronor's office will begin the challenging process of identifying the deceased.
And it will be daunting because the sheer number of bodies is so overwhelming?
It's very difficult to identify a dead body.
Especially if they're black. You know, they all look so much alike to us.

Yeah, i've been dealing with the race issue a lot in my Katrina comics, but I hope people see them for what they are--an attack on the attitudes that still exist in that part of the country and our institutions--and not as coming from some bigoted bastard.

9-08-05 10:23pm (new)
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100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

Satire at it's best, choad.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

9-09-05 12:19am (new)
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King of Deadlines

Member Rated:

i totally ROFLed in my shorts!

keep up the good work!

Our liability coverage is zero. Our balls however are enormous.

9-09-05 12:46am (new)
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Member Rated:

The dictator of love and his weapon of mass destruction

9-09-05 5:01am (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

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Mister Monkeybottom, Investigative Reporter
Sir, have you witnessed any looting?
According to the rules of Thunderdome, you belong to me now!
  by squidrabies, 9-09-05 

9-09-05 1:30pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Mister Monkeybottom, Investigative Reporter by squidrabies
Sir, why did you shoot that rescue helicopter down?
Cuz my fambly needs a'rescuing.
So, is the burning wreckage going to rescue you now? Maybe the charred remains of the pilot?
I was trying to get their attention.
How is it that none of you people managed to loot a flare gun?
Are you here to rescue me? Hang on, I need to reload.

9-09-05 2:03pm (new)
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Part of it all, just like you.

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I'm looking forward to my trip down there by RedfeatheR
Secretary Chertoff and I just finished a meeting with Secretary Rumsfeld, General Myers, other members of my Cabinet
There's a lot of aid surging toward those who have been affected: millions of gallons of water, millions of tons of food. We're making progress about pulling people out of the Superdome.
There's an issue right now at the convention center of New Orleans that General Honore briefed us on. We're trying to get food and medicine to the convention center.
A lot of people are working hard to help those who have been affected, and I want to thank the people for their efforts. The results are not acceptable. I'm headed down there right now. I'm looking fo
mr. president, the camara is over HERE... this way*
What the fuck are you talking about?

9-09-05 3:48pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Mister Monkeybottom, Investigate Reporter by squidrabies
Why didn't you evacuate New Orleans like you were ordered?
I had family that couldn't evacuate. I stayed to help and they all died.
Smooth move, dumbass. Okay, so what's your excuse?
When I recieved my welfare check, they forgot to include the "move your impoverished family out of state or you'll probably die" check.
Yeah, it's always everyone else's fault. How about you, genius?
I like to play in the rain!

9-09-05 9:11pm (new)
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100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

You are one funny drunken sonuvabitch, squidrabies.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

9-09-05 9:22pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Thanks. All it takes is a little atrocity to get my creative juices a'flowing.

9-09-05 9:45pm (new)
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Member Rated:

The dictator of love and his weapon of mass destruction

9-09-05 10:34pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Yaknow, I'm usually apolitical and apathetic. I don't have time for any of that crap. You people elected this guy, I didn't. And by you people, I mean the people who did. Even your typical human-on-human mass atrocity elicits barely a "different day, same shit" response from me. Planes crashing into buildings, politicians screwing the world for their own personal gain, belief in a mighty all knowing god sending millions to their deaths annually... I felt like I'd pretty much seen the depths of human stupidity and that nothing could surprise me anymore. Then, in a fit of curiosity, I found this:

The Wacky Government Response To Katrina Timeline

Yeah, so Clinton lied about getting a few blowjobs. What the fuck does it take to impeach this worthless, insane piece of evil shit? Lying about wars won't do it. Total disregard for human life to achieve political and religious goals? Nope. What if he sprouted horns and raped babies? I'm not even sure at this point. I've never been more ashamed of "my" president or "my" government. And that's saying a fucking lot. One of you limeys or canucks needs to offer me a couch and mail me a plane ticket. The Colonies fucking suck.

Okay, back to apathy. It's the only thing that works nowadays.

9-09-05 10:34pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

You are all sick. Do you know that? Exploiting the Disaster for your own comical ends? Diabolical.
Nice one by Battleganz2
We now go to Lincoln Park in Chicago to talk about those violent blacks in NO.
I don't understand what's wrong with these feral blacks. If I woke up one morning lying in 80 years worth of BOILING SHIT AND PISS I'd calmly get dressed and go shopping at Macy's
Continue shopping Americans. There's nothing to see here. When will those liberals learn?
Let's Fly by Battleganz2
National guard units are tasked with arresting all looters and criminals.
First, they will have to wade throught the bodies of those who starved and drowned.
In other news, Astronaughts successfully carried out the first arrest of a black man on Jupiter!
Smug Basterd by Battleganz2
Yesterday we brought you the story of the first successful arrest of a Black man on Jupiter
Look at that smug bastard
We are now witnessing the use of a special "Space taser" given to astronauts for just such an incident. .

9-09-05 11:29pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Told Up by Battleganz2
Hey! What did I just tell you a minute ago you stupid Asshole!
The first rule of the Thunderdome is you DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE THUNDERDOME!

9-10-05 12:11am (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Katrina Disaster comix

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