From The Ethical Slut...
In most of the world, "slut" is a highly offensive term, used to describe a woman whose sexuality is voracious, indiscrimiate and shameful. It's interesting to note that the analogous word "stud," used to describe a highly sexual man, is often a term of approval and envy. If you ask about a man's morals, you will probably hear about his honesty, loyalty, integrity and high principles. When you ask about a woman's morals, you are likely to hear about who she fucks and under what conditions. We have a problem with this.
So we are proud to reclaim the word "slut" as a term of approval, even endearment. To us, a slut is a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you. A slut may choose to have sex with herself only, or with the Fifth Fleet. He may be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual, a radical activist or a peaceful suburbanite.
As proud sluts, we believe that sex and sexual love are fundamental forces for good.
So yeah, count me in as a slut, too. God knows my wife calls me one often enough...
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