___Legal tender within the___ ______territories of the______ ___Commonwealth of Brad___
~ ~ ~ ~ Six Donkeys ~ ~ ~ ~
Please excuse the lack of a CC69 title - I wanted to try the double digit thingy... pity you can't preview your strip with the title intact, as it really didn't work out.
--- This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.
Lucked into an air pocket! Adapted to the pressure. Live off the fish. Discovered an ingenious way to recycle my waste into a dinette set. Even print my own money. Don't try to save me. I WILL resist.
------------------------IN--------------------- -the squirrel who wields an axe- ---------and is clearly insane-----------------------WE TRUST--------------
-----------------1 Nut-----------------------
LET all feel the peace that your random sacrifices bring.
To US there is no higher plane of enlightenment to GO to.