Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » The Official Hobo Knife Fight Thread
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I don't like Rabid's kidneys because:
1. Dietary issues. 2. They don't carry any money.
biped Mr. Wonderful
quote:I don't like biped's face because it:
1. Is a fat retarded poop enema 2. Had my maw last night
Please stop paying for its welfare.
Nah, I love you, biped. But what's with the Negative Nancyism?
I don't like this post because it:
1. accuses me of "Negative Nancyism" 2. fails to acknowledge my utter greatness
---Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
ivytheplant Obsessive Comic Disorder
*acknowledges biped's utter greatness*
*acknowledges biped's NEGATIVE NANCYISM!*
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