01. BEACH BOYS - Their "Miserlou" is not as dynamic as the Dick Dale version. Plus, I'm now comparing it to choad's "alternate" take from Surrender. Not fair.
02. NANCY SINATRA - Big band bombast. Wow. Q's choice of Dusty re-kindled my then-forgotten love of this song, so, for me, any comparison is unfair. But it's a damn good song either way.
03. THE ANIMALS - Haven't seen Kill Bill, so that fact skews my view of this track. However, this bluesy Burdon version is quite good. And if he wasn't with them at the time, then consider it "unBurdoned." I slay me.
04. NEIL DIAMOND - I have the UO version on cassette (the same one with "sister Havana" and "Erica Kane," I believe -- good stuff), so I'm partial to it. I do like the pathos of the Diamond original, though. Very, very nice.
05. TINA TURNER - Afore I heard the vocals, I thought this was 'Retha. Very 80s. Al's was 70s, but, yeah, timeless.
06. NANCY again - Fantastic! I bet this song is used to great effect in the movie. I like Nancy's vocal here better than in the first song. Now I want to hear the Cher version to see if it has that Gypsy flair.
07. DA VINCI - I can't hear this song without dancing around and cutting off imaginary ears. Da Vinci version makes me smile, too -- especially da bridge.
08. JOHN PRINE - Seems like ol' John is doing is best at channeling Chuck, but he doesn't quite capture the "French" feel of Berry's. Good straight-up Rock N Roll, though.
09. SHUGGIE OTIS - Oh shit, I shot Shuggie! Great losin'-my-girl-and-can't-do-a-damn-thing-about-it song. Haven't seen Jackie Brown, either. Damn, I suck.
10. PORTER WAGONER - Porter discovered Dolly Parton and helped make her famous, but she probably made him more famous than he had any right to be. By most accounts, though, he is a good guy. I haven't heard the Cash version, but I imagine I'd enjoy it more. Still, Porter does this song great justice and makes it sound like a true Country song.
11. STEPPENWOLF - Heh, how does one "totally forget" about "Magic Carpet Ride?" I guess it's okay since you're about -10 years than me. Plus, they used to be my Mom's favorite group.
12. BJ THOMAS - Sitars keep fallin' on my head.... Not bad, but Blue Suede's much better.
13. MIGUEL MEJIA - I don't speak much Latin, but I like the music. ;) This one's romantic and dramatic in all the right places.
14. SPRUNG MONKEY - Is this the one Coke used for their "Lime in the Coke" ads. Ugh, disgusting stuff -- the soda, that is. Also, I'm quite upset that we could have had a Muppet version instead.
Bonus Tracks...
15. NINA SIMONE - I've always assumed Nina Simone was a woman. If she is, then damn. I wouldn't have guessed who sang this in a million years if not for the liners.
16. TOM JONES BARENAKED - If someone had told me, back in my headbanger days, that I'd be digging on Tom Jones in 15 years, I'd have told them to go fellate themselves.
17. PACO DE LUCIA - As much as I enjoyed Mejia's take, this one's even better. Excellent instrumental. Thanks for the inclusion.
Alternatino was an excellent idea and you executed it most, uh, excellently, your excellency. The Beach Boys song was the only one that was disappointing. All the others were interesting, lively or both. And the overall packaging and notes are once again incredible. Thank you so much!
Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years