or you can stop reading the unfunny comics. I personally don't really care who does or doesn't think mine are funny. I'm still gonna wake up in the morning (unless I happen to read a ridiculousy unfunny comic here that makes "2 girls 1 cup" look like a toddlers treat.)
So I say, if your comics are unfunny, keep posting them just to piss people off.........
I find pissing people off more entertaining than raping a priests' daughter.
OK, fish, here's how it usually goes down :
N00b shows up, asking for feedback
Regulars do, often with a bit of scathing commentary
N00b gets offended, pretends not to care about feedback, which they originally asked for
Regulars laugh as the cycle repeats itself.
So, I'm going to cut to the chase - you DO care about peoples' opinions, otherwise, you wouldn't have posted comics asking for feedback.
So, either STFU and plug away, trying harder at comics or be content with what you are.
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