First things first - try spelling a bit better. Review your work before you post it to make sure that, although you undoubtedly understand what it is you have written, not everyone has your genius, meaning that we may not understand what it is you are trying to say. It's like talking to someone with a speech impediment. They know what they are trying to say, we have no clue.
My suggestion? Work on the spelling a bit, mate. 'even if you spell like this', at least all of us (except that troll guy - whatsisname) will understand you. However, if you continue to persist in your current spelling habits, a great many people who frequent these forums will have killer headaches.
All in all, just keep trying.
Have a nice day.
Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Uhhhhn. Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Click. Blam. Onomatopoeia.