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Stripcreator » Photoshop Valley » My Computer Art, Do I have potential?



Definitely drunk

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Not sure why the image didn't show up, but can right click to see properties and the url is correct there.

Anyways, I think where you went wrong was that you filled the background with green before you shrank it - the idea is to create the outline manually after it's at the finished size.

When you shrink an image the application doing it changes the colours, especially where 2 colours meet.

The other possibility is that you saved it as a gif or jpg from ms paint (always use .png format, it preserves your colours and has a nice small file size - convert to jpg or gif from that using another application).

See if either of those is the cause, otherwise I'll need more info to figure out what went wrong. Send me a PM if you need help, I don't check the forums all that often :)

Oh, and love the character!

Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.

4-22-09 12:28am (new)
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Overlord Procrastinator: Or will be in a minute...

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4-22-09 2:57pm (new)
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Definitely drunk

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Looks good, though you left 2 pixels of light grey just underneath his right hand ;)

One little tip though - where the left knee is sticking out your line is a little jagged, if you shave one or two pixels from both the top and bottom of the knee it comes out a lot smoother:

Other than that there are a couple of pixels sticking out of the skull, and you could do the same thing with the chin and right elbow as the knee. These things are very minor though (I'm kind of a perfectionist), and overall this came out nicely!

Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.

4-23-09 4:05pm (new)
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masturbating to Japanese shit porn

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I think it's the balls.


Now do a guy shuffling through his iPod. I have several iPod jokes I haven't been able to execute yet.

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

4-23-09 8:47pm (new)
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Saving the world from thirst since 1905!

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I was bored so...

 I hope you don't mind me changing your image beeko, I removed the skull but then couldn't think of anything to put in his hand :(

4-23-09 9:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Overlord Procrastinator: Or will be in a minute...

Member Rated:



That simple fact that I've just met another perfectionist other than myself is enough to say a considerate thank you. But the fact that you even went to the trouble of correcting my mistakes just shows how much more this thank will mean when I say it:


Thank you.





Thank you very much, I'll try to make my version of a guy with an i pod. Although I quite enjoyed the rather exquisite form of shakespear that you have approached RCCOLAMAN. 



You have my most solemn and honourbound of vows that clicking this link will not direct you to a youtube video of a rick roll

4-25-09 12:25am (new)
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Overlord Procrastinator: Or will be in a minute...

Member Rated:

5-02-09 8:45pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Saving the world from thirst since 1905!

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I like the vault background a lot beeko, with a little more detail and polish I think it would make a great addition to the site! An open version of the vault would be neat too, with like gold and treasure chests on the inside, you know, bling bling.

5-05-09 6:03pm (new)
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Overlord Procrastinator: Or will be in a minute...

Member Rated:

5-05-09 11:39pm (new)
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The Return

Member Rated:

I like. How do you make thesee?

6-23-09 7:59am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Overlord Procrastinator: Or will be in a minute...

Member Rated:

I do them in paint, I don't have photoshop, but I hear photoshop is better to use (I think).

You have my most solemn and honourbound of vows that clicking this link will not direct you to a youtube video of a rick roll

6-23-09 5:21pm (new)
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Definitely drunk

Member Rated:


This might help :)

Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.

6-25-09 6:13am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Overlord Procrastinator: Or will be in a minute...

Member Rated:

7-01-09 3:53am (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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Actually, if you can pull it off, paint tends to be better for backgrounds than Photoshop, at least in how they come out.  The jaggies actually work for our art here.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

7-12-09 12:39am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

imm gay

3-14-12 12:42pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Photoshop Valley » My Computer Art, Do I have potential?

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