I feel I must contribute. Only because my TV is on the fritz ad I won't be able to watch Stargate for a while so I'm bored.
My opinion. Note the word "opinion."
Firmly pro-choice. The only time I would deny an abortion (provided I had the power, which I don't. It's just a figure of speech) is because the reason falls into the "moronic jackass" category.
[u]Yes/Approved Category:[/u]
> Child will be severely retarded/disabled/massive pain/short life/etc.
> Mother was raped.
> Birth will cause harm/death to mother (and don't even point out that the act of giving birth is harmful to a woman's body, cause even though it is, I mean any damage not normal to birth (including Caesarians) that's inflicted on the mother, dumbass).
> Morons already have more kids than they can handle/afford and were too stupid/religious to bother with birth control. Then they need counselling, a call to Family Services, and possibly a visit to the local vet.
> Teenager with her life ahead of her.
> Birth control was forgotten because of a simple mistake (we all make mistakes. Who here hasn't forgotten to put on pants before they went to work?).
> People who have tried every form of birth control and are mysteriously immune to it. I have friends in this category. Her husband finally got a vasectomy out of sheer frustration, but for those couples who might not stay together forever, vasectomy/hysterectomy might not be an option. And there's only so far the rhythm method can go.
[u]Moronic Jackass Category:[/u]
> Parents already have two kids and would rather spend their savings on a boat.
> Partial-birth.
> People who are too lazy to bother with birth control.
> People who consider it a game to see how many they can have and abort. Jackasses.
> People who thought having a kid would revitalize their marriage/sex life and then change their mind later when they realize how stupid they were. See above: wanting a boat.