Flash effect-- Bad Date: A targeted party's males and females must split up for the rest of the game.
Caption: "Oh my god! SOMEBODY PUT SHIT IN MY PANTS!!!"
Flash Effect-- Give Happy Noodle Boy the time of day, or he will absolve thee with Tree Scratchies.
Flash Effect-- Happy Noodle Boy attempts to ressurect a killed Character. Flip a coin. Heads, the attempt fails. Tails, the attempt fails.
Caption: "I alone can hear his tortured screams!!! EeeK! Screamy noises! You have been fooled into an early burial!! You must help him!!"
Equipment-- Happy Noodle Armor -- Requires Insanity to equip.
Major Disaster-- Super Bastard Beam! "This disaster destroys its current location, killing all Characters and destroying all other disasters and items and all immediate surrounding locations in 2 turns unless defeated, or unless "Obsessor" is in play, in which case obsessor is destroyed."