Thanks... that one just wrote itself. I described the original layout of the panels to my wife (sans text). "Well, in the first panel he's got his hand on the shoulder of this kid, and in the last panel it shows their text baloons coming out of a hotel. Ya think I could do something with that?"
By the way, making Nancy naked for "Aunt Fritzi's Dream" probably took longer than anything else I submitted. Her breasts are the upside-down eyes of Aunt Fritzi (from the same panel). Her penis is constructed from the hair of her friend from the "French" comic.
For some reason, reading those last two sentences really cracks me up.
I'll start the next contest tomorrow night. I want to take a little time to think up something good (for once).
...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.