sub_dipshit sent me this lovely little email...
this is an example of a 'single loop' chain mail, also known as mail bombing.
this thread only contains 5 mails, however the number of mails i can theoretically send is unlimited.
due to the fact that yahoo offers a restricted number of megs for each mail-box, you will not be able to use this account any longer if i send you, say 10.000 mails in 20 seconds.
furthermore, you will not be able to find the mails sent to you by friends anymore because of the vast amount of spam-mail you will receive.
if you don'y want me to proceed, than post a msg in the stripcreator forum.
best wishes, s7
You're such a colossal pussy. Go ahead and mail bomb me, Mr. Super Hacker. Is that the best you could do? Was this what you had in mind when you boasted about being able to 'shut down Stripcreator'? (even though you wouldn't, of course, 'cause you're such a decent human being).
You were supposed to hack my site. As in, use your l33t hacker skills to sneak in and change my content, or do something funny. Not send me a bunch of emails. Any monkey could do that.
How can you sleep at night?
By the way, don't puss out on the email thing by assuming this is my plea for you to save my account. 'Cause it isn't. I want to see you go through with something for once in your life. Loser.
Bitchy Sauce Girl?