It's not IRC, but it does illustrate that DexX is still alive:
deXXXer: Did you hear what Rick McCallum, exectuive producer (or something like that) of the Star Wars franchise, said about online file sharing, specifically of movies?
umbcref: nope
deXXXer: Warning: Gross hyperbole ahead...
umbcref: huzzah
deXXXer: File sharers are essentially terrorists, and the fight against online file sharing and movie piracy is just as important as the War on Terror. Online file sharing is going to destroy the movie industry within three years if nothing is done, just as it is single-handedly responsible for a 50% drop in music indutry profits in recent years.
deXXXer: I'm not making any of this up. He actually said all of this with a straight face.
umbcref: cool
umbcref: let's download bruce springsteen and bomb the Sears Tower
deXXXer: linkage
deXXXer: Hilarious reading.
umbcref: what do you expect from a hollywood moron eating $19 hamburgers in a 1/2 acre office?
deXXXer: I think these comments are a late dark horse entry in the "Dumbest Public Comment of 2002" awards.
umbcref: he also thinks incompetent dry cleaning is an act of terror
umbcref: also, unripe avocados
umbcref: I think it's terrorism when the parking valet scratches my paint
deXXXer: *laugh*
deXXXer: Fucking muslim valets!!!
umbcref: allah hu akbar (scratch scratch)
deXXXer: Infidel! I undercook your Spanish omelette and leave it slightly watery!!!
deXXXer: Ah great Allah! I have struck back at the unbeliever by putting cow's milk in his soyacino...
umbcref: hahaha
umbcref: next, we will strike at his exercise club
umbcref: we will not towel off the machines after sweating on them!
deXXXer: We shall give him a dirty, sweaty towel instead of a clean one as he emerges from the sauna, and then the godless AMericans will be destroyed!!!
umbcref: *ululates*
What others say about boorite!