Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun




Member Rated:

* areallyst blinks
* dcomposed blanks
* areallyst blonks
* areallyst blunks
* areallyst blenks
* dcomposed blnks
* dcomposed boinks
* areallyst bongs
* dcomposed dongs
* areallyst dings
* dcomposed dungs
* areallyst dangs
* dcomposed dengs
* areallyst lengs
* dcomposed lungs
* areallyst lings
* dcomposed longs
[19:08:08] * bunnerabb has joined #stripcreator
[19:08:12] bunner!
[19:08:15] hey
[19:08:15] (thank god)

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-06-03 1:59am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

* areallyst blinks
* dcomposed blanks
* areallyst blonks
* areallyst blunks
* areallyst blenks
* dcomposed blnks
* dcomposed boinks
* areallyst bongs
* dcomposed dongs
* areallyst dings
* dcomposed dungs
* areallyst dangs
* dcomposed dengs
* areallyst lengs
* dcomposed lungs
* areallyst lings
* dcomposed longs
boinks, eh?

12-06-03 1:39pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

This is a bad one that makes me feel dirty. Girls are discouraged from reading it. :/

Rabid Weasle was pissing and moaning about how the chatroom was so quiet...

Maybe it wouldn't be so quiet Rabid.
If you talked more.
That's the spirit!
anal sex
rim job
Rimjobs make me cry.
* dcomposed rims Inflatable
I would feel very uncomfortable performing or recieving a rimjo
But thanks anyway, dcom.
I would have an irresistable urge to fart if someone was giving me a rimjob.
It would be funny enough to lose a girlfriend over.
I would make sure it was a really rotten and loud one too.
tossed salad
pubic hair
poo sex
Yeast infected vaginal blood fart.
Top that one.
* Inflatable throws up.
dcom topped it.
tit fuck
dcom tapped it
mAAk's mom
you had sex with mAAk?!?
maak having sex with dcom
dcom, I demand an explanation!
Was this while I was going out with you?
You were there.
You filmed it!
mAAk squealed like a piglet.
Man... I made a fortune off those tapes on eBay.
i jerked off to it
People actually think that's Paris Hilton!
you guys know i'm really Paris Hilton right
shut up, slut.
* Inflatable puts mAAk back on The Simple Life.
i just want the attention and acceptance i never received growin
g up
* Rabid_Weasle anal seckses maak
* Rabid_Weasle kills maak
* Inflatable films it, smokes a cigarette, breathes heavily and shouts "ooooh yeeeah!"
did you guys get that on tape?
I got it.
* Inflatable puts it on eBay as 'Paris Hilton: Reloaded'
death approaches
* Rabid_Weasle skull fucks maak

... And he did too.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

12-07-03 8:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[02:20] snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
[02:21] lucky
[02:21] I hope your not snowing it while typing again
[02:21] only 6 inches but it's still coming down
[02:21] hahahahahaha!
[02:21] hahahahahahahahahahaha!
[02:21] * Ewwwww high-5's Stupide
[02:21] ok lads, move along
[02:21] :)
[02:21] ack! non sequitur-turned-sex-joke!
[02:22] nothing to see here
[02:22] god....that's better than manberry sauce!
[02:22] hahaha!

Please replace the handset, and try again.

12-08-03 7:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Poison Gas Pokemon

Member Rated:

only 6 inches but it's still coming down
* Ewwwww high-5's Stupide

It's grime time.

12-08-03 7:25pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Poison Gas Pokemon

Member Rated:


It's grime time.

12-08-03 7:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Welcome to the double-post club, fella.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

12-08-03 7:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Poison Gas Pokemon

Member Rated:

ARGH! *stab*
* Rabid_Weasle pretends to leave
gah! *stab stab stab*
* areallystupidguy dies
* Rabid_Weasle double takes
Led Zeppelin action figures
me want
* Rabid_Weasle mauls stupid
* areallystupidguy dies again
my bad
its alright
* areallystupidguy uses phoenix down potion and comes back to life
* Rabid_Weasle casts holy on stupid
fuck, sorry :\
* areallystupidguy dies once again
* Rabid_Weasle uses a pheonix down on stupid
here, i'll heal you
* Rabid_Weasle casts zombie then uses an x potion on stupid
that's not right
* BigEvilDan casts Repel Nerd.
you can't kill us!
* BigEvilDan can no longer stand to be with himself.
i am the dungeon master!
* Rabid_Weasle rolls the dice
i rolled the dice
to see if you're a kling on reject dummy
and i rolled a 25
and i had to get above 23
so that means you are
hehehe he
*** Rabid_Weasle was kicked by Tobor (flood)
Woo! Tobor rolled a natural 20!
Me rolls saving throw!
haha! fortitude of 25! rabid returns!
... or not.
*** Rabid_Weasle (
) has joined #stripcreator
haha! my saving throw worked!
fucking tobor...
* Rabid_Weasle rolls the dice to see if tobor is a big hunk of dummy m etal
* Rabid_Weasle rolls a 17
curses! i needed a 18
i am an angry nerd!
* Rabid_Weasle drinks mountain dew
* areallystupidguy downloads some new dungeon maps

It's grime time.

12-08-03 9:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

*** Rabid_Weasle ( has joined #stripcreator
*** nate has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* kitty_afk hugs
Frozen Weasels
hey rabid
Frozen Measles
nate leaving is the greatest hello i've ever received

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

12-09-03 2:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

I eat dead people


12-09-03 3:11pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

* Chicka hands Ewwww an oar
* Ewwwww dies in the water
Let's paddle upstream this time. I'm sick of going down.
That was slightly sexual
I am trying to make my friends hate me
So I don't have to see them anymore.
* Ewwwww paddles up chickas stream

Mediocrity at its most average.

12-09-03 7:13pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

chooby: hello boorite
boorite: hello chobperson
Ahri: hi boorite
boorite: choobperson
boorite: hi ... Ahri?
boorite: youre not a former white house press secretary are you?
Ahri: sorry, i'm not one of the in-crowd
boorite: neither are we
chooby: nope
Ahri: not to my recollection :)
boorite: that's why we all come here
chooby: yep
boorite: welcome to Loserville, I'm the mayor
chooby: I'm the village idiot.
boorite: chooby here is War Minister
FrixFrax-Bored-And-Ill: You made the village idiot War Minister!
BigEvilDan: Worked for America.

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

12-10-03 2:16pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

chooby: hello boorite
boorite: hello chobperson
Ahri: hi boorite
boorite: choobperson
boorite: hi ... Ahri?
boorite: youre not a former white house press secretary are you?
Ahri: sorry, i'm not one of the in-crowd
boorite: neither are we
chooby: nope
Ahri: not to my recollection :)
boorite: that's why we all come here
chooby: yep
boorite: welcome to Loserville, I'm the mayor
chooby: I'm the village idiot.
boorite: chooby here is War Minister
[b]FrixFrax-Bored-And-Ill: You made the village idiot War Minister!
BigEvilDan: Worked for America.[/b]

Those two lines alone made me laugh really really hard.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

12-10-03 3:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

Edited for your own good:

Ekpyro was in the chat as "FourJulyandNineElevenEqualZero" but I changed his name.

chooby: Ekpyro is an isolated case..
Ekpyro: isolated how?
chooby: if this community had any huge flaws, I wouldn't have stayed so long.
Ekpyro: oh
chooby: He doesn't even LIKE the site.
chooby: Or the community.
Ahri: chooby: isolated cases become precidents...
chooby: So why waste everyone's time?
Ekpyro: i like this sitr
Ekpyro: *site
chooby: Doug was a moron and he was let back in eventually.
chooby: and behaved himself for the most part.
Ekpyro: it permits me to create drivel without learning how to draw
chooby: Then you don't need to use the forums, do you?
Ahri: chooby: then what's to say that Ekpyro isn't capable of becoming more considerate, or of taking a fraction of a second longer to think before submitting a post?
chooby: yet, if you use brad's site to make anti-american comics like the burning flag one, why bother even letting you do that?
Ekpyro: why not?
chooby: Ahri: his posts were fairly coherent, it wasn't the usual "BURN FUCKING FAGS LOL!!!111 U SUK COS U R A GAY!!!" troll posts.
Ekpyro: i've seen plenty of anti-Arab, anti-Black and anti-Gay comics on here
Ekpyro: chooby - so you say i could be worse?
chooby: He seemed to be actually focusing himself into being an instigator.
chooby: I am saying that it is probably more excusable for someone who can hardly even spell to try to get attention by annoying people...
chooby: that's what trolls are, 13 year olds looking for something to do.
Ekpyro: chooby - forethought? you think too much of me mate
chooby: You seemed like you actually had an education, yet were still looking to annoy people.
Ekpyro: that sounds slightly snobby mate, sorry
chooby: Well, it's my opinion.
Ekpyro: just saying
Ekpyro: although it does tie in with my anti-Americanism
chooby: I am Scottish.
chooby: Never even visited America.
Ekpyro: in that i think it's that Americans are less worldly in general that i find them abrasive
Ekpyro: i wasn't implying you being snobby was an American characteristic
Ekpyro: as i've always said, it's not a clear cut thing, some yanks are sound
chooby: Where are you calling from, Pyro?
Ekpyro: Wales unfortunately
chooby: Oh man.
chooby: Discussion over.

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

12-10-03 3:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

chooby: Where are you calling from, Pyro?
Ekpyro: Wales unfortunately
chooby: Oh man.
chooby: Discussion over.

I never thought I'd use one of these, but..

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-10-03 6:25pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I recant the Lord Jesus Christ and all of his works.
*** nate has quit IRC

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

12-11-03 3:14pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

bs quotes are not funny unless you're a frickin tool

i cant wait till sc graduates to the point where it bans obscene trolls.

12-11-03 3:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:


12-11-03 3:20pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Poison Gas Pokemon

Member Rated:

i have ADD.
* areallystupidguy has started laughing again
my god
im making a comic about that
haha do it
dont tell me what to do
it will be the 4oth irc adventure
can i make the invitations?
* areallystupidguy begins cutting out little ribbons and stuff
my prize ribbons!
you ruined them!
no! i am giving them new life!
they deserve to be free!
* areallystupidguy tosses the rest of them out the window
fly! fly away!
* areallystupidguy watches as they slowly flutter down into a river
they cant swim!!!!!
NOOOOO! don't you want to live!
* areallystupidguy watches as they drown
they took their own life! they would rather die than life in this cruel harsh reality!
lets have a moment of silence
* boinky33 farts
* areallystupidguy burps
* boinky33 blushes
well that was fun.

It's grime time.

12-12-03 10:26pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

* Now talking in #stripcreator
* Topic is 'Punk's not dead. It just sucks now.'
* Set by boinky33 on Sat Dec 13 02:28:38
* Looking up dcomposed user info...
* dcomposed is now known as putting-you-on-ignore-now
I won't know if you talk!
Goodbye, bunnerabb.
* putting-you-on-ignore-now is now known as dcomposed
rock on.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

12-13-03 4:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[22:35:49] * Now talking in #stripcreator
[22:35:49] * Topic is 'Punk's not dead. It just sucks now.'
[22:35:49] * Set by boinky33 on Sat Dec 13 17:28:38
[22:36:49] * bunnerabb has joined #stripcreator
[22:39:18] Good evening, bunnerabb.
[22:41:40] I assume I am on ignore and you're not just being totally rude and stuff.
[22:44:48] Offer me money, offer me fame, but I prefer bunner's son's sweet ass if it's all the same.
[22:45:37] * dcomposed is now known as putting-you-on-ignore-now
[22:45:46] I won't know if you talk!
[22:45:54] Goodbye, bunnerabb.
[22:46:00] * putting-you-on-ignore-now is now known as dcomposed
[22:46:08] rock on.
* Added bunnerabb!*@* to ignore list

I knew that "rock on" was coming, so I waited for it.

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-13-03 4:42am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:


Batman created by Bob Kane

12-13-03 4:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

* Removed bunnerabb!*@* from ignore list
[22:57:58] Wow. dcomposed is just another wanker, pussy troll with a big mouth and his mother's internet conenction. Who would have thought?
[22:58:03] heheheheh
[22:58:12] You don't even count, punk.
[22:58:22] Stop talking about killing yourself and do the world a favour.
[22:58:23] :)
[22:58:35] :(
[22:59:02] You're mean.

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-13-03 4:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

Wow. I am so hurt. Another mouthy, useless troll.

Kid, my SON could tear your throat out and piss down your neck. You don't want to know what getting in my face would cost. Then again, you're just a mindless moron sitting several thousand miles away, insulting people from your mommy's internet connection. Aint ya?

What's it like to have no sense, no class, no dignity, no reason to live whatsoever?

Never mind.

Nobody cares.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

12-13-03 4:58am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

You don't know that.

I don't really care either, but it's probably a lot less than you think it is.

I'm like a genius or something, the IQ test said.

It makes having people like you say stuff like "You don't want to know what getting in my face would cost" a lot more fun, because then if I do find out, it won't matter if what it does cost has to do with my dying.

Oops, too late.

Do you think I care about you anymore than you care about me?

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-13-03 5:14am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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