Edited for your own good:
Ekpyro was in the chat as "FourJulyandNineElevenEqualZero" but I changed his name.
chooby: Ekpyro is an isolated case..
Ekpyro: isolated how?
chooby: if this community had any huge flaws, I wouldn't have stayed so long.
Ekpyro: oh
chooby: He doesn't even LIKE the site.
chooby: http://www.stripcreator.com/forums/showthread.php?postnum=104600&forum=7
chooby: Or the community.
Ahri: chooby: isolated cases become precidents...
chooby: So why waste everyone's time?
Ekpyro: i like this sitr
Ekpyro: *site
chooby: Doug was a moron and he was let back in eventually.
chooby: and behaved himself for the most part.
Ekpyro: it permits me to create drivel without learning how to draw
chooby: Then you don't need to use the forums, do you?
Ahri: chooby: then what's to say that Ekpyro isn't capable of becoming more considerate, or of taking a fraction of a second longer to think before submitting a post?
chooby: yet, if you use brad's site to make anti-american comics like the burning flag one, why bother even letting you do that?
Ekpyro: why not?
chooby: Ahri: his posts were fairly coherent, it wasn't the usual "BURN FUCKING FAGS LOL!!!111 U SUK COS U R A GAY!!!" troll posts.
Ekpyro: i've seen plenty of anti-Arab, anti-Black and anti-Gay comics on here
Ekpyro: chooby - so you say i could be worse?
chooby: He seemed to be actually focusing himself into being an instigator.
chooby: I am saying that it is probably more excusable for someone who can hardly even spell to try to get attention by annoying people...
chooby: that's what trolls are, 13 year olds looking for something to do.
Ekpyro: chooby - forethought? you think too much of me mate
chooby: You seemed like you actually had an education, yet were still looking to annoy people.
Ekpyro: that sounds slightly snobby mate, sorry
chooby: Well, it's my opinion.
Ekpyro: just saying
Ekpyro: although it does tie in with my anti-Americanism
chooby: I am Scottish.
chooby: Never even visited America.
Ekpyro: in that i think it's that Americans are less worldly in general that i find them abrasive
Ekpyro: i wasn't implying you being snobby was an American characteristic
Ekpyro: as i've always said, it's not a clear cut thing, some yanks are sound
chooby: Where are you calling from, Pyro?
Ekpyro: Wales unfortunately
chooby: Oh man.
chooby: Discussion over.
"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."