Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun



chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Kajun: I have severe ring sting by the way.
Kajun: I have literally just shat my brains out.
kitty: ...
kitty: thanks for sharing
Kajun: I feel like I've just had a baby
kitty: out your arse?
Kajun: granted, a rather runny baby.

Dad was flammable

1-02-04 1:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

my earlier comics
they really suck
my earlier ones were.....all about oral sex
ya, like that
*** boinky33 (~user8513@template.2919197D.5AEA315C.A4492D1A.
IP) has left #stripcreator

im sorry boinky...please forgive me

xx( o Y o. )xx

1-02-04 2:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Poison Gas Pokemon

Member Rated:

Losing porn should be incentive enough to make anyone fight tha power.
i lost all my porn when i had to get my hard drive replaced
4 years of work...gone.
That's... that's tragic.
I don't know what to say...
i attempted suicide by reclining chair at least twice
but i couldnt reach the lever
Suicide by lampshade is probably more effective.
so i gave up
Just put one on your head, walk out the door, and keep walking until you die.
wow! thats a good plan!
*** DragonXero has quit IRC (Quit: BACK SOON!!!)
bye drag
See? he's off to try it right now.
i shoud try it
For maximum headline value, you should paint something on the "face."
or write your suicide note there
that would be the best headline ever
Thar runs the risk of your suicide note being destroyed, though,.
i'd watch the news more if stuff like that was on more
oh yeah
Like, if you fell into a vat of nuclear waste with a lampshade on your head...
people might be able to describe your funny painting, but they probably didn't read your rambling letter.
Unless it was something like "LIFE SUCKS!"
that was all i was gonna write anyway
Then you'd just mutate into lampshademan.
And you'd be forced into a life of superheroism.
Or supervillainy.
You apparantly can't be a superprocrastinator.
Or a superapathetic.
id join up with with MOO MAN AND THOUGHTFUL BOY
I wish now that there were a character in the database wearing a lampshade on his head.
i know
It's worthy of a strip series.
it truly is

It's grime time.

1-02-04 8:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

Member Rated:


1-02-04 10:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

Im so egotistical i make Bush look like he has low self confidence

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-03-04 2:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

--> ausrotten ( has joined #stripcreator
work out.... JERK OUT
<-- ausrotten ( has left #stripcreator

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

1-04-04 1:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

* jools comes in Laff's ear
aural sex is hot

1-04-04 2:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Chuck Norris's bitch

Member Rated:

*** Inflatabl changed topic to "I like BIG boinkys and I cannot lie... You other guys cant deny... When a girl c
omes in with an itty bitty waist and a big boinky you get SPRUNG!"
*** Laff ( has left #stripcreator
i did, barg
I am a big boinky
*** laughingi changed nick to Laff
*** Laff changed topic to "Superness of Christ"
I am being oppressed for my Jewish beliefs.
* Inflatabl calls Jewish Anti-Defemation League.
* boinky33 eats a porkchop
* Inflatabl launches million dollar suit against Laff
*** Laff changed topic to "no no NO"
*** boinky33 changed topic to "I say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah"
*** jools changed topic to "I say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah TO BOOBIES"
*** boinky33 changed topic to "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj"
*** jools changed topic to "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjesus"
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "SHUT UP, BITCH!! LET JESUS CHRIST FUCK YOU!!! *HEAD SPINS***!!!!1
*** boinky33 changed topic to "Jesus Christ ate my balls"
*** jools changed topic to "Jesus Christ ate my balls AND LIKED IT!"
*** Laff changed topic to ":o { )=======8"
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "Jesus Christ died for your balls"
*** jools changed topic to "Jesus Christ died for your balls AND LIKED IT!"
theres that blow job thing again
*** boinky33 changed topic to "Jesus Christ dyed your hair"
*** jools changed topic to "Jesus Christ dyed your hair AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 changed topic to "actually, he hates the colour"
*** Laff changed topic to "Christ sucks then"
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "Jesus Christ made a dooty on your hair... AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools removed topic
i beat you
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Laff changed topic to "I am super"
*** jools changed topic to "I am super"
*** jools changed topic to "I am super AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
* Inflatabl removed topic and boinky33
*** Laff changed topic to "whats the topic buzz"
*** Inflatabl removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 changed topic to "Do the topic! do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do"
*** jools changed topic to "Do the topic! do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do AND LIKED
*** Inflatabl changed topic to ":D D: = Drama theater"
*** jools changed topic to ":D D: = Drama theater AND LIKED IT!"
*** Laff changed topic to "Dream theatre"
*** jools changed topic to "Dream theatre AND LIKED IT!"
fuck off
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "Wet Dream Thetre... I LIKED!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
* Laff removed boinky
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "***boinky33 removed topic"
*** jools changed topic to "***boinky33 removed topic AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
like this
boinky33.. stop removing every topic you hater.
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
*** Laff changed topic to "LIKED IT MORE"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "AND HOW!!!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND HOW!!! AND LIKED IT!"
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "BOOBIES... I LIKE!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to " AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Laff changed topic to "COOL"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** Laff changed topic to ":P"
what a strange conversation
*** boinky33 removed topic
* Inflatabl transforms in to Hulk
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Laff changed topic to "Topic not to be removed"
*** jools changed topic to "Topic not to be removed AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
damn you jools
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "!!! TI DEKIL DNA"
*** jools changed topic to "!!! TI DEKIL DNA AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
That would kill any dyslexics in here.
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** Laff changed topic to "AND LICKED IT"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LICKED IT AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Laff changed topic to "LETS BE BROTHERS"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "He hates it!!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Laff changed topic to "LLLLLALLALALLA"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "HE HATES IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic

...and pain joined his urge to percieve...

1-04-04 2:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Chuck Norris's bitch

Member Rated:

*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** Laff changed topic to "SOMEONE PUT THIS IN SC IS FUN"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** Laff changed topic to "AND STRIPPED IT"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
Its official. Jools has snapped.
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
boinky stop removing the topic you dictator.
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
ok someone should seriously put this in sc is fun
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
but i dunno how to do the thing
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
Man... you two are like those screaming kids in the back when I'm driving to the Grand Canyon f
or a family getaway. Shut up or I turn this car around right NOW!!!
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
ok you can stop
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
Ok, I stopped
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
you should, too
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
just wait until he gets banned
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** jools has quit IRC (Client exited)
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** choad changed topic to "Choad quit, and hated it"
*** choad ( has left #stripcreator
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Laff changed topic to "We are the Aqua Teens"
i like the aqua teens
*** boinky33 changed topic to "boinky33 claims this topic!"
*** Laff removed topic
*** boinky33 changed topic to "You cunting cunt!"
*** jools ( has joined #stripcreator
oh no
This town aint big enough for the both of us
*** Inflatabl removed topic
it's shit head
i stopped it!
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"
*** Laff changed topic to "NOOO"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Inflatabl changed topic to "sorry"
*** jools changed topic to "Now stop it children."
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Laff changed topic to "(insert topic here)"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** Inflatabl ( has left #stripcreator
*** boinky33 changed topic to "This space for rent"
*** jools changed topic to "(insert penis here)"
*** boinky33 removed topic
*** jools changed topic to "(insert penis here)"
*** jools changed topic to "(insert penis here)"
*** jools changed topic to "(insert penis here)"
*** jools changed topic to "(insert penis here)"
*** jools changed topic to "(insert penis here)"
*** boinky33 changed topic to "This space for rent"

I should have posted the rest all in one, according to Boinky.

...and pain joined his urge to percieve...

1-04-04 2:58pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

smoking makes you more attractive
don't you know that?
apparently, it doesn't
or I would be... off with someone
doing... something
No one sees you smoking in a basement.
haha... I know THAT...
There's a new smoking law in California now :(
go smoke where other people are
what new law?
Ya gotta be 20 ft away from a building to smoke
i didnt know
b-but... dcom... that would make me have to LEAVE my house
not unless the building prohibits
oh yeah
Doesn't really affect me, I smoke outside.. far away anyways
Well, I used too
I forgot you're a BIG NERDY NERD!
so what about patios at restaurants?
I'm sorry, kitty
I don't know what came over me
* choad comes all over dcom
maybe it was the realisation that you're probably playing s
tarcraft right now
nuh unh
I'm just talking to you guys
Thanks choad!
youre welcome
Why Wangs? by Rabid_Weasle
Hey, how come you say wangs so much?
Well... I have to confess. Evertime I say wangs, it means I'm wanking.
But... you say wangs multiple times, all night long, for hours on end-

Choad: I think if the resutarant allows smoking it's fine
Kitty: You play Starcraft?
Match, no I don't
oh, I guess I read that one wrong :P
She's moved on up to that star wars racing game
I was just wondering cause.. I uhh... am familiar with Starcraft..
and yeah..
Star Wars Super Bombad Racing?
Is that it?
that's one of them
there's also Star Wars Pod Racer
I think I've played that one
I have a playstation demo for one
probaly "Play This Game If Your And Australian Gay P
but I don't play it
so :p to you
yeah... well...
you're the one with a picture of a guy with no shirt
you're the guy with the guy with no shirt stradling your
ok i'm done
* Rabid_Weasle gets off dcom
You're just jelous because I'm sexing more than you
* kitty smacks both dcom and Rabid_Weasle upside the head
what did i do?
you hit dcom too...
* Rabid_Weasle hugs dcom
* dcomposed kisses Rabid
did dcom just kiss me?
i uh-
i thought that you-
dcom, let's never speak again
you mean of this, or just never?
but I need to speak
to each other
* kitty cackles evilly
ah well
we already ruined it
that lasted a while
hey dcom, sup?
I'm in love with you, Rabid.
uh.. i mean..
i think you are..
i find you very..
*** es ( has joined #stripcrea
*** es has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
you are the wind beneath my...
es is a cunt

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-05-04 11:25pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:
hey kitty
hey choad
nice butt

1-05-04 11:38pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Did I ever tell you that you're my hero, Kitty?

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-05-04 11:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:


Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-06-04 12:01am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Well you are.


Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-06-04 12:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Kitty, you look somewhat insane in that photo.

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

1-06-04 7:18am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

Yeah...I realised that after choad posted it on here. Oops. Hahahah

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-06-04 9:06am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

death to your mother!
what the... where the hell did that come from?
* jools saws off kitty's arse and roasts it on a bonfire composed of dcom's underwear
well, that's your own fault.
I have no arse
not any more
well, I do
but not a very big one
what keeps you from falling in the toilet

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-06-04 1:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

* Chicka grabs my own ass
That should have been "her"
Damn I can't even fondle myself right

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-06-04 2:34pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[13:52:37] * Now talking in #stripcreator
[13:52:37] * Topic is 'Happy Birthday Kajun/Stripcreator/Rowan Atkinson/Joan of Arc - Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they hide is vital. KITTY FANCIES FLATE! TEE-HEE!'
[13:52:37] * Set by jools on Wed Jan 07 08:28:43
[13:52:51] Hey dcom
[13:52:57] Hi Dan
[13:53:12] why is it that when there's noone home upstairs, someone has to call them every 5 minutes
[13:53:17] Why hello there dcom
[13:53:18] Also hi Tobor, brad, and Match
[13:53:19] hey dcom
[13:53:24] Hi Mathc
[13:53:27] Match
[13:53:28] no hi for me?
[13:53:31] >:(
[13:53:36] Just us three here today?
[13:53:37] i'll kill you!
[13:53:55] One Canadian per #stripcreator, is it?
[13:53:58] Do you hear something, dcom?
[13:54:04] or is that two
[13:54:06] i hate you guys!
[13:54:09] Yes, brad is here.
[13:54:12] you guys are a bunch of pricks!
[13:54:16] I know what I don't hear!
[13:54:23] Wait.. no I don't.
[13:54:28] i'm going to kill your families
[13:54:30] Because I don't hear it.
[13:54:34] and mail their bloody hearts to you
[13:54:43] So how are you, Dan?
[13:54:45] you bastards!
[13:54:52] I'm just fine.
[13:55:03] * Rabid_Weasle goes to the garage and gets the chainsaw
[13:55:11] * Rabid_Weasle starts reving it up
[13:55:29] How about you, dcom?
[13:55:37] * Rabid_Weasle turns the chainsaw on
[13:55:42] I am also just fine.
[13:55:44] you guys are dead!
[13:55:47] fucking dead!
[13:55:48] Match?
[13:55:52] * Rabid_Weasle cuts down the door
[13:56:05] Does anybody feel a draft?
[13:56:14] I do, I think someone left the door open.
[13:56:16] Kinda
[13:56:16] die you sons of bitches!
[13:56:22] Yeah, my heater is on..
[13:56:32] * Rabid_Weasle charges after dcom holding the chainsaw about my head
[13:56:38] diiiiiiiiiiiie!!!
[13:57:29] wangs
[13:57:33] dongs
[13:57:38] dongs
[13:57:42] yay!
[13:57:42] * Rabid_Weasle loses balance and slips on the floor
[13:57:47] :O
[13:57:47] I thought no one was gonna say it.
[13:57:51] But then you did!
[13:57:55] Good work, Dan.
[13:58:04] That was a close one.
[13:58:07] >:(
[13:58:11] mother fucker!!
[13:58:21] * Rabid_Weasle stands up again and charges after dcom
[13:58:23] Say, does anybody want cupcakes?
[13:58:26] * Rabid_Weasle foams at the mouth
[13:58:29] I have exactly four.
[13:58:37] How convenient!
[13:58:47] There are exactly four of us.
[13:58:58] Damn right.
[13:59:02] you pricks, you fucking pricks!
[13:59:06] * Rabid_Weasle cuts dcom's arm off
[13:59:21] Like the 4 musketeers
[13:59:22] Or something
[13:59:30] * BigEvilDan puts a cupcake in dcom's hand and then gives him the arm attached to it.
[13:59:43] i just don't know what happened to that.
[13:59:51] Being a zombie, you know.
[13:59:52] I lose mine all the time.
[13:59:55] You're falling apart
[13:59:55] Stuff falls off.
[14:00:19] * Rabid_Weasle puts down the chainsaw
[14:00:20] hmmm...
[14:00:33] * Rabid_Weasle grabs dan's arm and makes him punch dcom in the face
[14:00:42] Oops.
[14:00:50] DAN!
[14:00:51] Sorry dcom.
[14:00:55] I forgive you.
[14:01:01] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom headbutt dan
[14:01:06] :O
[14:01:10] sorry, Dan
[14:01:12] maybe I don't
[14:01:22] 'sokay.
[14:01:24] We are even now.
[14:01:27] I kind of deserved it.
[14:01:29] * Rabid_Weasle makes match poke dan and dcom in the eyes
[14:01:35] Sorry
[14:01:43] Ah, the Three Stooges.
[14:01:44] It seems my limbs are out of control tonight as well
[14:01:52] You really know how to bring up my spirits.
[14:01:57] * Rabid_Weasle makes both dan bonk match on the head
[14:02:03] This is what happens when comic sites turn three years old.
[14:02:03] -the both :\
[14:02:10] * Match laughs
[14:02:20] * Rabid_Weasle takes brad's hand and puts it on dan's bum
[14:02:30] :O
[14:02:33] :D
[14:02:40] * Rabid_Weasle makes brad rub it
[14:02:52] My my...
[14:03:02] * Rabid_Weasle makes match and dcom make out
[14:03:08] :D
[14:03:08] :O
[14:03:11] :D
[14:03:13] :D
[14:03:22] * dcomposed makes out with Match
[14:03:49] Some of this craziness is fun.
[14:03:54] :O
[14:04:08] * Match adds no tongue
[14:04:14] :(
[14:04:17] sorry
[14:04:29] I have to get to know you first dcom.
[14:04:48] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom punch match
[14:04:54] We both have nate's n00b pic in our sig, doesn't that count for anything?
[14:05:04] :O
[14:05:12] (i had it first!)
[14:05:21] Yeah
[14:05:21] and uh..
[14:05:25] that was a sex punch
[14:05:28] I'm sorry, I copied you
[14:05:30] Oh!
[14:05:35] * Rabid_Weasle makes dan put his hands on dcom's breasts
[14:05:36] * Match sex punches dcom
[14:05:41] :O
[14:05:44] :D
[14:05:54] When did you get these, dcom?
[14:06:35] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom pull his pants off
[14:06:37] Not natural I bet..
[14:06:38] They were a gift from brad.
[14:06:58] * Rabid_Weasle goes to the cd player and puts on some porno music
[14:07:02] Do you like them?
[14:07:27] They're great.
[14:07:37] Where's the music coming from?
[14:07:37] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom cup dan's testicles
[14:07:46] :O
[14:07:49] * Rabid_Weasle makes match punch himself in the face
[14:07:51] Whoah guys, do you need some time alone?
[14:07:53] Brad gave me those.
[14:07:54] :O
[14:08:00] * Match falls
[14:08:03] He's so generous.
[14:08:07] Brad is so genrous.
[14:08:15] yes, generous too.
[14:08:33] * Rabid_Weasle makes brad dance like a fag
[14:09:28] brad is such a good dancer.
[14:10:21] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom punch himself in the crotch
[14:10:27] * Rabid_Weasle makes dan and match do the same
[14:10:30] ow
[14:10:38] I forgot how to wank.
[14:10:45] :O
[14:10:57] :O
[14:11:00] It actually felt good..
[14:11:12] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom kneel down
[14:11:19] * Rabid_Weasle makes dan ride him
[14:11:29] WHEEEEEEEEEE!
[14:11:36] Ride him good Dan
[14:11:56] * Rabid_Weasle makes match hit his head against the coffee table
[14:11:58] yay!
[14:12:13] * Rabid_Weasle is now known as Puppet_Master
[14:12:27] I'm such a klutz
[14:12:31] oh, hi Puppet_Master
[14:12:37] I didn't see you there.
[14:12:37] ...
[14:12:43] When did he get here?
[14:12:45] * Puppet_Master is now known as Rabid_Weasle
[14:12:47] :\
[14:12:48] he's gone now!
[14:12:52] hmmm...
[14:12:55] just us again.
[14:12:56] Fine, just leave..
[14:13:06] * Rabid_Weasle makes everyone run into the wall
[14:13:21] Ow!
[14:13:22] There I go again..
[14:13:36] I think there's a bit of a slant in this room.
[14:14:00] yeah
[14:14:00] * Rabid_Weasle moves dcom's mouth and says "i want someone to put a large rodent in my anus"
[14:14:06] brad, fix the slant
[14:14:15] i want someone to put a large rodent in my anus
[14:14:26] * Rabid_Weasle makes make brad jump out the window
[14:14:29] Really?
[14:14:37] Yes!
[14:14:42] Bye brad!
[14:14:45] What better place to put it?
[14:14:56] * Match agrees
[14:15:02] * Rabid_Weasle moves dan's mouth and says, "hey, i'm a large rodent!"
[14:15:12] hey, i'm a large rodent!
[14:15:20] :D
[14:15:23] with a broken shift key
[14:15:27] Match, put Dan in my anus!
[14:15:40] :O
[14:15:58] * Match takes Dan and nudges him towards dcom's anus
[14:16:09] :O
[14:16:14] Open up the gates dcom..
[14:16:51] One small step for man...
[14:17:04] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom "open the gates"
[14:17:12] :O
[14:17:12] * dcomposed opens teh gates
[14:17:16] * BigEvilDan has quit IRC (Quit: Inside dcom.)
[14:17:28] :D
[14:17:37] He'll be safe in there right dcom?
[14:17:55] I hope he will.
[14:18:05] * Match shrugs
[14:18:06] I could just poop him out if anyting happens.
[14:18:08] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom punch match
[14:18:16] Another sex punch dcom ;)
[14:18:17] * Rabid_Weasle makes match kick dcom
[14:18:29] Ooh, a sex kick?
[14:18:39] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom and match have sex
[14:18:41] :O
[14:19:00] I uhh..
[14:19:16] * Rabid_Weasle makes match not call dcom
[14:19:26] Match, why didn't you call?
[14:19:32] I uhh...
[14:19:32] I thought we had something together.
[14:19:38] Sorry dcom
[14:19:43] I'm a one night stand kinda guy
[14:19:47] You said you loved me :(
[14:19:58] Or is that what I wanted you to say?
[14:20:01] It was just a trick to get you to do that thing with your nipples
[14:20:15] You know, just to butter you up
[14:20:15] :(
[14:20:28] We'll always have that night dcom
[14:20:32] And nobody can take that away from us
[14:20:55] not even brad
[14:21:00] Nope
[14:21:51] I wish Rabid was here to see this.
[14:22:11] * Rabid_Weasle makes brad take it away from dcom and match
[14:22:19] :O
[14:22:21] :O
[14:22:29] brad took that night away from us!
[14:22:36] * Match starts to weep
[14:22:52] If Rabid were here, he would of video taped it for us..
[14:22:54] * dcomposed kills dcomposed
[14:23:03] I can't live like this anymore!
[14:23:07] :O
[14:23:08] oh my god...
[14:23:10] what have i done?
[14:23:15] Don't do it dcom!
[14:23:21] * Rabid_Weasle makes match touch dcom's bum
[14:23:27] There, happy?
[14:24:06] You always know what to say.
[14:24:26] I've got the magic touch ;)
[14:24:48] You do.
[14:24:55] * BigEvilDan has joined #stripcreator
[14:25:03] Dan!
[14:25:07] :O
[14:25:11] Dan!
[14:25:14] How was my anus?
[14:25:20] Roomy.
[14:25:24] Hmm..
[14:25:34] Are you calling me fat?
[14:25:36] * dcomposed cries
[14:25:39] :O
[14:25:42] :O
[14:26:15] * Rabid_Weasle makes dan punch match
[14:26:23] * areallyst has joined #stripcreator
[14:26:25] How dare you make him cry!
[14:26:33] I'm sorry Dan, that was a little harsh...
[14:26:37] howdy
[14:26:37] Hi stupid!
[14:26:39] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom jump on stupid and start humping his leg
[14:26:46] Hey stupid
[14:26:47] hey dcom!
[14:26:51] hey match
[14:26:54] Hey stupid.
[14:26:57] thanks rabid!
[14:27:01] hey dan
[14:27:08] Who's rabid?
[14:27:08] Wait, Rabid's here?
[14:27:13] Hey, he is!
[14:27:14] I don't see a Rabid!
[14:27:14] rabid?
[14:27:19] He is?!?
[14:27:22] Where?
[14:27:28] No, that's Tobor.
[14:27:30] My mistake.
[14:27:33] Oh
[14:27:33] oh
[14:27:33] * areallyst points to rabid
[14:27:34] Pfft..
[14:27:39] ...
[14:27:43] Stupid, that's Tobor
[14:27:45] * Rabid_Weasle makes stupid punch dan
[14:27:48] he's right there.
[14:27:55] Now I know why they call him areallystupidguy.
[14:28:00] * Rabid_Weasle makes stupid punch himself in the face
[14:28:03] Mystery solved.
[14:28:09] ow
[14:28:16] * Rabid_Weasle makes match have sex with dan
[14:28:20] :O
[14:28:21] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom watch
[14:28:25] :O
[14:28:28] It's not what you think dcom
[14:28:28] :D
[14:28:30] Good show!
[14:28:33] * Rabid_Weasle makes stupid seduce dcom
[14:28:37] * dcomposed applauds
[14:28:38] * areallyst makes some brownies
[14:28:44] :O
[14:28:52] Butt brownies :)
[14:28:53] Are you trying to seduce me, Match?
[14:28:59] Yes
[14:29:03] Yes I am
[14:29:12] very well
[14:29:18] dcom, im sure ou know how tovake aman happy...
[14:29:28] * Rabid_Weasle makes stupid stab himself
[14:29:33] lets go someplace, a little more private
[14:29:35] ow
[14:29:37] :O
[14:29:38] * areallyst dies
[14:29:41] :O
[14:29:43] :O
[14:29:47] Good job dcom
[14:29:53] :(
[14:29:59] The crazy guy killed himself.
[14:31:05] Oh
[14:31:06] Whoops
[14:31:10] I would too if I was seing Rabids that weren't really there.
[14:31:14] * Match goes back to servicing dan
[14:31:19] Yeah
[14:31:23] you know how everyone says death is filled with sorrow and anguish?
[14:31:32] * Rabid_Weasle makes dcom hump stupid's body
[14:31:33] it's not?
[14:31:33] and you cant feel anything?
[14:31:51] * Rabid_Weasle is now known as Someone
[14:31:54] hey guys
[14:31:57] Hey Someone!
[14:31:57] what's going on?
[14:32:01] they're lying. it feels like an everlasting eternal orgasm.
[14:32:04] Hi Someone!
[14:32:06] its great
[14:32:15] you should all kill yourselves
[14:32:16] * Someone kicks dcom in the balls
[14:32:18] hey someone
[14:32:19] OW
[14:32:21] :O
[14:32:24] * Someone shoots match in the leg
[14:32:28] :O
[14:32:31] Oww
[14:32:32] * Someone knees dan in the face
[14:32:35] hahahahha
[14:32:37] What was that for Someone?!
[14:32:39] * Someone is now known as Rabid_Weasle
[14:32:49] Where'd he go?
[14:32:57] * Match shrugs
[14:33:01] >:)
[14:33:21] Oh man... no more early morning jogs for me :(
[14:33:23] OH! Mmmmm...
[14:33:40] * Rabid_Weasle walks in through the front door
[14:33:42] hey guys
[14:33:54] howdy
[14:33:55] who cut the door off with a chainsaw...?
[14:34:11] :O
[14:34:15] Good question.
[14:34:23] howzit goi-oooooh! aahhh!
[14:34:25] Hi Rabid!
[14:34:30] hey guys
[14:34:39] I was wondering when you were gonna get here.
[14:34:41] what were you up to while i was gone?
[14:34:48] There you are
[14:35:32] someone came here and hurt everybody
[14:35:40] You missed it Rabid, we almost had an orgy
[14:35:50] Dan was in my anus for like 20 minutes.
[14:35:52] he was being a dick

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-06-04 8:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

Member Rated:



1-06-04 10:34pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

* kitty tickles Inflatabl
man.... I made a lot of strips today.
* Inflatabl laughs.
I was going to poke you... but then I remembered what happen
ed LAST time...
* Inflatabl uncontrollably laughs
ooh, the flate-man is ticklish
* kitty laughs fiendishly
so am i
*tickle tickle tickle*
good lord
is everyone here ticklish except me?
You're surrounded.
* kitty tickles choad
* kitty tickles Drexle
* kitty tickles Inflatabl
* kitty tickles dcom
* dcomposed ejaculates
oh no
not that
not now
* kitty takes a shower
you just took one!

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-07-04 11:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[20:53] * Jes_UPLOADS is now known as Jes_L
[20:53] finally
[20:54] youre in the matrix, jes
[20:54] haha
[20:54] now
[20:54] check out comic showcase
[20:54] will do
[20:54] * Artemis kunfus the shit outta jes
[20:54] * Jes_L dodges; responds with shihonage
[20:55] * Jes_L accidentally dislocates Artemis's elbow
[20:55] * Artemis seeks the oracle's advice
[20:55] ow
[20:55] * Jes_L is now known as Oracle
[20:55] * jools brickidos both of them.
[20:55] "You'll want to get that looked at, mate"
[20:55] * Oracle is now known as Jes_L
[20:55] Oracle?
[20:55] gone
[20:55] vanished as soon as she appeared
[20:55] just like Dungeon Master

Please replace the handset, and try again.

1-08-04 2:16pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[13:26:42] hdb!
[13:26:44] hdb!
[13:26:52] hdb!
[13:27:03] hdb!
[13:27:15] hdb!
[13:27:18] yay!
[13:27:19] OH
[13:27:21] My God
[13:27:25] he spoke!
[13:27:33] We made an hdb! Triangle! Thats the first time ever!
[13:27:37] Someone post that!

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-10-04 7:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

My balls keep sticking to my leg!
is it hot where you're at?
Im just Mexican

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

1-10-04 7:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:


I asked Humbert if he is Kajun and kitty corrected me by saying he is scyess.

And then Humbert had this to say...

True, Kajun isn't hung quite so generously.

Oh damn. Oh diggity DAMN!! Is Kajun gonna take that? :O

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

1-10-04 11:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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