Funny somewhat related story...
I used to hang out in the alt.horror newsgroup. One day a clueless Bush-voting tryhard woman turned up and proceeded to be really fucking obnoxious. We all had fun baiting her, me and and a rather nasty Scottish girl by the handle of The White Lady included.
Anyway, after literally months of this brainless bint coming back for more again and again, she posted some photos of herself as an attention-grabbing gesture. A few people who by this time regarded her as their pet billage idiot were nice and didn't state the obvious, that she had a face like a hessian sake full of snakes.
I wasn't as nice, mainly because she got personal at me and I was forced to retaliate.
Suddenly The White Lady, who had spent months hanging shit on this woman, said I was low and cruel and a truly evil person for saying such things. I pointed out her weird double standard: It's okay to tell a girl she's stupid and obnoxious to an extreme degree (she had suggested sterilisation and bemoaned this girl's mother not getting an abortion) but calling her ugly is out of line.
I stated this plainly and asked if perhaps her priorities were a bit fucked up.
Her response was something akin to "Okay, fair point" and that was the end of that.
This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.