Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Member Rated:

[23:12:39] (come to Australia)
[23:13:12] you might accidently get killed
[23:13:39] not like America, there they mean to kill you.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-16-04 5:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[23:22:09] Here's a joke for you:
[23:22:15] DragonXero

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-16-04 5:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

You're a failure, Jes.
That was uncalled for
i'm sorry
Jes already has a woman and a job and stuff
he is the least failure here
gotta go
*** Jes_L has quit IRC (Quit: lunch)
I changed my mind, he's a big smelly failure

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-16-04 5:57am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

Rabid is too single-minded. He's all about wangs.
No, we just think he is. Rabid is really a smart, opinonated guy.
Just no one gives him a chance.
(lies, he's about wangs)

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-16-04 6:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

[ 05:03:16 ] (dcomposed) No, we just think he is. Rabid is really a stupid, boring transvestite. [note: edited by DragonXero to reveal the truth]

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-16-04 6:06am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

I still want my money back, dcom.
what money?
not the brad's girlfriend money, I hope.
I already spent that, and forgot to kidnap her
Brad's exposed to faster porn now. It's only a matter of time before she leaves him.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-16-04 7:42am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[04:21:09] hey, check dis out:
[04:21:31] [ Posted comic does not exist ]
[04:21:32] That looks stupid here, but I'm going to post it to #sc is fun
[04:21:41] then it will be a comic!

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-16-04 10:21am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Oh yes, my saying [comic] on IRC has paid off.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-16-04 10:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

Hey, guess where I am.
hey chicka
The greatest place on earth:
that was my second guess
it is teh greetest!
You just won a comic cup, what are you going to do now?
*** areallyst ( has left #strip
"I'm going to!"

Mediocrity at its most average.

1-16-04 3:58pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Poison Gas Pokemon

Member Rated:

id rather bake cookies
i wouldn't.
because you are a pig
i can bake cookies anytime
i cant make love anytime
the choice is obvious
* areallyst kiddie porn
* areallyst wanks to kiddie porn
you're one to talk, mr midget poop sex
not as sick as kissie porn
i beg to differ
dont beg
thats pathetic
i just differ then
you're both sick
still pathetic
rabid is pathetc
he likes teh granny dominatrix
i like midget bondage
dont judge me
no problem
don't judge me, love me

It's grime time.

1-16-04 6:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

We made a band!!

I wouldn't even know about that
Hi Inflate
just for that, you HAVE to join my band
Hey bubble butt.
hi inflate
hey inflat
Hey you d00des.
inflate, join my band
Whats the name?
The The's
well......... ok!
the the's
It should be The Thes
* Rabid_Weasle does a sexy dance
i'm the sexy dancer
What instrument do I play???
no apostrophe
what can you play?
who can play drums
and who can play guitar
and i need a tuba player
i can play dee harmonica
* areallyst hits tamborine
dcom can play dee cock!
dcom can play dee womens
we got a triangle play, a tamberine player, a harmonica player, a sexy dancer, and i sing
we're set!
and i do keyboards
lets get famous now
who is our agent and manager?
we need groupies too.
where are all the bitches tonight?
knkx can be a groupie
well, duh
suck it, groupie!
you a groupie
i should also be the manager
no. youre our gay groupie. nothing more.
has it always been a fantasy of yours to sleep with a big famous tamborine player?
i refuse
i'd rather work for microsoft
dan, can you play the basoon?
if you can, you're in
i'm left handed
i make any band cool
* Inflatabl does line of coke off of stupid's penis.
dont start drugs so early
wait until we become popular
* areallyst shoots up
then you're allowed
I am already starting to write my autobiography. in the last chapter I die of a Mr Clean overdose.
when we're famous can we do controversial things?
we need to write a song first
like shoot up gas stations?
what about a song called 'Donkey Punch'?
Or 'Wangs'?
donkey punch
dunky ponch
flunkie punch
give me some milk
I thought of the title. someone else does the lyrics.
the end
i already did
when i receive a donkey punch, i get a temporary hunch
yeah but those sucked.
thats good.
i like to have a donkey punch right after lunch
knkx is a groupie butt much, he begs me for my next killer donkey punch
sometimes they crunch
a bunch
* Rabid_Weasle donkey punches boinky
keep dancing
* Rabid_Weasle does sexy dance
yes yes
thats it
dance my pretty
i didn't join the mouseketeers for this
yes you did
gravitons dont generate donkey punchs on their own. so lemme bury this bone. and get down there for your next ....donk
ey punch! Girl, you know its true.
*** choad ( has joined #stripcreator
*** areallys1 ( has joined #stripcreator
*** choad ( has left #stripcreator
hi choad
subliminal messagiing is the in thing
* areallys1 taps out "RAPE PEOPLE"
there we are famous
*** areallyst has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
lets split up now
ill start a solo career
then fail
donkey punch, donkey punch all night long
*** Sseycs ( has joined #stripcreator
and commit suicide
hi sctess
* Sseycs commits suicide.
i stil have a future with thev\ Old Guys with Boogie Boards
not you
girl, you know you want that punch from my giant dong
hey sex
Oh, sure. NOW you tell me.
boinky cuts a solo album called Bonkified... and then starts making fun of us since he left. And wearing a white glove an
d rapping and being more of a bawd buoy.
Oh, buoy!
and my last cd "Just boinky" does horrible
so i slowly kill myself with drugs
the end
stupidguy isnt accepted back in the OGwBB since he lit the lead singers hair on fire when he left
My wang brings all the TOBORs to the yard...
mine too
so he becomes a traveling gypsy with his mad tamborine skills
*** boinky33 changed topic to "Sad News: The The's split up!"
*** areallys1 changed nick to areallystupidguy
* Inflatabl blows out brains Kurt Cobain style
so long asvwe're all coping.
this is like the third time I've been in a band that broke up in here, and I'm never around for any of it
* areallystupidguy puts on a bandanna and buys a tarot deck
oh well
Sad News! The Eagles didn't break up!
we had a good run
we had good times
We were a one hit wonder. But no one will ever forget Donkey punch.
come child, let me read your fortune.
time to go on with our lives
Even though we lip synched it at all our performances. And didnt actually write it.
oh wait, i'm dead
i predict that Donkey Punch will be forgotten in less than a wee
And didnt even sing it either.
i wrote it
i carried this whole band ever since 7 minutes ago.
my original lyricsc were brilliant
yeah but then you became a bloated bitter drunk like Lars from Metallica.
we should have used those
And you started suing 12 year olds.
maybe we couldve BEEN something
stupid its your fault!
You had sex with a 14 year old girl and filmed it.
And made her drink your piss.
Thats disgusting man.
well, im 15.
yeah... okay.
its not really that weird.
well.... the piss thing was kinda.... hmmnn.
It's wierd when the "girl" is really a "female cat."
bettermake that age 5
Do you know how old 14 is in cat years?! Darned old.
more controversial that way
* areallystupidguy is disgraced after having sex with a 5 year old furry
there we go
* Inflatabl plays gig at Rhode Island club which gets set on fire.
im writing all this down
and composing an autobiography to sell it
what did inflat do in the band?
he just sat on his ass and looked pretty
he got all the attention but i did all the work
oh yeah
Hey... I made us famous. All those tabloids? About me! I was the one who wanted to go in to outter space. And the one
who made out with Madonna at the Grammys. And the one who raped all those kids and buried them in my basement. ME!
and me
i helped hold them down
oh yeah.
And thats how we got inspiration for the song 'Donkey Punch'.
That was a fun afternoon.
i was controversial FIRST.
so ha.
i started this whole band
if it want for me youd still be in that worthless old man and boogies boards or whatever
hey, those guys are BIG now!
if id stayed with them id BE somebody instead of waiting for custody trials for my messed up furry son!
fuck you!
* Inflatabl does lots of heroin
* boinky33 me too
let's do a comeback tour
to help with my gambling debts
dcom overdosesd.
and Rabid has parkinsons.
fine, only me and stupid
i forgot about dcom
and I'm in jail for rapings.
what did he play?
dcom died 2 minutes after we joined together
so he never counted
what was he supposed to play?
none of you came to my funeral
i came after
and made love to you
what did you play dcom?
in the eye socket
i played teh harmonica
oh yeah

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

1-16-04 9:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:21:01] * Jael has joined #stripcreator
[14:21:01] hi stupid

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-17-04 8:20pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[00:06:23] at some point I forgot to mention that I am also a cat
[00:06:35] you're a pussy anyway
[00:08:42] someone HAS to quotefile that
[00:08:53] YOU DO IT!
[00:09:13] quotefile?
[00:09:16] but I already closed the internet...
[00:09:22] I'll do eet then

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-18-04 6:09am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:


where the hell is Kajun "Too good to come on Sundays" Firefly?
(Link: [Click to view comic: 'kinky sex'])[Click to view comic: 'kinky sex']
drinking would be my guess
* dcomposed makes out with MaxPayne
fresh! *slap*
i uh..
It was dark
I thought you were kitty

leggo my dcomposed! ®

1-18-04 6:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

There's this show on that seems to have replaced Midnight a
t the Apollo
I was watching it last night, it's called "Showtime in Hollywoo
d" or something like that
They have a midget kick you off the stage after a certain nu
mber of boos
much more entertaining than a big shepards hook
Why don't we have a midget to kick people off the site after
a certain number of bad ratings?
the midget's foot would be worn clean to the bone by now
then there'd be midget lawyers
midget reporters
midget case workers
daily operations would grind to a stand-still
I still think we need a midget
We have men, women, gays, blacks, where's the midget?
And if midgets aren't funny, millions of slapstick comedies ha
ve lied to me

Mediocrity at its most average.

1-18-04 10:39am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

*** kitty has joined #stripcreator
i just banned cancer
you can do that?
Brad's a hero.
i hate cancer
good job brad
thank you, thank you
i also banned cancer's other accounts
ovarian and testicular?

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-18-04 7:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[16:37:46] I may be an ass, but YOU'RE a 15 year old girl.
[16:37:55] yeah, well so are you

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-18-04 10:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[16:39:27] no i can't it's too soon
[16:39:30] i just met you
[16:39:53] what if you have an std?
[16:40:20] Then we'd have something in common.
[16:40:23] ha
[16:40:30] Humbert is an STD
[16:40:36] indeed
[16:40:37] I got him from sleeping with his mom.
[16:40:41] That's what it says on my resume.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-18-04 10:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[17:57:04] * LadyJ has joined #stripcreator
[17:57:05] :(
[17:57:07] :(
[17:57:11] Its lady J
[17:57:15] :(
[17:57:17] I know, so sad.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-18-04 10:58pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[18:27:15] Dcom
[18:27:30] Arnt you a Thuganomics major?
[18:27:34] Yes!
[18:27:43] Word life!
[18:27:47] Teach me some Thuganomics
[18:27:55] Word life!
[18:28:03] You're learning already!
[18:28:10] yea!
[18:28:21] I mean, Word!
[18:28:43] wangs!
[18:28:52] Dong life!
[18:29:00] (lewl)
[18:29:30] Oh yeah, and when you talk, every line, has to dis someone and be a rhyme
[18:29:33] NOT GOOD EITHER
[18:29:37] REALLY LAME
[18:29:46] lame is good
[18:30:06] If you want to be a Huganomics major.
[18:30:11] "I think brad is really lame. That weiner makes ballparks look tame!"
[18:30:14] * dcomposed hugs Ewwwww
[18:30:39] * Ewwwww hugs back
[18:30:46] Word life! kitty is gonna be my nerd wife!
[18:30:53] HA!
[18:31:08] haha
[18:31:10] damn straight
[18:31:21] if I'm a nerd because I love video games, then alright
[18:31:23] I dont think thats really fair. She might not wanna live in a house made out of dcoms pubic hair!
[18:32:05] Word life
[18:32:08] Ewwwww, she'll live wherever I say, I'm like her master, I bought her on eBay
[18:32:15] Ha!
[18:32:18] Word!
[18:32:22] Word life!
[18:32:28] Word life!
[18:32:29] haha
[18:32:34] * Nurse_Kitty bows down to her master
[18:32:36] Check this out:
[18:33:45] Im way better than JD Fresh! That fuckers raps are like a mess! He mixes up his wangs and dongs! His bootys so big that in his videos he has to wear the thongs!
[18:33:46] * Nurse_Kitty is now known as Mrs_Dcom
[18:33:58] ha
[18:34:04] (lewl)
[18:34:25] Word life!
[18:34:33] SOUTHSIIIIIIIIIDE!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:34:53] Me and you=South Coast and boinky=north coast
[18:34:58] haha
[18:35:02] So we have to diss him in our raps
[18:35:07] yes!
[18:35:10] Yea
[18:35:14] hey, no fair
[18:35:18] if you diss north coast
[18:35:19] Is too!
[18:35:19] you diss me
[18:35:22] Good!
[18:35:29] You live in scotland!
[18:35:32] NO!
[18:35:37] Your far east coast!
[18:35:39] I live in Canada
[18:35:40] I'm not dissing the north
[18:35:40] :P
[18:35:44] Damnit
[18:35:56] Who are we gonna diss now?
[18:36:05] Were nothing if we cant diss
[18:36:08] :(
[18:36:09] :(
[18:36:20] Lets diss east coast!
[18:36:23] haha
[18:36:27] Let's just dis Rabid and b-rad, they're both from Canada but they still smell bad
[18:36:29] WORD!
[18:36:32] haha
[18:36:37] WORD LIFE!]
[18:36:43] Check it:
[18:37:12] I hate b-rad, all the time. Asian girl says suckie suckie and he offers her a dime!
[18:37:18] lewl
[18:37:21] lewl
[18:37:38] Best.Chat.Eval
[18:37:46] Best.Chat.Evar.Also.
[18:37:54] I'm better than b-rad, 'cause I'm b-ill, He's not even around, but I'll dis him still
[18:38:13] lewl
[18:38:51] Alright... who wants lemonade?
[18:38:58] Im a big Gangsta, your just a Wanksta, I'll put you down before you can say supercalafragilisticexpialidocious
[18:39:13] Word life
[18:39:20] I DO!!!
[18:39:24] Me too!
[18:39:25] lewl
[18:39:27] That rhymes!
[18:39:29] lewl
[18:39:39] yes!
[18:39:41] Dcom: Lets do tag team!
[18:39:48] You say a line and I say a line
[18:39:51] * Mrs_Dcom passes out glasses of lemonade
[18:39:59] then maybe we can tag team kitty
[18:40:02] anything else, Bachelors of Thuganomics
[18:40:02] Pick a subject and we'll tag team
[18:40:03] uhhh
[18:40:05] PSL Yes!
[18:40:10] PS: Yes!
[18:40:22] The subject: Brad sucks
[18:40:26] Brad thing's he so cool, but his shirt is orange-
[18:40:43] He's about as entertaining as cold porridge?
[18:40:51] LEWL!
[18:40:55] He is so boring I'd rather eat porridge
[18:41:02] Hey!
[18:41:06] >:l
[18:41:07] I win
[18:41:08] I'm sorry, I'll stop
[18:41:15] Thats it!
[18:41:28] She is like Yoko Ono But Black!
[18:41:31] Don't stop!
[18:41:31] I quit
[18:41:34] :(
[18:41:37] :O
[18:41:38] i-
[18:41:40] I broke up your troupe
[18:41:53] I still love you.
[18:42:32] I love you too, babe
[18:42:38] now, I will let Ewwwww be Mr. Thug
[18:42:44] and you guys can diss women all you want
[18:42:45] * Ewwwww went on to have a crappy solo career. After that, he died. After the break up, dcom did something really cool.....
[18:42:47] and I won't care
[18:42:49] Ewwwww's just a pussy mexican, he can't dis a biscuit when he's doing the best he can
[18:43:21] >:l
[18:43:45] :O
[18:43:48] You pussy whipped sucker! I'd diss you but I got your mom in the back and im about to fuck her!
[18:43:51] Ewwwww's Mr. Thug, but kitty is hot, and brad still can't find two lines in a parking lot
[18:44:44] knkx is only good for sayinh hdb!, but he's still a nerd, knkx can't see me
[18:47:05] I'd dis kitty Ono some, but then she'd never let me hit it, Ewww said I'm whipped, but I don't care, I admit it
[18:47:08] Im so rich I got girls holding my wang when I pee! Dcom is a poser and he wants to be on MTV! The only one that wants to hold his peepee, is that washed up asshole Carson Daily!
[18:47:45] TOP THAT!
[18:47:49] WORD LIFE!
[18:48:02] :(
[18:48:10] Why can't we all be homies?
[18:48:13] :(
[18:48:19] Because im just a pussy mexican
[18:48:23] ha
[18:48:24] That cant insult a biscuit
[18:48:27] :l
[18:48:34] yes! (why'd i say biscuit?)
[18:48:51] Because you were imagining that kittys face was the biscuit
[18:49:00] ha
[18:49:00] *Spurt*
[18:49:23] Where did your wife go?
[18:49:23] eep!
[18:49:29] Oh, right
[18:49:34] I've lost the biscuit game four times, and I've only one it once, I can't help that when I wank it takes a couple months
[18:49:47] haha
[18:49:48] HA2]
[18:49:50] !
[18:49:59] You've eaten it 4 times?
[18:50:06] yeah
[18:50:13] one time was a pie though
[18:50:18] What does it tast like?
[18:50:19] I have... never tasted jizz
[18:50:24] I bet
[18:50:29] oh cool, I win at somethin
[18:50:29] I'm serious!
[18:50:32] I bet
[18:50:44] Ewwwww, contrary to popular belief, I am not a slut
[18:50:50] (lewl)
[18:50:59] popular belief?
[18:51:08] It fit, alright?
[18:51:24] I dont ever remember us on IRC going "That kitty is a slut"
[18:51:30] :l
[18:51:40] Damn it, Centeno, don't call kitty a slut, I'm in love with her and she can taste my nut
[18:51:48] lewl
[18:51:50] LEWL
[18:51:57] Best.Lewl.Evar
[18:52:13] PS: I never said she was a slut
[18:52:18] I said she wasnt
[18:52:23] oh
[18:52:28] well, I got to say nut
[18:52:34] lewl
[18:53:06] Thats it! Im comming out of retirement to show these young kids how its done!
[18:53:14] * Ewwwww is now known as Mr
[18:53:27] * dcomposed is now known as B-Ill
[18:53:28] * Mr is now known as Mr_Thug
[18:53:46] this si my lame rap name
[18:53:52] Lets show these kids how its done, those mother fuckers are about to get spun!
[18:53:53] it's not lame
[18:53:54] I like it
[18:54:02] :D
[18:54:15] I started it to diss Ill Bill though
[18:54:28] Whenever I don't like someone, I change my name to something to dis them with
[18:54:38] haha
[18:55:05] Now I'll let my homie take the stage and you can see him in all of his rage! He'll tear you apart! He'll crap in your pants! He'll jizz in your face and do a funny dance!
[18:55:15] AHAHAH!!
[18:55:17] LEWL!!!
[18:55:20] LEWL!
[18:56:26] And that is how its done.
[18:56:28] that was all too awesome
[18:56:29] haha
[18:56:30] Word life.
[18:56:34] I can't compete with that, Mr. Thug, to come up with that.. how much of brad's urine did you chug? Oh wait, hold on, that wasn't a dis, I don't care, I'm still gonna say your drink piss
[18:56:35] Peace, B
[18:56:48] :O
[18:57:42] Wangs and dongs, wangs, dongs, penis, wangs dongs, I say wangs a lot because mine is so long
[18:57:45] WORD LIFE
[18:57:53] Im gonna battle back, now your gonna see! I'll show you that I dont chug pee! I'll screw your wife and make you eat that biscuit! Then I'll punch you till you shit Snake Pliskin!
[18:58:19] Word.Life.Bizznatch
[18:58:40] Excuse me, mr. thug sir
[18:58:47] Yesm mam?
[18:58:48] you come near me and I remove your reason for living
[18:58:59] Its just an act, mam
[18:59:04] damn straight
[18:59:05] We are entertainers
[18:59:20] We just happen to diss people in the process
[18:59:31] Now if you excuse me, I have to go fuck your mother
[18:59:34] ha
[18:59:51] Word life
[19:00:08] Someone, please stop me!
[19:00:19] WAIT...
[19:00:23] We're entertainers
[19:00:26] For I am Jesus Chaves! Master of Thuganomics!
[19:00:29] Listen to what I say, I be Ill all day, b-rad is so gay, his boyfriend says neigh
[19:00:31] WORD LIFE
[19:00:35] that's almost like a line from Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
[19:01:26] Ready for this, bitch? I dont think your with this! I've heard better raps from those fuckers in Limp Bizkit!
[19:01:47] lewl
[19:01:55] Word Life
[19:02:28] rb
[19:02:41] Mrs Dcom mam?
[19:02:45] yes?
[19:02:48] Do you have a sister?
[19:02:52] I... I do
[19:02:54] but she's 10
[19:02:58] :(
[19:03:01] Damnit
[19:03:08] you can have my brother though
[19:03:09] he's 15
[19:03:17] There isnt a woman in the world that wants a master in Thuganomics
[19:03:33] No thanks....I need a woman.....With a real Vagina and stuff
[19:03:35] Hey, I'm married to THE master of thuganomics
[19:03:41] :D
[19:03:45] WORD LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:03:53] I am teh MASTER !
[19:03:54] Peace out, nigga!
[19:03:55] And I get on her southside every night!
[19:03:57] uh
[19:03:58] I'll Prove it!
[19:04:02] Lets throw down!
[19:04:03] haha
[19:04:11] you think we won't
[19:04:12] haha
[19:04:15] omg kitty said nigga
[19:04:18] :O
[19:04:21] I... I'm sorry
[19:04:23] I didn't mean to...
[19:04:25] Lets go, Jive Turkey!
[19:04:42] it's alright, kitty
[19:04:47] we're all racist anyway
[19:04:52] that's why we won't have sex with Ewwwww
[19:04:55] hahah
[19:04:57] its true
[19:05:16] Sipping on jin! chugging on juice! Half of SC told me that Mrs. Dcom is loose!
[19:05:20] His siesta only lasts four minutes
[19:05:35] I'M WHAT?!
[19:05:40] * Mrs_Dcom bitchslaps Mr Thug
[19:05:50] You heard me, bizznatch
[19:05:54] * B-Ill busts a cap in Mr_Thug (and a nut in Mrs_Dcom)
[19:05:56] I think Im teh Master now
[19:06:02] * Mr_Thug Caps back
[19:06:15] rrowr, B-Ill
[19:06:20] See
[19:06:26] Totally loose
[19:06:33] * Mr_Thug continues capping
[19:07:10] I be the illest, I got the 1337 rap prowess, I bust caps all day and by Mrs_Dcom flowers
[19:07:18] by=buy
[19:07:21] Yay! Flowers!
[19:07:57] Your rhymes are weak, you aint the best! Fucker you aint even better than JD Fresh!
[19:09:03] * Mr_Thug = teh win
[19:09:19] Homie, I'm the illest, the freshest, the pimpest, You sag like a tit hanging from old lady chest
[19:09:46] Im the best rapper in this town! Your just a sad australian clown!
[19:10:26] You got bitchslapped! You got messed up! Now your getting fucked by a "Chick" with a pair of nuts!
[19:10:35] NO! You're just whack, and I be best-uh, you can go three lines before it's time for siesta
[19:11:28] Your so fake! Your such a phony! You'd be full of shit if kitty wasn't filling your asshole with her balogni
[19:11:48] Face it
[19:11:49] :O
[19:11:51] Your good
[19:11:53] Im teh win
[19:12:02] TOP ME!
[19:12:03] :(
[19:12:13] PROVE ME WRONG!
[19:12:30] Now put on this Bra and say I have a big penis
[19:12:39] (lewl)
[19:12:42] I'll try to face it like you face b-rad's wang, I saw you on, in nuttin' but a g-strang
[19:12:53] LEWL!
[19:13:33] If you think thats good, you'll have to do better! You think your hardcore? Your grandma nits you sweaters!
[19:13:42] (its knits)
[19:13:50] Silence
[19:13:54] ha
[19:14:05] Since when do the booty shaking chicks in videos talk?
[19:14:25] (BURN!)
[19:14:46] hey, you only WISH that you could tap this ass
[19:14:48] I have an idea, dcom!
[19:14:53] IDEA?!?
[19:14:55] Check this out:
[19:15:48] You and me both make one more, final ulitmate rap and post this whole rap-chat. And we'll have sc vote on who is better! Its like American-Rap-Idol!
[19:15:58] * DragonXero has joined #stripcreator
[19:16:06] no!!
[19:16:12] hey DX
[19:16:13] Cause I'll win!
[19:16:14] I'm trying to keep my rap off stripcreator
[19:16:21] Why?
[19:16:42] Hey... Mrs_Dcom....
[19:16:44] Whatever
[19:16:51] Im busting raps still
[19:16:52] no one takes it seriously there (i don't really, either), and boinky is already the rapper
[19:17:07] But we are so much better than him!
[19:17:13] i know
[19:17:14] he sucks
[19:17:17] :D
[19:17:18] Yea
[19:17:20] :D
[19:17:26] We could out-rap DX
[19:17:27] DX, they're rap-fighting
[19:17:35] Ah.
[19:17:37] Tres lame.
[19:17:42] :(
[19:18:00] Your such a wang! Your such a fucker! If you were a chick you'd be Sally Struthers!
[19:18:07] hey, man, at least it's not metal, from a swedish folk band with a lead singer named Grettal
[19:18:10] * Mr_Thug = teh win
[19:18:23] YEA!
[19:18:36] Yeah, that'd be terrible, because then you'd have to have talent to do it.
[19:18:41] No one wants that.
[19:18:43] ha
[19:18:56] that doesn't rhyme!
[19:19:08] you must be this rhymy to talk to me-
[19:19:26] Oh, okay. Well then I guess I'm not gonna talk to you.
[19:19:38] everyone wins
[19:19:43] DX is stuck in the past! He should know by now that metal sounds like ass! Its blowing out chunks, I'd rather listen to funk! I'd rather wank to a hermafrodite busting a nut!
[19:19:54] ha
[19:19:56] LEWL!
[19:20:01] I am the master!
[19:20:07] *sigh*
[19:20:08] Bow before me!
[19:20:13] * B-Ill is now known as dcomposed
[19:20:25] * Mr_Thug comtinues to bitchslap DX
[19:20:31] WORD LIFE!
[19:20:44] If the future is talentless morons, then I guess I'm glad to be "stuck in the past", listening to bands who came out in 2002...
[19:20:46] WORD!!!
[19:21:18] DX is such a wank! When he walks out of the bathroom, he leaves a big stank!
[19:21:42] Word.
[19:21:56] (btw I'm done rapping)
[19:22:15] Nice to hear, Dcom.
[19:22:31] It's no fun with DX around
[19:22:37] Yea
[19:22:59] Dcom
[19:23:05] PM me that rapping
[19:23:13] I wanna write my rhymes down
[19:23:15] :/
[19:23:17] k
[19:23:22] yay!
[19:23:25] Thanks!

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-19-04 12:30am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

This is considered early morning conversation:
Well, did you know a man's penis can stretch to accomodat
e the girth of another man's penis?
* Chi considers this
* Chi wishes he hadn't
Do what now?
What the fuck?
* DragonXero wishes he hadn't heard a damn word of that.
I read it in this sex encyclopedia thing
that's even grosser than anal
how would a guy ever do that?
or why?
After I throw up, I have to spoil Nate and my brother's day by
telling them that
A man's wang can stretch to accomodate the girth of anoth
er man's dong
D/X knew that already, though
I showed him
It's really the same way an anus can stretch to accomo
date a penis. Slowly moving up in size.
I think you're right, D/X
What, you've never been subjected to pictures of guys
putting stuff into their penises?
err no
Ha ha ha
Pencils, spoons, markers...

Mediocrity at its most average.

1-19-04 7:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

I've probably seen more fucked up porn than all of you combined.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-19-04 8:00am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I was once shown a video clip of a guy squeezing an AA battery out of his knob. Followed by another... and another... and another.

Surely there are easier ways of carrying spare batteries for your gameboy?

1-19-04 8:04am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Yeah, I've seen that too. Must have been an interesting feeling... three batteries pouring electricity through your body, probably passing through the prostate...

Not that I'd want to try it or anything.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-19-04 8:35am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

It's not THAT kind of chat....

*** Guest ( has joined #stripc
take a seat
be our guest
um... ya ok?
Or do you think 28 is too many hours?
Hi guest
r there ne girls in here?
Oh god
Bye guest
ha ha ha
*** Guest ( has left #stripcrea

Mediocrity at its most average.

1-19-04 2:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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