So now you're threatening to break our ARMS??
Oh, wait. It's just crappy spelling.
Carry on, then.
Why is it when someone, namely an ass, comes to some online board, behaves like a shitbrick and as a result is dealt shitbricky back, when they no longer have some basis to play off of they call the situation of being called out on what a contradicting, hateful, bitchy, skid mark of a leaf-muncher they really are 'humorous'? And they always follow it up by saying, "this might make a good paper/essay/thesis"? A, you shouldn't write because you're ignorant. B, you're a shitty enough writer already, no need to go for the gold......ish hued turd of crappiness. And C, are you so hateful to yourself that the idea of writing a paper on how you went to a comic strip creating website, quickly got everyone on your ass about how much of an argumentative used douche you are, and kept coming back with more material to be insulted with and absolutely no valid points to make is somehow a fantastic thing for you?
And funny.
Perhaps someone should write a thesis about it.
Don't like it? Eat me.