Well of COURSE it was biased. It was a Moore movie. He isn't trying to show the other side's view any more than Fox news does. He's showing his side of things because he completely believes he is right.
And when he doesn't know (or think he knows) what is right he asks. He asked over and over what made America so homicidal. It couldn't be the guns. Lots of countries have guns. It's not the poverty. It's media. They all have that. Hell, I can't recall if he even answered that key question. He just put it out there.
That's just the thing. I don't complain about Moore or any other liberal-biased media most of the time. I don't complain about Fox either. I disagree with most of what is said by both. I just get a little tired of people constantly bashing people like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Riley, but getting all pissy when someone bashes Moore or the Dixie Chicks.
At least Moore and Hannity both delegate their political speeches to a medium tailored to those ends. The Dixie Chicks could have gone onto TV or done an interview in a magazine, or, hell, made an overzealous movie about their views, which clashed with their majority fanbase. They didn't though, they chose to use their fame and the medum given to them to sing (terribly, in my opinion) instead. I'm not saying this is immoral, or wrong, but I do think it was a little stupid of them.
Iron Maiden, on the other hand, used a different approach. Bruce Dickinson spoke out against the RIAA before doing a new song, which made the fans cheer and hollar. It was a *good* move. It gained more fans, rather than lost them.
I could care less about Moore and his little underground hit. It's when people cite him as a genious political advocate, and praise his movie that I begin to question the sanity of the individual. Why him and not some other, more well-spoken, intelligent, and conclusive democrat? There are many out there, hell, some even have radio shows on one of our local stations. There needs to be equal opposition to the conservative right, otherwise the balance is lost.
You did make a good point. Moore didn't even seem to try to answer his main question. Why pose it when you can't answer it? He did some things he wanted to do, and exposed Wal Mart for it's tremendous evils (selling guns and ammunition!), and harassed an old idiot who probably forgets where his teeth are most of the time, then marched up and paraded around with a kid disabled by guns (who looked pretty unhappy about doing it all) to try to get attention. He proved that you can get a gun for starting a bank account. Wow, that really scares me. An institution that has more information on you than the CIA does, selling you a registered gun in a state that, if I remember correctly, has ballistics data on all guns sold in the state.
Yes, waiting periods are good. Possibly not long enough though. Gun locks are great. Manditory gun locks, sure. Mandatory gun locks that end up costing as much as the damn gun? No. Gun lockers, hell yes.
Let's take a step further though. Have a kid? Don't have a lock on your gun? CHILD ENDANGERMENT.
I knew my dad had a gun. I never could find it though. This is a kid who found presents he didn't know were at the house yet. I'm not saying that gun safety isn't important, but I just think some people are going overboard. I'm planning on saving up and getting a Colt 45 sometime soon. Do I want it for protection? Nope. Hunting? Nope. I want it because I like guns. I like firing them. I like being able to blow a hole in a target so big you can stick your foot through it. Maybe it's overcompensation, but if the whole overcompensation issue is true, why do I drive a 4 banger Ford Escort? I thought I drove it because I liked fuel efficiency. But some would say I drive it because I have a massive wang.
I just want one working new gun, a new Colt 45. I want to collect old guns, too. I want a Mauser, a Luger, a Walther, a BAR (disabled, of course), a Thompson (again, disabled), and many others. They don't have to all work. Hell, I'd be fine if none of them worked. Those are pieces of history. Genuine articles hold more stories about war and peace than any book does.
But then again, most of you probably thing I just wish I had a bigger weenie. Maybe I should just get a 22.
I gotta find out where that bank that gives away free guns is!
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.