Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
Now that the Americans are making us Iraqians free... do you think we'll lose our cultural identities? Dito/dito to the American Indians?
A new Iraq with hyped up tourist traps, clown arches on every corner. Plus sizes to compensate for the happy meals, we can't live without. How can we have our freedom without all the emeshment?
IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY?????? What is important in life. Consuming more and more and at what price. Tell me! *sigh*

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 9:39am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
The gas prices had the Twin sisters, Maurawon and Maurato in a bit of a demural.
With the price of gas going up we may have to change our lifestyles.
Yeh, stay at home more. That means our boy friends will be at our house.
No way. Parental unit influences on our dates? CAN YOU SEE IT NOW?
Yeah, I can. You might have to make better choices in who you date.
Maybe you could help. Let me go out with your new boyfriend. Ooooh my gawwwd WADDA HUNK!
Can you see my head bleeding from hitting my head against the wall?

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 10:11am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
........Teaching a robot new tricks........
I am here to serve you in any way you need. Your direct command is my soul purpose in life to endevour.
I command you not to talk so much.
What happens when you can't carry out my commands and thus do not live up to your soul purpose in life.
DOES NOT COMPUTE does not computeDOES NOT COMPUTE does not computeDOES NOT COMPUTE does not compute
Awwwwwww come on! We humans do it all the time. It's not that hard!

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 10:30am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

With everything I posses I do not want to become like the masses in zombie like states of mind. Distracting themselves with drama ramas. Rumors of wars and Wars and more wars/As The Stomach Turns. WOULD *or could* anyone SHUT THE ALARM CLOCK OFF... the ones that are awake (if there are any) in high authority have apparently dulled themselves to the noice. Business as usual.
It should be mandatory that every person who serves (hehehe serves) in government should be shot up in space and made to look down at our planet. Yup that's OUR *key word* OUR BACKYARD. Poop in it you have clean up the mess eventually or eat the crap later .......ummmmm well why bother to spell it out. If ya can't see it yer asleep or half deaf.
FIND YOUR DREAM AND LIVE IT if more ppl were doing what they loved they wouldn't have the time to crap on each other's lawns! pphhhhhhhhhhht.

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 11:03am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
I should have listen to him more. But he always talked like that so I didn't see the warning signs.
This is the letter he mailed me before he offed himself. I got it yesterday. Want to read it?
Wow he mentionons us as his best friends and how much we cared about him.
Ain't that a hoot. How much did we care. We didn't even stop him. Dayum I am so bummed!
WAIT look here...He wrote this letter last year. Did you the date?
No..but that changes everything. Maybe last year we were his best friends but this year we were not. Phew! Gawwwd I feel better now.

Another DROOLfool mistake the last frame it says "WAIT look here...He wrote this letter last year. Did you the date?"
it should read: "WAIT look here...He wrote this letter last year. Did you SEE the date?"

UGH i detest no strike outs on my electronic inkstick.

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 11:29am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:


If anyone could answer this.

What's with all the membership stars changing. Yesterday i saw 5 and today i see 3. Does that mean yesterday my comics looked great and today they are almost crap. Is this suppose to hold any meaning?
theDROOLfool puts on his favorite rayban ( blinders and mumbles something unprintable about wannabee pundits.

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 11:42am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
5 stars GREAT today
3 STARS average today
2 STARS u almost suck, today
4 stars almost great today
1 star u suck donkeys today
Can you tell me why? Or would that lampoon your city hall

This kind of rating system that has no care for the artist and their passion is ........jeeeeeeeze i don't even want to say it!

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 12:03pm (new)
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Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

I hope it doesn't lampoon your city hall to tell you that different people give you different ratings (good, okay, or bad) and the average changes accordingly.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

5-02-04 12:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:


If anyone could answer this.

What's with all the membership stars changing. Yesterday i saw 5 and today i see 3. Does that mean yesterday my comics looked great and today they are almost crap. Is this suppose to hold any meaning?
theDROOLfool puts on his favorite rayban ( blinders and mumbles something unprintable about wannabee pundits.
I hope it doesn't lampoon your city hall to tell you that different people give you different ratings (good, okay, or bad) and the average changes accordingly.

no it doesn't...who does the rating? Can anyone rate a person?

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 1:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

The worst heartache is to love someone and never know, until it's too late, that it was your performance they cared more about.
No net is ever below you when you fall.

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
Dragonball pup never learned when to run and when to roll over.
When you are through learning that trick we'll go over all the other ones to make sure you didn't forget.
arf arf
Let's go through the routine 1 more time, with hoops. I'll elevate the hoops so we have continual improvement on your performance.
arf arf
My care, love and understanding is based on your performance. This will assure you of my love. Well until you disobey me. Then u hit the door...don't bother to come back until you get the routine down
arf arf

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 1:58pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

who does the rating? Can anyone rate a person?

If you become a stripcreator donor, not only do you get a cool, chick-magnet star next to your name in the forums, but whenever you go to someone's info page you see this incredible space-age feature that enables you to rate them and/or write a comment about them.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

5-02-04 2:04pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

I'm just not feelin' you, dawg
(Randy Jackson) 05-02-04

So what would i need for you to feel me....lame jokes about sex, violence and drugs?
Dig any deeper and you go deaf, dumb and numb?
Feelings are never diuturnal, anyway, so i take that as a compliment.
theDROOLfool droooools where you stand...can you feel that?

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 2:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Professional litigaters give a bad name for the rest of the people who need justice and the american way!

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
A Contest just for newbies, like me?
Did you read about the contest on stripcreator that needs your face in it to win.
Win what?
Hmmmmm Something about hosting the next contest.
Ahh... Similar to the Hobbit's birthday in the Lord of the Rings... where the birthday person hosts the party as well as gives the gifts. I like that. So what do I get?
You get to be used and abused. If your lucky a tarnished reputation, after newbies get through with you.
Sounds wonderful! Defamation of character, for starters. There's got to be millions in it for me!

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 3:22pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

If you become a stripcreator donor, not only do you get a cool, chick-magnet star next to your name in the forums, but whenever you go to someone's info page you see this incredible space-age feature that enables you to rate them and/or write a comment about them.
The stripcreator founder doood needs to pay you to do his pr!
i don't have a credit card ...
but after reading yer words of all the funky lil bennies we get to join I SUDDENLY
Speaking frankly doooooooooood you worry me. You have great potential to be a political spin doctor....gawwd only knows they need new blood. *yawn*
theDROOLfool drooools

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 4:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

I forgot to mention, if you are a donor you get to edit your comics, too.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

5-02-04 4:14pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

I forgot to mention, if you are a donor you get to edit your comics, too.
----------------------------- arrrrrrrse! i can't right now how about if you made a donation for me. i'll make you a hero in my comics *s* NOW THAT'S A DEAL!

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 4:45pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

I forgot to mention, if you are a donor you get to edit your comics, too.
----------------------------- arrrrrrrse! i can't right now how about if you made a donation for me. i'll make you a hero in my comics *s* NOW THAT'S A DEAL!

Not only that i'll give you 5 stars the rest of your unnatural born life!

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 4:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

Stars mean nothing to me. My utter greatness is its own reward.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

5-02-04 6:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Stars mean nothing to me. My utter greatness is its own reward.


hehehe no pomposity here..hehehehehe....
yayaya very true but like i told my teacher one day when he told me grades didn't mean that much. "Then why do you grade me?" hehehe

but i understand what you are saying.

It does matters if the person is sincere. That's when i want to listen and find new and different ways to improve on myself. i have dylexia so i am forever correcting my work. Everytime i reread and edit i find new mistakes. You wouldn't believe how much time i spend redoing my work before i submit it....then again maybe you would!

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 8:49pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

can you say iconographic...boys and girls?

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
Diablo had enough. He was going to be his own chicken.
Quite frankly, I have had it with you pushing me around and manipulating me.
Oh you have have...have you?
I MEAN IT, THIS TIME! .... Stop following me around and DON'T YOU DARE THREATEN ME WITH THAT END OF YOUR ......ummmm
Diablo lost his courage and regained his identity. Once an iconographic always an iconographic.
So you wanted me to jump when and how far off that cliff in your next adventure pact comic book?
That's much better! This time I will give your death more meaning. MMMM chicken McNuggets.

Some days you are what you are....well at least for that day. All is not lost when you gotZAplan. You do have a plan don't you, Leroy?

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 9:18pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

They only take the crazy ones to fight their wars.

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
Could you tell my soldier over there he better pick up the pace? War isn't child's play, ya know.
If i sit quiet enough they go away, after awhile.
Hey, didn't you hear me. Don't have me call you a traitor to your country for not backing your troops.
MY TROOPS? If you were my troops you would be with your families...not expiring and blowing your limbs off. arrrrrgh
mumbling something unprintable under my breath !@#$%#@
Tell him................. HELL NO I WONT GO!

Whatever you do...don't claim insanity when they draft you! The hand has forewarned.

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 9:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

While CD sales in the UK continue their upward march (nearly 8% this year) and UK music retailers show healthy profits, the Record Companies are gearing up to sue their British customers.

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
ALVIN was an avid media enthusiast. Until one day.......
I saw this done on a commerical. GET comes a car now!
ummmmmmm, Alivin, i don't like this.
DON'T BE A WOOOOOSE. The altramaroon will swerve to avoid us, crash and we get all his spoils.
ummmmmmm You promise?
THE MORAL OF THE STORY: Two grease stains can't prove a thing about how media influenced their actions. But the RIAA can wad yer knickers in a wad & take you to the bank. WHOOOOOYAAAAA muckworm powa!

DOUBLE WAMMIE ... better then tax day for the IRS!

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-02-04 10:56pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

ENCOURAGE THE NEWBIE because one day they will grow up and may become bigger than you.

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
i found a new friend. Their name is eviltwin
He could be my twin...cuz he looks just like me in his toons.
He's a newbie like me.
You will see well thought out lines that *omg* makes sense and have humor.
You won't see the same ole same ole...screw this/ KILL THAT/#$%^$# filler in his comics.
This is a shameless plug...for eviltwin comics. HE PAID ME TO SAY ALL OF THIS can you imagine what he'll offer you ............... CHECK HIM OUT!

Then what will you do?

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-03-04 12:24am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
DOUBLE STANDARS are everwhere.
I'm gonna kick your lights in, bubba.
Yes you can do that. I on the other hand can not. I can play like I am but even that is risky for me. Becuz I am a guy.
There use to be a 'good ole boy system." but the pendulum swung to the other side.
I got him from behind...molly1.
Darn I left my money at home now I'll have to take the butt kicking.
It's the 21st century... LET'S evolve!
No money no honey. Yer all mine whimp! you take nickles?

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-03-04 1:19am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

GOOOOOOOOD GOLLY Mzzzzzzzz he lathering againg???????

Post Traumatic Bliss by theDROOLfool
Our big cities and some small ones hold all kinds of diversified people.
I am ticketing you for any damn thing I please!
WOAwoaWOAH... slow down... dooood jusssst WAAAHwaaah what did I do?
There is talk that, even, aliens from outter space populate among us.
First you exist and you stutter...and that's for starters!
Traffiker cop doood you need some calming sleepy time tea? Oror or is it a hug?
If we are to survie then we may need a ride that takes us to out of space to see where we all live. On one tiny, spinning, ball. Screw it up and we all are gonna diiiiiiiiiiie! EVOLVE @#%&!
Don't touch me!!
I't's the twenty first century ....EVOLVE #@%$$!.

theDROOLfool does what he does best...droooooooooooools

theDROOLfool drooooooools

5-03-04 7:48am (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Prey tell a newbie in da midst

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