[pedant] You wouldn't happen to mean Wookiee would you? [/pedant]
It always bugged me how Chewbacca would never have been able to say such words as "Wookiee", "Kashyyk" (their home planet, for the subgeeks), and even his own name. Surely he should have been something like Grraaaang the Hrrrourrr, from the planet Hrrmmraaauummm...
I once played a character in a bizarre RPG written by a friend of mine. This guy was an eight foot tall hairy monster, sort of like a shaggy anthropomorphic lion. I didn't want to go the Wookiee route and give him an inappropriate name, so I went a bit overboard... his name was Grr'Daah'Hrr, a member of a race known as the Pthaahrrn. He also had triangular pupils, but that is another story...
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