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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » I hate...




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Ivy: You'll like Ashlee Simpson if you just listen to her.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-30-05 7:36am (new)
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Poison Gas Pokemon

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...Perverts and Womanizers

...Every male name that starts with the letter K

...When good bands put shitty experimental songs on their good albums.

...Punk rock and college rock

...Slade and Pretty Boy Floyd (They fucking suck!)

...Every vegetable except for carrots and beets

...Processed food

...How people can write "NOOOOOOOOO" and it will still look like it's pronounced "no" instead of "new"

...The way, if you look closely enough on Sunkist bottles, you'll see that it reads SINKIST instead of SUNKIST.



...My sister's cooking

...Old people who act like royalty just because they're your elders

...The American educational system

...People who get really pissed off at swearing in movies.


...People who hate on Winnie The Pooh

It's grime time.

1-30-05 9:10am (new)
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Member Rated:

Even Kobe?

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-30-05 10:01am (new)
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not laughing with you

Member Rated:


...My sister's cooking

I find it wonderful that you put your sister's cooking on the same level with rape. I will not, however, be dining at her house.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

1-30-05 11:50am (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

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I hate...My brother's face.


1-30-05 12:10pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

hey! it's areallystupidguy's sister!

1-30-05 12:18pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

So does that make her areallystupidsister or areallystupidguy's nemesis, areallysmartsister?

1-30-05 3:47pm (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

areallysmartsister, hopefully. However, rather than being his nemesis we're allies fighting for a greater cause.


1-30-05 4:18pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Well, I DON'T hate Cities' username. It's insane.

1-30-05 4:28pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

If my sister cooked for me I'd be at least thankful for it... that is until I tasted it.

1-30-05 4:35pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Considering my brother likes frying bologna with his grilled cheese, I'll pass on his cooking.

Of course I rock as a cook. Granted I can cook all the gourmet shit with both brains tied behind my back, but my specialty is "what can I cook with the random shit in my cupboard?"

1-30-05 4:44pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Fried bologna is good. I had it at a Bill's game a few years back and my dad makes it every now and then for lunch. Tastes like a hot dog!

1-30-05 5:07pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:




-most Democrats

-the South

-gun nuts

-people who feel I should foot the bill for and take care of their kids




-people who are dumb, lazy, arrogant, and/or dull


-Jay Leno

-the war



-most newspapers

-Tony Blair


-animal abusers

-my younger brother


-phone solicitors


-government pork

"We're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did." Groucho Marx

1-31-05 9:16pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

So would that be the Palestinians who are just trying to survive in a war torn country that seems to view them as slime because of their religion and nationality, or the terrorist Palestinians who commit atrocious acts that cause the Israeli government to take it out on the former group?

Personally, I hate the people on both sides who are making it worse for everyone and being whiny cunts in general about the whole thing. They all need a time out before they lose cookie privelages.

1-31-05 11:11pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

- people that generalize their hate for a group of people without even bothering to think that the other people are hardly different from themselves and it's not exactly an entire race's fault that shit happens. "You're cousin's brother's dentist's sister's best friend's roomate's half-uncle twice removed went on a crazed murder spree? Well, in that case, I hate ALL your kind you lying sack of scum!"

- people who blame a person for every bad thing their culture has brought about. Like when Canadians blame me for Britney Spears because I'm American yet I never came down on them for Celine Dion.

I hate those two categories more than I hate garlic. Which is saying a lot. Because vampires don't hate garlic anywhere near as much as I do.

1-31-05 11:16pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

So would that be the Palestinians who are just trying to survive in a war torn country that seems to view them as slime because of their religion and nationality

So would that be Israel or the Arab countries? Because the Palestinian homeland is on territory captured from Jordan and Egypt in wars that the Arabs started. The Palestinians are down with that. So why didn't Jordan and Egypt give them the land back in, oh, 1948? Because the Arab world views Palestinians as slime. The word itself is a catchall term for all the criminals, bums, homeless, mentally ill, perverts, etc. that the Arabs don't want. There were no Palestinians thousands of years ago. Because there was no Palestine until Britain came in and divided up the land, more or less arbitrarily. There were plenty of Jews, though. And they lived in peace and harmony until 1923, when Arafat's role model, a close associate of Hitler, decided to massacre an assload of Jews. Arafat, BTW, claimed to be "Palestinian" by virtue of being born in Jerusalem, but his actual birthplace was Cairo (Egypt, not Illinois). And don't even get me started on Jerusalem, "sacred to three religions". So how come it's not even MENTIONED in the Koran? The Palestinians were offered a homeland by the Brits in '48, but they said, No thanks, after you leave, we're just going to kill all the Jews and take the whole enchilada. Nobody even wanted that patch of land-- "a book of matches on a football field", the only piece of real estate in the region without any oil-- until the Jews turned it into a garden spot. Then they're like some spoiled brat in preschool who sees another kid playing with a toy and having more fun saying, "Mine!"

Not only is the Palestinian problem spurious, the Palestinians are the root of all our present problems in the region. They literally danced in the street on 9/11. Palestinian parents happily let their kids grow up to be suicide bombers because they will get a big fat check from some Muslim "charity". All they really want to do is kill Jews, everything else is just a smokescreen. And BTW, Arafat was caught on tape by NSA ordering the assassination of three American diplomats.

It's as though the Marielitos, the homeless, criminals, and mental patients Castro "let go" to this country suddenly demanded their own homeland in Guantanamo.

"We're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did." Groucho Marx

2-01-05 3:38am (new)
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Member Rated:

HMOphobe :(

Batman created by Bob Kane

2-01-05 7:31am (new)
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not laughing with you

Member Rated:

There were no "Palestinians" 60 years ago. (As you pointed out later in your rant.)

So? The Koran might be the holy book, but it's not the entire religion.

Except preschoolers tend to have fewer bombs, preferring to stick mostly to light arms.

The problem isn't spurious -- it is very real. Just ask the people who get their asses blown off every day.

While this might be true, it doesn't do anything towards solving the problem. Nuclear genocide is politically incorrect, so the region is going to have to work it's problems out in a mutually agreeable way.

I, personally, would to live in place where I could be locked away for three years without a trial.

Oh, wait... I already do.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

2-01-05 11:20am (new)
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Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Did someone mention politics?


2-01-05 11:48am (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

I repeat my initial question, add "Palestinians that don't even live in the same country and aren't helping cause the mess," "Palestinians who are actually working for peace," Palestinians who and then point out that white Americans didn't even exist until 200 years ago.

Everyone invaded someone else. That's how it's worked throughout history. Just because some group can claim to be older than another doesn't make them any less valid.

Cairo's somewhere other than Illinois? Are you sure Hatshepsut didn't break gender roles by becoming pharoh of Illinois.

Next you'll tell me that Paris and Moscow aren't just towns in Arkansas.

Well, what do you expect? He and Hitler were tight, yo. Now if he had massacred legions of bunnies...

Probably because assholes from all walks of life have a tendency to twist everything around them for their own gain. It's hardly a trait of any one people.

Technically so are Australians (not including the natives, duh). Only they weren't wanted by the British Empire. There were no Australains thousands of years ago.

And didn't Utah start out being populated by a group of people considered mentally ill and driven to homelessness because otherwise they'd be locked up as criminals or lynched since they just happened to have another culture? And that one's been around only 150ish years. And what about the inital American colonists? I mean, they were certainly considered scum by the homeland.

So here's a point: No one can choose where and to whom they are born. What they do later in life should be judged, not their heritage. This is where nurture takes the reigns over nature, because if an entire group of people, which includes children who still retain innocence until someone corrupts it (because, contrary to popular belief, Palestinians aren't spawned from pits of filth from hell...they actually procreate like other humans, being human themselves). Next you'll tell me that all blacks are criminals, all Italians are sleazy, all Mexicans are dirty liars, all Dutch are stoners, all Germans are murdering fascists, and all Jews are money-hoarding spawn of Satan.

Look, love the history lesson and all (that I've read a bazillion times before) but my point remains the same. Spouting a bunch of historical crap doesn't change the fact that I hate people who will hate an entire group of people because part of them are doing shitty things. I hate the Palestinians who hate the Jews without any reason other than they're Jewish. Now if a Palestinian hated a particular Jew because he killed his father or whatever, that's fine. But if the guy hates all Jews because of that, well...they all didn't kill your daddy. Get over it.

This is why racism is completely beyond my grasp. I don't understand it. At all. I can understand hating a certain character trait, but those sorta encompass everyone, no matter of religion, nationality, or shoe size.

I'm anxiously waiting for someone to hate me and my mother's family because Vlad stuck some heads on pikes. I'm sure they're out there.

So did a lot of others. And I bet street performers were too, whether or not they knew what was happening.

I've known people who were so desperate that they'd commit some petty crime just to go to jail and have a place to sleep and plenty of food. It's called being poor. It makes you do things you don't want to. I wouldn't doubt it if a lot of those parents don't support the terrorist assholes, much less want to sacrifice a child, but must do it to keep the rest of their family alive. Were I on that level of poverty, I might do the same myself. Granted I could never know if I would do something like that. Given my history I might just commit suicide myself without the bombing others part because it's easier, though if I had kids that would be a different story. Of course I'd have to have kids to further figure this out, but I'm not about to do that, even if it means I'll get a boatload of money from the government.

All of these tell me that you are a racist jackass who can't tell the difference between a group of people and a group of people within that group of people who are causing problems.

You: "All cops are corrupt, drug-dealing racists who would love nothing more than to put every colored person in jail."
Sane People: "There are way too many corrupt cops, but that doesn't mean they're all bad."

I pity you. Seriously. Your world must be dark and miserable. I can't imagine living like that. I certainly never would want to. It makes me sick. Doesn't matter who the target group is. Bigotry is still bigotry. That and stupidity are the roots of all the world's problems. In any region. And the two happen to go together. Which just makes everything worse.

Yeah, well, who hasn't? I mean, we've all been there, right?

2-01-05 11:51am (new)
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Member Rated:

My attention span is way too short to read all of this shit.

I hate... super lengthy posts...

...and..most of you.

Have a nice day.

dcomposed:11-06-05: If I was a viking invading your village, you'd be the first to get raped.
Crabby: 10/5/06: i would love to feed you fresh fruit while bathing you.

2-01-05 11:56am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

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I can't imagine working at Walmart in Fumbuck, Wyoming, so I guess that makes us even.

"We're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did." Groucho Marx

2-01-05 3:38pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Nope, no Fumbuck here. Just the most destructive volcano on the planet. And a lot of bison. Lots and lots of bison.

2-01-05 3:54pm (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:


*crosses Wyoming off itinerary*

2-02-05 12:34pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

You can still visit the bison. And shoot them if you so desire. Freaking pests. Not as bad as the antelope though. Those bastards won't stay out of my garden. At least the seagulls had the decency to not eat my strawberries.

Fucking antelope.

2-02-05 3:52pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » I hate...

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