I am not going to waste more of my time in flamewars - ever again.
Let's explore your hypocrisy though...
Personally, I don't believe in retaliation. Retaliating during a nuclear war only serves to wipe everybody out. Retaliating in an internet flame war is like dousing a magnesium fire with water. Things just blow up, nothing is resolved, and people end up banned. That's what happened between CHUBBY and boinky33. As amusing as it was at first, we all got sick of the constant back and forth retaliation.
If nothing else, come back as a different account and make no mention of your old account. I know quite a few users who had some bad experience with other users or themselves were in bad form and they came back under a different name and actually were able to make friends. Of course, a couple are still in the closet...
But anyway, I'm sorry to see it go to this point.
From ivytheplant :: 01-25-06 08:30pm ( reply :: delete )
Great going living up to what you professed to be your high standards... And let's not mention the "sorry" bit either.
Who are those pros, pray tell? They can't read the disclaimer on top either - you know, the one that says that it is a FIRST DRAFT? Pretty damn close to brilliant for a first draft too. Copying excerpts is not allowed either... Kaenash! You don't know what "A.R.R." means - do you?
You don't KNOW me - those who do, women and buddies alike, could tell you.
You are the consummate assumer - not me.
I did not assume - I parodied.
Keep on over-compensating yourself, transformer-addicted chunkyduck. As many around here do...
I do not though.
Now may you all fall prey to Al Qaida :)