The title alone makes me want to listen to Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Anyway...
01. ARCADE FIRE - "I really like this song," too. Now.
02. DUNGEN - Where the hell did you find this? Very cool piano, and I love how it sort of merges into...
03. WILLIAM D. DRAKE - ...where it didn't take long at all for the beauty to sink in.
04. FIERY FURNACES - I like every song of theirs I've heard so far on these collective swaps. Quite a group, er, duo...whatever. Excellent.
05. ROBERT PLANT - I believe even a deaf man could tell a Robert Plant song from any other song.
06. KATE BUSH - I want to call this one hauntingly beautiful, but that's such a cliche. How about numerically winsome?
07. BLACK KEYS - I've heard some buzz on this band since I received your disc, and the local college station plays them fairly often. This one sounds like Bad Company...without the suckage.
08. LEONARD COHEN - I see why a certain segment of the population adores this guy. This song seems like the type you have to be in a certain mood to enjoy, yet I liked it right off. The lyrics are very poignant without being melodramatic.
09. GUIDO SOL - Starts out a bit goofy, but becomes better when the music kicks in. Believe I like the song from your previous disc better.
10. STRANGLERS - Classic.
11. WHO - Classicer.
12. BRIGHT EYES - Have heard some about this group as well, but they sounded a bit too derivative of...somebody. Maybe I'm just in the wrong mood for it.
13. KING CREOSOTE - Struck me as similar to the group above yet there's a quality that sets this song apart from that one. Nice.
14. Blind LEMON JELLY Fish - Simple yet effective.
15. CARDIACS - Arresting.
16. YES - Yes, I've been tempted in the make-a-disc-of-all-long-songs department, as well. Bear in mind that the tracks should really, really have something to offer over their eintire course. Like this one.
17. GORKY - Relaxing round-off to an excellent collection of tunes.
It's interesting how you come to expect certain sounds and groups after you've swapped with someone numerous times. So, there are surprises and non-surprises, but the beauty of the CD swap lies in really listening to how a disc is arranged. Sometimes as the listener you make connections between songs that the compiler didn't necessarily intend. Other times, you totally miss things. Overall, though, it's the transmission of sounds and even the ideas of certain sounds that fascinates about this process.
So, it comes as a non-surprise that TheGov has delighted me yet again. Same goes for choady. And surely mmyers will prove up to the task. Thanks, gents!
Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years