Once upon a time, there was "OLD MUSIC" and it was all music and it was good. Then came "NEW MUSIC" and it was dubbed "RACE MUSIC" because it was the music which was played by "THOSE NEGROES" and it was called bad and many aspersions were cast upon it.
Then a DJ in Cleveland found the NEW MUSIC and played it in a rotation of great weight, and he did dub it "ROCK AND ROLL", and it was quite good. Fuckoff good, actually. And the kids did sing along and leaveth the family car's radio tuned to it. And the old man would get pissed off and ground them but they did not care, for the music was good.
And the white kids did dance lamely and learn to move their hips and they did laugh and celebrate and glue their ears to the HOLY ORB which was radio. And it was good.
ROCK AND ROLL became the dominant form of popular music and there was much listening to other people's shit. And it was good.
And then there were "BEATLES", as was foretold by a man on a flaming pie. And they were good. And they did change up all the shit that had come before. Thus did THE MUSIC roll on. And they did sell enough records to make Croesus blush.
Then came the men of the "INDUSTRY". And the INDUSTRY looked out at a sea of gape-mawed teenagers who would gladly mow lawns and bust ass in the drugstore after school to buy "RECORDS". And they about shit themselves with greed.
The INDUSTRY then proceeded to sign every yo-yo with a guitar and a bad haircut to their "LABELS", and some of it was good and some of it was mediocre and some of it was fucking awful and some was, actually stunningly brilliant. Thus was the "DOMINANT PARADIGM" of the INDUSTRY established.
Then there were festivals, and hippies and Lord knows what the fuck else and the older bands had fallen to the side and the newer bands were signed, and it was business as usual.
Then there were the "GREAT DIVISIONS" and individual styles of original artists were codified by marketing fucks -in Brooks Brothers suits who kneweth not of what they spake- into "GENRES". They did take the petty arguments of the teen factions and set out to manufacture GENRES of prefab music that were aligned into the marketing camps.
And the stoned and the lazy grinned as would the village idiot in his ignorance and listened not to new music that might be a disconcertion to their stoned-ness. And there was Southern Rock. And there was Psychedlia. And there was Hard Rock and Soft Rock. And there was Neil Sedaka, for fuck's sake. And even Disco. And there was Punk. And there was post-punk. And there came metal that was pop, and metal that was heavy and metal that was hairy and there were a host of "STYLES".
And there were manufactured clothing and accessories to allow THE KIDS to establish their alignment with their GENRE of choice that was but a creation of marketing fucks in, what were by now, much nicer suits.
And the malls were filled. As were the shops where those who were "TOO COOL FOR THE MALL" would go to buy their hipness.
And there were more motherfucking sub-strata of musical "styles" than you could piss on after a case of Miller Lite. And it was an abomination.
And the music that was THE MUSIC was pushed aside by the KIDS and by the LABELS and they did, in great numbers, attend the CONCERTS and the FESTIVALS but paid no attention to THE MUSIC which had now just become another way to sell PEPSI.
And even KISS was dubbed great although they could playeth not even as to have the worth a bloated rats rump. And it was bad.
And the HOLY ORB was desecrated.
And I caution thee to not even getteth me the fuck started about MTV.
And thus did THE MUSIC that had, by it's very happy nature, given unity and social alignment and a source of joy to THE KIDS become but another day-glo sticker on some spotty fuck's second floor locker.
And then the boy bands came. And it was worse. And the arguments as to the "ONE TRUE STYLE OF MUSIC" raged on. And they were the "STYLE WARS". And the RECORD EXECS ate until they were vomiting of the profits from the dead of those wars. And they continue. And there is not abatement to be seen.
And THE HOLY ORB has become a temple of vipers. And there is a pestilence there.
And it is sad.
The end.
I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.