wenis was kind enough to fire back wiiiiiiiiith...:
Is that how long it took to find the magnifying glass?
[Click to view comic: 'Two Wenises With One Stone!']
... and quite frankly, I am impressed. She's (this is still up to debate, but I'm wagering female) shown remarkable resilience and (something resembling) wit with all we've put her through.
Were it not for the fact that she amuses me enough to keep this psuedo-flame-comic-war-thingie going, I'd be busy producing vaguely interesting comics, or writing a story, or painting my Gundam models or something.
Wonder of wonders, wenis' Amazing Troll Powers have kept me intrigued! I am falling into the trap of arguing with a brick wall! Save me!
... or don't.
Quite frankly, it would take someone like, say, the Misanthropic Bitch to even slightly unsettle or belitte me, 'cause... well, I don't care about idiots, no matter what level of intellect or wit they possess. For all I care, wenis could vanish from the face of God's green earth and all I would be able to think of would be "I wonder what's for dinner."
A piece of shit with a PhD and its own late-night talk show is still a piece of shit. ^_^
Needs more sodomy.