Not AWOL Drexle, just a wrestling fan
sorry about the lack of defined deadline but i had on in my head. you see i wanted you guys to have full use of the weekend which would mean i couldnt judge till monday. wasnt gonna do it first thing in the morning, busy in the day, watching wrestlmania in the evening so today is the day and now is the time
right, so honourable mentions go to:
Mentski's "Giant peach" - if only for the fact that it had ass in it
DexX's "Attack of the Clowns" & "Hook" - both very professionally carried out and extremely funny
fuzzyman's "Brave Fart" & "Wirthie" - theres something about wirthling's head that makes it instantly funny wherever its put, that and the credits and tag-lines etc on wirthie had me in stitches. oh, and the thought of him in a red dress
Wirthling's "Forrest Bush" - ...or you're with the terrorists. excellent
I got the shortlist down to the clowns, wirthie, and forrest bush and could split them, so i asked my sister for some input and she reminded me why i loved the on ive chosen soooo much
and the winner is.....

i was going to do what would have been an unpopular decision considering the love for dexx's entry and go for 'wirthie' but then i had a change of heart, simply because of, in my own sisters words "the funny man that looks at you in it. hes really funny" which she later informed me was jael that she was on about, which was one of the reasons i instantly loved this, something dexx couldnt have planned
theres a number of charity shops in my town, one in particular, scope, is run by someone who they must help or somethig as she looks kinda funny, acts kinda funny, talks kinda funny, and has a beard. she even has a balding patch at the front of her head which makes me puke when i look at her
i in now way mean to say jael is ugly, just dexx's use of her reminded me of someone who is
that and the fact you can see the ring of light shining where tobors legs are and other such things
Who knows what fear lurks in the hearts of men? MIKE BOBSICO KNOWS! And if you give him a decent tip when he delivers your mail , he might tell you.