Sir, you want feedback on your comic, yes? How about an essay...
We enter the action in the middle of a chance conversation between two people, Asian Girl and Cowboy. The naturalistic way in which his characters go about their lives suggests an existensialist influence. The Cowboy mentions the "secret illegal gay spot." Sub_m7, in his commentary, notes he feels this is the strongest point of the comic. I, too, feel this is its crux and its presence in the very first panel suggests sub_m7's French deconstructionist influence, cutting away needless details of plot much like the great director Godard. "Secret illegal gay spot" suggests a hidden homosexual undercurrent, society's secret shame, concentrated in one point. "Illegal" hints that the government, the police, and the lawmakers, as well as those who elect them, keep this pent up gay sexuality from a natural release by "arresting", i.e. excommunicating or outcasting, any who dare seek it out. The author has stated that his work is not anti-gay. I feel it is, in fact, very pro-gay. It is the pained outcry of a gay man made to live a lie as a geek who isn't even cool enough to be a wigger. The Cowboy's last sentence means, of course, that he was released when he proved his masculinity. The test of masculinity he must have endured must have suggested the monomyth of Joseph Campbell's landmark work The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
In the second panel, the Asian Girl responds with all the hostility of society towards what it does not understand and at the same time fears it can emphasize with. The Asian Girl in the works of the author has come to symbolize vicious saucy girl, or whatever the hell her name is, something sub_m7 hates and fears obsessively, a fetish object for his dark dreams. The Cowboy, clearly representative of the author, responds with surprising a surprising passivity. He has come to accept society's irrational hatred of him and to know that hate cannot be fought with more hate.
The third panel represents society's endless oppression of the author. I don't care if I spelled oppression wrong. The policeman wishes to probe the author's anus, the vehicle of his sexuality, perhaps to better understand himself in doing so. "Remember me?" the cowboy asks.
Remember your own secret shame?
In short, sub_m7, I'm calling you a fag.
~But now you realize /
He's not selling any alibis~