Well, it was a tough decision. After many, many hours of...
Oh, screw it. The choice was pretty easy, but first the honourable mentions (not in order)...
Punkrockskaboy... not bad.
Kaddar... Was that a Photoshop? Doesn't matter, I enjoyed it. 2nd runner up.
Fuzzyman... In the event the winner can't fulfil his duties...
ArtemisStrong... I have to say, your red X series made a strong statement. That statement being "Find a way to host images."
Zegota... Ummm... Well, I'll give you points for chutzpa. It does take guts (or something) to submit a joke about stopping rape by consenting when the judge is a woman. Your second entry was a little better, but only because I'm not Middle Eastern.
And the winner is...
Itsclark! I gotta tell you, not only is it the only one that made me laugh out loud, but it's great satire! Good job.
Please remember to spay and neuter your elected representatives.