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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun



Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

i was pissed earlier today. i went to a game trading shop and the chick said, "we don't bargain on the price."
i was thinking, "do you really understand how this whole process works?"
so I ate her. THE END.
i'd love to see amature porn, shot in a game trading store
that would be scary
hollywood's yet to fill that niche of the market
sometimes convenient store porn just doesn't scratch the itch
forget office and doctors office porn
forget plummers, cable guys, and pizza boys
firefighter porn
i want to see mundane porn
bagboy porn
mormon missionary porn
done doggy style
just to fuck with your mind
ack! brain! hurt!
taco shop porn
hotel housekeeping lady porn
mcdonald's burger flipper porn
post office porn
book worm porn
shut in porn
arsonist porn
comic book nerd convention porn
* obijo shudders
tits with zits
barka lounger porn
architect porn
drywall hanger porn
national monument porn
mineshaft porn
korn porn
bunyon removal porn
paul bunyon removal porn?
autistic porn
that would be like 23 hours long
lemming porn
yeah, but girth is more important
blind, deaf, mute, and insensate porn
sewing machine repair shop porn
intestinal parasite porn
mustachio porn
used CD store porn
negro league baseball porn
that's exotic
i want to put the anal in banal
oops, sorry
how bout negro league badmiton porn
no, im thinking laundromat porn
"twice the shuttle for just half the cock"
layaway porn
bored couple married for 20 years and trying to have another baby to keep the marriage togethe rporn
kmart blue-light special porn
holiday giftwrap service porn
ivy's got it
i think that's depressing porn, ivy
DMV porn
homeless porn
no! i would love homeless porn
you're one sick bum bumper
corn tortillia porn
it's depressing AND mundane
matching socks porn
i'm talking mechanical, emotionless sex in uninteresting locales
that's how they advertised New Coke
john arbuckle and his girlfriend that was the female version of him porn
conehead porn
the ultimate would be watching a guy have cybersex and jerking off, but only showing him from the waist up
jaded prostitute with impotent CEO porn
you'd still get the moonshot in the picture though
though for all we knew, it could be his milk box being crused
the camera would be mounted behind the monitor...all you'd see it the glow on his aviator glasses
teenagers keeping wuiet lest the parents hear porn
new-hire orientation porn
mono-syllabic porn
open enrollment for health benefits porn
social security office porn
pocket protected porn
making-buttermilk porn
amish porn
you're getting it
(sans the horse)
buggy buggery!
more than my barn is raised, english
yawn ki-porn
(for our jewish friends)
methodist pot luck dinner porn
kosher porn
vanilla breath-mint porn
ouch choad, that's dull
i know
but not duller than...Lutheran potluck porn!
you're missing the locale, obi
in porn, you always have sex...what changes is the set
and the back story
i'm extending it to mundane in general
i can do that, ask the judges
now youre really talking mundane fetishes
piano recital porn
flea market clerk porn
i'd hit that
that i like though
me + flea markets = me + purr
there is some of that in teh movie Serial Mom
i'm currently off flea markets for a while
i saw
movie extra porn
craft services porn
best boy porn
grip porn
all porn is grip porn
garbage dump porn
and im sure there is already best boy gay porn
and with me usually a gaffer
lobster boat porn
plaid wallpaper porn
assembly line porn
DNA lab porn
physics lab porn
box manufacturer porn
high school guidance counsellor porn (adults only)
ugh...bad images
crossing guard porn
Remedial english class porn
english as a second language porn
lunch lady and custodian porn
your mom and your dad porn
squash-court porn
CPA porn
hip replacement surgery porn
lutheran and quaker parent pre-divorce porn
community theatre porn
film strip porn
1950's film strip porn
you mean showing your ankles?
dunkin donuts porn
only allowed to dance with a boy if the ruler measures a foot between you porn
that's some boy
i was thinking catholic school
i want to meet that ruler who measures a foot
i was thinking "a foot"
to choad
looking for your lost keys porn
taylor's shop porn
*** DragonXero ( has joined channel #stripcreator
having sex with DX porn
handmaiden porn
that's too hot
national public radio porn
Choad, were you... filming that?
filing clerk porn
You told me the camera was off!
it was delightfully mundane
plain yogurt porn
bologna and cheese on white bread during lunch break in an office porn
bowling alley bathroom porn
clerk who types up legal documents for a state web pag eporn

9-09-04 11:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Impressionable Adolescent

Member Rated:

september 11: the day without a birthday
it's choad's birthday

I think, therefore I make comments on a forum.

9-11-04 12:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Man, I'm in IRC for at least eight hours every day and still manage to miss some of the best conversations.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

9-13-04 6:09am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

Actually, its more than just a coincidence that the best conversations happen when you are not there.

9-13-04 10:02am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

I hope it's not my B.O.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

9-13-04 10:09am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

I think it might be your L.H.

9-13-04 10:10am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Lesbian Heredity?

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

9-13-04 10:10am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

Lack of Humor

Thanks for providing an example.

9-13-04 10:13am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Ooooooh! My L. of H.! I get it now. I thought my lack of humor was what endeared me to you people. It certainly seemed to indicate I'd fit right in.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

9-13-04 10:17am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Mikey: how the fuck did we go from boobs to this depressing-ass shit?
IvyThePlant: after all the funeral shenanigans with grandpa, mom decided when her time came, she'd just swim out to sea
Mikey: I think I'm going to have to look at them again just to cheer myself up
*** a ( has joined channel #stripcreator
IvyThePlant: now she said she wants a big funeral pyre in the middle of the woods
Mikey: Forest fire?
chooby: my mum says she wants her funeral to be as uncomfortable as possible...
Mikey: ha ha ha
IvyThePlant: i can't die til i have a huge inheiritance because my plan is to be cremated, then pay for all my friends and family to go on a world tour so they can scatter parts of my ashes in places i really like and places i always wanted to go but never got to
chooby: if it's winter, she wants it outside, in shorts and t-shirt..
IvyThePlant: lol!
chooby: if it's summer, she wants everyone to wear big furry jackets..
chooby: the coffin carried by little cross-dressing midgets..
chooby: really lame music
IvyThePlant: william shatner!
chooby: yes
Mikey: I want to rig my casket to pop up and fling me out to dance around
*** Signoff: a (Connection reset by peer)
chooby: anything uncomfortable
Mikey: like a marionette
IvyThePlant: ha!
IvyThePlant: i want a lookalike double (plastic surgery if needed) to come to my funeral and throw everyone off
IvyThePlant: even army of lookalikes
IvyThePlant: one for every person at my funeral
IvyThePlant: and the double will haunt people
IvyThePlant: okay, maybe that's too much torture
IvyThePlant: i'd prefer to get a robot body so i can be immortal
IvyThePlant: barring that, a vampire will do
chooby: do you people carry the coffin of your relative into the church for the funeral?
chooby: or does it get done for you?
chooby: by "you people" I mean, Yanks.
IvyThePlant: at grandpa's, the funeral home took it into the church before we got there
IvyThePlant: and wheeled it to the front when the ceremony started
IvyThePlant: then me and some other relatives were pallbearers and carried it out and to the cemetary
chooby: ah
chooby: women don't carry the coffin over here
Mikey: I want my body to dance the Macarena, or at least a prerecorded message telling everyone they have to dance it
IvyThePlant: i don't remember anything about my other grandfather's funeral
IvyThePlant: ha!
Mikey: with flashing lights and everything
chooby: what if you are blown up?
IvyThePlant: animatronic controls hooked up to your face so you can sing along?
Mikey: and I'd have to be dressed as Patrick Swayze in "Dirty Dancing"
chooby: it's going to be hard to fit the animatronics into little pieces of burned flesh
Mikey: If I'm blown up, I want to be sewn back together
IvyThePlant: or have a lookalike killed
Mikey: and the missing pieces to be substituted with rice pussing
IvyThePlant: pussing eh?
Mikey: pudding, even
Mikey: either rice pudding or bees
chooby: I'd like my coffin to be so well fitting that it's basically just a wooden shell of my actual naked body.
Mikey: that would be pretty funny, choobs
Mikey: a sarcophagus
chooby: with my hands on my hips so that the pallbearers have handles to lift me with
chooby: and a place to put flowers
Mikey: why don't you just mold your penis erect
chooby: (unless I'm lying on my stomache)
Mikey: there you go
IvyThePlant: a friend of mine (same guy who does the pastries) wants his body to be stuffed and mounted in his favorite masturbation pose
Mikey: I think that's funny, Ivy, but your friend is creepy.
chooby: he has a *favourite* masturbation pose?
IvyThePlant: yes, yes he is
Mikey: or will be
chooby: I think it's more disturbing that he poses when he masturbates
Mikey: I wasn't aware people posed when masturbating, generally, unless they were on film
IvyThePlant: he said either that or stuffed and mounted in a sexual position so necrophiliacs can use his body
chooby: I want my arm fitted with a kind of spring/lever system, so that when you push my wrist, my mouth opens and a big rectangle of candy comes out
IvyThePlant: ha!
Mikey: I think chooby's second-skin coffin should have an erect penis, and strict instructions for his family to kiss him goodbye there.
IvyThePlant: totally
chooby: I don't know who would want to re-load my Pez dispenser idea though
IvyThePlant: i want to be remote-controlled so people can walk me around a room
IvyThePlant: like in Spok's Brain
IvyThePlant: *spock
Mikey: I am planning, after the Macarena, to have my body turn around and showcase a big coin slot
IvyThePlant: i think i know where this is going
Mikey: when you put a coin in, I moon people, like those little novelty statues
IvyThePlant: i was thinking the money went in your ass
Mikey: oh
Mikey: no, in my back
Mikey: but they'll get to see my ass
chooby: holy shit, Man U have just equalised!
chooby: after being 2-0 down
Mikey: maybe there'll be a mirror on my ass so people can see their own retarded expressions
IvyThePlant: and you have to have cameras
Mikey: that's a given
Mikey: I'm looking into hiring chooby's casket to pop up in the background, and you can spin it like the Wheel of Fortune
IvyThePlant: do you win prizes?
Mikey: totally
Mikey: But the prizes aren't cool, at all
Mikey: One of them is "Make out with Grandma"
Mikey: or "Punch cousin Joey in the nuts"
IvyThePlant: ha!
Mikey: the best is "Ask Aunt Carol about her drinking habits"
IvyThePlant: how about "insult the mafia don of the family"?
Mikey: We don't have any
IvyThePlant: i do
IvyThePlant: the quaker side
Mikey: would totally work at yours
Mikey: lewl
IvyThePlant: "Tell Aunt Janice nobody likes her fruitcake"
Mikey: ha ha ha ha ha
Mikey: "Ask Uncle Pete to see his war wound"
Mikey: "Then ask him why he keeps trying to show it to little Cousin Janie"
IvyThePlant: ha!
IvyThePlant: "Wear a wire so the Feds can finally get Uncle Herman"
Mikey: ha ha ha ha
IvyThePlant: death is funny when you get to mock relatives
Mikey: "Stop pretending that Auntie Joan looks normal in that wig and makeup"
Mikey: totally, Ivy
IvyThePlant: and what better way to mock and torture all the the relatives than at your own funeral
Mikey: it's like the final justice
Mikey: "Tell chooby to stop dry-humping the widow"
IvyThePlant: the final "fuck you" to all those relatives who kept sending you atrociously scented candles for christmas every year
Mikey: ha!
IvyThePlan: lol!

9-15-04 1:11pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Impressionable Adolescent

Member Rated:

there are some who would say i'm a pirate everyday
A BUTT PIRATE!!!!11!1!1!!! LOL OMG!!!!!11!

I think, therefore I make comments on a forum.

9-19-04 11:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Gay

Member Rated:

Aw, tipper, you needed the set-up:

my friend is dressed like a pirate right now
she's sitting right here
she can walk my plank any day
there are some who would say i'm a pirate everyday
A BUTT PIRATE!!!!11!1!1!!! LOL OMG!!!!!11!

it even inspired a comic/cc entry:
[Click to view comic: 'Observances']

9-19-04 11:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

[7:24pm] i tried out for the comedy club at my school today
[7:24pm] sweet!
[7:24pm] How did it go?
[7:25pm] I bet she got in?
[7:25pm] right?
[7:27pm] i don't know yet
[7:27pm] I've been funnier, but I've also been a lot less funny at times
[7:27pm] so I'd say it went pretty well
[7:28pm] my brother's already in it, so that's a plus
[7:29pm] You should crack wsie about their mommas
[7:31pm] parts: kitty ( (Leaving) [5 users]
[7:32pm] i don't think that would get me in jesus
[7:33pm] thaqt always works with me
[7:33pm] *that
[7:35pm] Except at my school its mandatory to join such a club
[7:36pm] They line you up in front of a panel of gorillas
[7:37pm] And if you dont make the light on top of their head of off
[7:37pm] you get suspended
[7:37pm] *go off
[7:48pm] sounds like my kinda school

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

9-21-04 7:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

[4:52pm] We traded Jes for Jesus.
[4:53pm] That's like two extra letters!
[4:53pm] Yeah
[4:53pm] And three extra genitals

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

9-22-04 4:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Impressionable Adolescent

Member Rated:

Danzig is the only man who can pull that off without people laughing at him.
No other horror punk band can do it
He's also probably the only straight man who can wear a fishnet shirt and not look like he goes to the pole hole club.
Fish net=Gay
fishermen are gay?
Why do you think their wives leave them
Cause of all the anal sex they partake in on the ocean
that is so punk rock!
then what is it?
yeah.... what did i say?

I think, therefore I make comments on a forum.

9-22-04 5:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

[5:29pm] * Jesus tries not to hit a lady

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

9-22-04 6:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Impressionable Adolescent

Member Rated:

That's soooooo rebellious.

I think, therefore I make comments on a forum.

9-22-04 6:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

/me tries not to hit a woman.

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

9-22-04 6:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Impressionable Adolescent

Member Rated:

Good idea... chatroom violence against women is at an all time high.

I think, therefore I make comments on a forum.

9-22-04 7:25pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

It's too bad Danzig has such a glass jaw.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

9-23-04 7:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

(&) Jesus changes topic to 'I wanna shit blood on you face.'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'hdb!'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'Jesus died for his own sins not mine.'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'hdb!'
[2:23pm] how do you change the topic?
[2:23pm] I just double click the channel
[2:23pm] Magic.
[2:24pm] * crabby uses magic
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'Fight war. Not wars.'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'All your topic are belong to us.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'Boners'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'All your topic are belong to us.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'Blow me'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'All your topic are belong to us.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'Hey look over there'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'All your topic are belong to us.'
[2:27pm] what new devilry is this
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'Evil is the new gay'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'All your topic are belong to us.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'This one wrong too'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'Give it up, Jesus.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'NEVER'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'Give it up, Jesus.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'NEVER'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'Give it up, Jesus.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'No'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'Give it up, Jesus.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'Blow me'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'Give it up, Jesus.'
(&) Jesus changes topic to 'If dan changes this topic he will have to sleep with me.'
(&) BigEvilDan changes topic to 'What-EVER!'
[2:30pm] 0
[2:30pm] I win
[2:30pm] :O
[2:30pm] You certainly do.

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

9-24-04 2:29pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

i feel like an ass now
me too
crabby's ass

9-24-04 9:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

This is just part of what was a pretty crazy conversation, I just don't like posting entire logs:

MAMUNIA: imagine how nasty the farts of an immortal smell
MAMUNIA: hes eaten things that dont even exist any more
andydougan: Surely nothing exists after you've eaten it
Jes_L: oh shit
Jes_L: no-one eat anything! Nothing at all will exist and the universe will collapse up its own arse!!!!1
andydougan: Too late
andydougan: I just bit my toenails
chooby: did somebody eat dragonxero's hair?
Jes_L: yeah well I never paid attention in Logic classes
chooby: I never attended logic classes
chooby: I couldn't get through the gates.
Jes_L: :D
andydougan: ...
Jes_L: there it is right there
andydougan: Oh I get it
Jes_L: funniest thing chooby will ever say
chooby: :/
Jes_L: and only 5 people to see it
chooby: I could pay someone to try and set the joke up at parties.
chooby: but I doubt anyone would get it.
andydougan: Why not? Do you only go to parties with not-smart people?
chooby: "...and I said 'I couldn't get through the gates'"!
chooby: "they didn't have gates at your school, chooby"
chooby: "yes, they were NOT gates"!
chooby: "what?"
chooby: "uh"
andydougan: Shame there's no such thing as WHAT gates
chooby: yes
andydougan: You could do the joke again
chooby: I'm just trying to figure out the logic of a what gate.
MAMUNIA: do it agaiin!!!!!!!!!
Jes_L: surely it depends on the input
andydougan: Uh
andydougan: ok
andydougan: So if you input 1?
Jes_L: and the output is always one off what you expected
chooby: what?
andydougan: My thoughts exactly
Jes_L: the output of 1 would be 0 or 2
chooby: 2?
Jes_L: depending on what you needed to complete the accumulator
Jes_L: the output being not what you needed
chooby: I have no idea where you're getting 2 from.
Jes_L: say you need Kilmarnock to win by 2 clear goals in the cup against Brechin
Jes_L: to complete your accumulator bet on Celtic, Cally thistle and Stranraer
Jes_L: Killy duly lose by 2 goals, after 4 men are sent off, and Martians invade the pitch
chooby's head explodes
Jes_L: *that* is the logic going on inside a WHAT gate
chooby: it's a WHAT gate, not a WHATTHEFUCK gate
andydougan: That would be interesting too, though
chooby: yes
Jes_L: oh, my mistake
Jes_L: that was the next lecture
chooby: 1 -> WTF -> purple

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

9-26-04 1:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

chooby, you should be happy to know that when I buy myself a computer, I'm getting a mac.
although, for the same amount of money, you could probably go around the world twice
I'd get an ibook or sommat.
that costs more!
I have a spiral notebook
it has a calendar and handwriting recognition
the battery life is awesome
I can use it on trains planes and automobiles
and nut wards
nutwards, is that the same direction as south?
it has an application called "boo-write"
nutward ho
I can save things like receipts and office memos in my notebook
does it have a pant locator?
why would I want pants?
I save receipts in my pockets
in my pants
pockets are awesome
yes, my lack of pockets frequently annoys me
especially as you have nowhere to put your notebook
I carry it
it is prtable
my mum never tires of telling the story of when my gran bought me Y-fronts...
tighty whiteys?
like, underpants
I guess
and I walked around the house wearing them saying "these are great, they have a pocket" and kept stuffing things into them.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

10-05-04 11:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

boo-werking: $fieldFormats = Array("URL"=>'
boo-werking: "journalTitle"=>'$value',
boo-werking: "bookTitle"=>'$value',
boo-werking: "loanPeriod"=>'
Loan period: $value',
boo-werking: "journalVol"=>'vol. $value',
boo-werking: "reserveStatus"=>'
Status: $value',
boo-werking: "journalIssue"=>'no. $value',
boo-werking: "Ereserve"=>'
chooby: oh man, not again
boo-werking: "reserveNumber"=>'
Reserve number: $value',
boo-werking: "reserveCallNum"=>'
Call number: RESERVE $value',
boo-werking: "articlePages"=>'p. $value');
boo-werking: function formatField($field, $value) {
boo-werking: global $fieldFormats, $Ereserves;
boo-werking: if ($fieldFormats[$field]) {
boo-werking: eval("\$value = \"$fieldFormats[$field]\";");
boo-werking: }
boo-werking: return $value;
boo-werking: }
boo-werking: dan appreciates good code
chooby: dan is the son of an undefined variable
BigEvilDan: :O
BigEvilDan: You mean my $father lied to me?
chooby: yes, he had a decimal point
BigEvilDan: That's it. He's null to me now.
boo-werking: class void
BigEvilDan: Don't you class void me, young man.
•boo-werking voids into dan's hat
boo-werking: I voided my bowels into your hat.
BigEvilDan: Yes, I got that.
boo-werking: slipped the hat-check girl a fiver and she said go to it
•chooby inputs a value into boorite's bowels
boo-werking: omg buffer overflow

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

10-05-04 1:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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