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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun



Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

* Now talking in #stripcreator
* Topic is ' But no. I have this deep, enveloping fear of being fucked in the butt'
* Set by Mikey! on Wed Jan 12 15:12:51
everyone like the topic?
It's survived this long.
i'm actually surprised
but, I guess kitty's fear of buggery has a universal appeal
You're surprised that the website behind Tobor, fuck, and Mr. Sticks-His-Dick-in-Your-Ass-While-You're-Looking-the-Other-Direction find ass fucking to be an interesting topic?
it's more like I'm surprised that something so tame has held interest for this long

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

1-13-05 12:22pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

A) IRC won't let me in again and is being wonky.

B) Why aren't more people in IRC on the regular? It's cold outside and you can't possibly have lives. So why not come talk to me about the life you wish you had?

Mediocrity at its most average.

1-13-05 6:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I am always online. I'm just not around.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-13-05 7:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

*** Initial topic: Dance
*** #stripcreator was created on Thu Jan 06 07:19:48 2005.
choad: oh good
choad: kitty is over her fear of anal sex

1-14-05 9:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

choad: i love the new mustangs
choad: those are sexy and simple
Rabid_Weasle: yeah, but they're still Fords
choad: true
Rabid_Weasle: i wonder if you could buy one
choad: i drove an 04 a couple months ago
Rabid_Weasle: and stick another engine in them
Rabid_Weasle: yeah, you mentioned that before
choad: it was yellow
choad: quite ridiculous
choad: i felt like a gay mad max
Rabid_Weasle: did you go to thunderdome
choad: everytime someone commented on the car that weekend, i'd say in my worst aussie accent, "its the last of the v-8 interceptors"
choad: haha
choad: two men enter, one man creams!
choad: actually, it would be the other way around
choad: one man enters, two men cream!
Rabid_Weasle: oh, i just got it
Rabid_Weasle: very clever
choad: not as clever as thunderbone
choad: who controls bartertown?
Rabid_Weasle: and the whole town would be run on man juice, instead of pig shit
choad: santorum
Rabid_Weasle: i think we've got a solid movie parody
Rabid_Weasle: we should go with it
Rabid_Weasle: ewww

1-15-05 11:37am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

This #stripcreator you speak of sure sounds like fun!

1-15-05 7:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

family guy back on may 1
if only i had cable
and the hitchhiker movie is only.... 5 days after that!
i didnt know they were still making those
what do you mean still?
and those?
* BigEvilDan has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
he got so burned he had to leave
* BigEvilDan has joined #stripcreator


1-16-05 9:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

oh sorry. just recalling last night.
oh my
yes, there was a blimp, a masochist yakuza, and drexle.
it pains me to think about it.
and the yakuza says
"That's no blimp, that's my ringer in the sumo basho"
do do do de do de do de do do de do
wtf choad? hahaha!
drexle never once gave it away
everybody had to pay and pay
homosexual sex is gay?

1-17-05 2:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[01:34] hey DX i read that you were in love?????
[01:35] woah! where was crabby all this time?
[01:35] what's his name, DX?
[01:35] Jes, it's pretty easy to get about the country. It's just expensive.
[01:35] I'd love to meet him!
[01:35] who's the lucky...whatever?
[01:35] is she bald?
[01:35] ha
[01:35] then you two can have something in common
[01:35] time's my limiting factor
[01:35] Ivy, her name is Sophia.
[01:35] Propecia?
[01:35] Alopecia?
[01:35] do you really want hair that bad?
[01:36] aw, quotefile

Please replace the handset, and try again.

1-19-05 5:38pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

choad: awwww...johnny carson died
chooby: apparently Britain won the gold medal in deaf football...
chooby: they call it the Deaflympics...
Batman: wtf
Batman: johnny carson died?
chooby: I find it ironic that the word sounds stupid.
choad: yeah
Batman: :(
choad: deaflympics seems like it would be a hard word to spell in sign language
chooby: Johnny Carson is a nobody over here, so his death is meaningless.
choad: yeah
choad: he's a legend over here
chooby: All I know is that he used to be someone, at some point.
chooby: wasn't he like the old Letterman?
Batman: he still is someone
choad: without carson, there would have been no letterman
Batman: or was
chooby: exactly, Batman.
chooby: was.
Batman: he was yesterday
Batman: he was the guy who without carson, there would have been no letterman
choad: or two days ago, in australia
Batman: and that's good enough for me
choad: why didnt you tell me he died today yesterday, dcom?
Batman: hopefully this means leno will be next
chooby: or at least warn Mr Carson.
Batman: i didn't want to spoil it for you, choad

1-23-05 12:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

A) IRC won't let me in again and is being wonky.

B) Why aren't more people in IRC on the regular? It's cold outside and you can't possibly have lives. So why not come talk to me about the life you wish you had?

I have a life outside IRC and it's taking over, and I can't use it at work.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

1-24-05 3:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

We quantum leaped!

He's a... which?
The question is, will it look like that when it goes live?
brad can test it
It'll be the new nail in the head.
dan, there's more to life than putting wirthling in the shitter!
There is?
He's kidding, Dan.
*** Quits: cowtipper [~Stripper@] has quit (
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*** Quits: BigEvilDan [] has quit (
*** Quits: knkx [] has quit (
*** Quits: choad [] has quit (
*** Quits: Artemis [] has quit (
*** Quits: Batman [] has quit ( wow
what did you do?
Internet burp Oh god oh god
What did I do?
FIX IT, RABID hey don't look at me ...
looks like it's just you and me
*** Joins: StripGuest298 [] has joined #stripcreator
all alone...
well, it still works
*** Quits: StripGuest298 [] has quit (Client Quit)
Therefore, I broke nothing
like i said...
all alone
just us two
better start repopulating the earth
You're already someone's redheaded stepchild
*** Joins: brad [~none@] has joined #stripcreator
*** Mode change on #stripcreator by server: +o brad
*** Joins: cowtipper [~Stripper@] has joined #stripcreator
*** Joins: Humbert_Rohypnol [~Stripper@] has joined #stripcreator *** Joins: choad [] has joined #stripcreator
*** Joins: TheVinylTap [] has joined #stripcreator
*** Joins: Artemis [] has joined #stripcreator
*** Joins: BigEvilDan [] has joined #stripcreator
*** Joins: Batman [] has joined #stripcreator
*** Joins: knkx [] has joined #stripcreator how was it?
[Click to view comic: 'Voir Dire']
there's some story in the papers here about an owl trying to dive in and snatch one of those yorkshire terrier dogs
So nothing happened on you guys' end?
Rabid, do you realize what this means? We found a rip in time
it's a netsplit
just that for a few seconds, you were replaced by doubles from an antimatter universe which is a rip in time
it's the temporal episiotomy
silly string is involved
right, dan?
You guys all disappeared. I swear.
I swear I wasn't playing around with the silly string.

Mediocrity at its most average.

1-26-05 8:26pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

[20:48:36] We need to spice this chat up.
[20:49:01] * BigEvilDan adds a secret blend of herbs and spices to #stripcreator.
[20:49:53] mmmmm
[20:50:00] that's makes a ton of difference
[20:50:19] i'll give you one billion bucks for the recipe
[20:50:39] that's right! one billion male deers!
[20:51:31] One billion male deer? That's not enough!
[20:51:36] I need some serious doe, man.
[20:52:03] ......
[20:52:13] oh god
[20:52:18] I'm so sorry.
[20:52:19] * boinky33 throws up
[20:54:31] that was awfuL
[20:54:36] kari-BOO
[20:55:20] I'm tempted to post that to #stripcreator is fun, just to share the pain.

"Oh, look, a joke! How original! Thank you, but if I wanted my emotions stimulated pleasurably, I'd get a whore." - Donald B. Jones III

1-27-05 5:57pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[21:41:06] oh right. i forgot females were inferior in every way
[21:43:32] yes
[21:43:34] 100%

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-29-05 2:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

Hey, you totally doctored that. I said 'yes' and '100%' further down in the conversation.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

1-29-05 8:05am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

No.. this is a fair and balanced log spam thread.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-29-05 8:09am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

shimmy shimmy ya shimmy yam shimmy yay
gimme the mic so I can take it away
i'm smokin a doobie...i dont like let me pass the mic to MC chooby
pass to the left 'cause the right ain't right
What the..
ah'm gonna hit this bong and be high as a kite...
Then i'm going to die of lung cancer.
that doesn't rhyme
It wasn't meant to.
I'm sorry.
you = teh lame
we're never gonna be as good as the Wu-Tang Clan unless we unload some of this dead weight
*chooby glares at ftc
Why the fuck are you glaring at me?
you're stunning in this light

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

2-05-05 11:52am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Too orangey for crows

Member Rated:

Why aren't you fuckers on #stripcreator right now?

ps. cunts!

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

2-08-05 2:39pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

[11:17pm] I realise I'm preaching to the wrong crowd, but why are some guys so fucking retarded?
[11:17pm] the newtestleper strip?
[11:17pm] Dropped on their heads at birth?
[11:17pm] The reason why guys do anything -- ever -- around women...
[11:17pm] ....and there is only one reason...
[11:17pm] is that sometimes it gets them laid.
[11:18pm] Even if you personally find it repulsive, there is some woman out there who will perform fellatio because of it.
[11:19pm] lol
[11:19pm] Indeed
[11:19pm] THis one was a sort of 'fuck buddy' or whatever, except I never got anything from it... ANYWAY, he won't get it through his head that I don't want him anymore.
[11:19pm] Try squeezing his testicles REALLY REALLY HARD
[11:20pm] OW
[11:20pm] Yeah, that'd work.
[11:20pm] No, see, he wanted me to come over to his dorm tonight (3rd year Kinesiology student), for 'his benefit'
[11:20pm] to which I told him no, because I, AGAIN, wouldn't get anything out of it
[11:21pm] and then I told him I was sick of him getting everything, so we should probably call whatever we had quits
[11:21pm] and he kept talking to me
[11:21pm] by not getting anything out of it, do you mean small wang and poor performance?
[11:21pm] the latter, yes
[11:22pm] like... we're talking 2 minutes TOPS
[11:22pm] Heh
[11:22pm] Try squeezing his testicles REALLY REALLY HARD
[11:23pm] LOL
[11:23pm] Tell him you require 1/2 an hour of cunnilingus beforehand.
[11:23pm] he doesn't "do that"
[11:23pm] WHAT?
[11:23pm] What a dumb fucker.
[11:23pm] What a selfish bastard
[11:23pm] Seriously, any guy who won't go down on a chick is stupid.
[11:23pm] Yep. Foreplay, with this guy, was clothes off and then that's pretty much it
[11:24pm] You sure can pick 'em.
[11:24pm] Oh, I know.
[11:24pm] Now I know what you mean by retarded.
[11:24pm] I at least give my mom some tounge in her hole before the sodomy
[11:24pm] ...
[11:24pm] Yeah, see, Jesus is- wtf?
[11:24pm] that had to be the creepiest thing I've ever heard

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

2-08-05 11:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

if "ain't" isn't really a word, or a proper one at least, then why does it require an apostrophe?
besides, im sure in order to get into kittys ass in the first place there will have to be a coach
who says it does?
asjdfhsd9fys fy4w7045740erjfodsnf
ain't is in the dictionary
with an apostrophe
whats the definition?
ain't - informal 1. am not: are not: is not 2 has not; have not
maybe it's a proper word, then
well, that's my big-ass oxford English dictionary..
what it says, goes
I've read your Oxford Dictionary.
On page 237 it also says, "chooby will suck Mikey's dick"
let's go, chief.
page 237 starts with "chapter house" and ends with "chariot"
wow, really?
i got the "ch" part right
although it does have the amusing words "charango", "charbroil" and "chard"
yes, but you'll notice in the margin "chooby will suck Mikey's dick"
yeah, weird
maybe you should explain why you wrote it there
because I'm a chard
a beet lacking a swollen root?
You guys must be so popular.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

2-10-05 1:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator's Big Boss

Member Rated:
Look at that dirty bitch.
Because it's not fair that its only me that gets emotionally scarred.
I hate you
* Jesus has quit IRC (Quit: (i was using polaris) version:[2.05c] webpage:[])

Poo perhaps?

2-25-05 10:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

*** BigEvilDan has joined #stripcreator.
choad: oh danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
BigEvilDan: Can't the damn pipes leave me alone?
Bargaintuan: Does that mean that Danny needs to go to the bathroom?
choad: i told them you were out, but they kept calling
Bargaintuan: And anyway, I thought twice on the pipes meant the answer was no.
choad: i think the pipes called a few times but hung up when i answered too
cowtipper: they asked if the refridgerator was running
choad: one time, they called and asked if danny was here, then giggled and hung up when i said yes
choad: i think the pipes were having a slumber party

2-28-05 7:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

*** BigEvilDan has joined #stripcreator.
choad: oh danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
BigEvilDan: Can't the damn pipes leave me alone?
Bargaintuan: Does that mean that Danny needs to go to the bathroom?
choad: i told them you were out, but they kept calling

They were actually looking for BigEvilDave

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

2-28-05 11:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Start of #stripcreator buffer: Tue Mar 01 18:10:11 2005
[17:23] *** Initial topic: Jesus didn't stand a chance...
[17:23] *** #stripcreator: @brad IvyThePlant TheVinylTap StripGuest BigEvilDan Batman knkx
[17:23] *** #stripcreator was created on Mon Jan 31 08:02:25 2005.
[17:24] BigEvilDan: Hello Ivys.
[17:24] IvyThePlant: how
[17:24] TheVinylTap: dy
[17:25] StripGuest: hi ivy
[17:25] StripGuest: and ivy
[17:26] IvyThePlant: howdy
[17:26] IvyThePlant: i'm practicing my nerdvana
[17:27] IvyThePlant: two computers at once
[17:28] BigEvilDan: How incredibly nerdy.
[17:28] IvyThePlant: yup
[17:29] IvyThePlant: well, maybe if one of them had a star trek backgrounf
[17:29] IvyThePlant: d
[17:29] BigEvilDan: Mine's only a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy background.
[17:31] IvyThePlant: my mac has what looks like a starfield but is really a picture of snow falling at night that i took
[17:31] StripGuest: mine's a space ghost background
[17:31] IvyThePlant: the pc just has the default since it's too new to have earned one
[17:31] BigEvilDan: In the past I've had Magic: The Gathering card art on there, which is pretty damn nerdy.
[17:33] StripGuest: NERD!
[17:33] IvyThePlant: wow...that is nerdy
[17:34] *** BigEvilDan is now known as BigEvilNerd.
[17:34] *** You are now known as IvyTheNerd.
[17:35] StripGuest: i demand to know how to change your screen name!
[17:36] IvyTheNerd: type "/nick NewName"
[17:36] IvyTheNerd: "newname" being whatever you want
[17:36] BigEvilNerd: But if you have to ask, you can't justify including the word "nerd" in your nick.
[17:36] IvyTheNerd: exactly
[17:40] StripGuest: i can do whatever i want
[17:40] StripGuest: i just forgot how to do it
[17:41] *** StripGuest is now known as nerdy33.
[17:42] IvyTheNerd: nerd impostor
[17:42] *** TheVinylTap is now known as TheVinylNerd.
[17:42] nerdy33: i am not an imposter!!!!!
[17:42] BigEvilNerd: Your nerd cred is questionable at best.
[17:42] nerdy33: HOW DARE YOU!
[17:43] BigEvilNerd: How dare I? I dare like so:
[17:43] BigEvilNerd: Your nerd cred is questionable at best.
[17:43] * nerdy33 slaps dan with a nintendo power glove
[17:43] nerdy33: i demand satisfaction!
[17:43] BigEvilNerd: :O
[17:44] nerdy33: yeah, that's right
[17:44] IvyTheNerd: uhoh
[17:44] IvyTheNerd: dan, you've been bested by a nerdier nerd
[17:45] IvyTheNerd: either you need to fight back with nerdier things, or admit defeat
[17:45] nerdy33: Halo2 at dawn!
[17:45] BigEvilNerd: :O
[17:45] IvyTheNerd: see, i would have gone with duck hunt
[17:45] BigEvilNerd: So would I. Halo 2 is too damn popular.
[17:46] * nerdy33 gives dan a vulcan nerve pinch
[17:46] BigEvilNerd: But I'm impressed by the challenge in general.
[17:46] * BigEvilNerd declares boinky a nerd.
[17:46] nerdy33: YAY!
[17:46] IvyTheNerd: wait, stripguest is boinky?
[17:46] nerdy33: i'd like to thank the acadamy
[17:46] nerdy33: and god
[17:46] BigEvilNerd: The 33 didn't give it away?
[17:47] nerdy33: and Gene Roddenberry
[17:47] IvyTheNerd: what can i say? i'm dense
[18:00] nerdy33: i believe i'll be hitting the ol dusty trailso
[18:00] *** nerdy33 has signed off IRC (Quit: nerdy33).
[18:06] IvyTheNerd: quitter
[18:08] *** TheVinylNerd has left #stripcreator.
[18:08] IvyTheNerd: d'oh!

3-01-05 5:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

How are you infl8?
I am gr8!!1
Infl8 likes to abbrevi8.
and don't forget masturb8!
He never hesit8s
to fell8!
You need a d8.
Wanna be my m8?
He doesn't need a d8, he's able to masturb8!
That's his f8.
sometimes I'm l8 because I'm so busy masturb8... ing.
He ripped his left teste off while climbing over a barbed g8.
And then 8 it!
Yum yum.


Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

3-19-05 5:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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