We quantum leaped!
He's a... which?
The question is, will it look like that when it goes live?
brad can test it
It'll be the new nail in the head.
dan, there's more to life than putting wirthling in the shitter!
There is?
He's kidding, Dan.
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*** Quits: Batman [Batman@c210-49-108-214.frank1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit (us.chatjunkies.org us2.chatjunkies.org) wow
what did you do?
Internet burp Oh god oh god
What did I do?
FIX IT, RABID hey don't look at me ...
looks like it's just you and me
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all alone...
well, it still works
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Therefore, I broke nothing
like i said...
all alone
just us two
better start repopulating the earth
You're already someone's redheaded stepchild
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*** Joins: knkx [~sway@dsl081-113-117.dfw1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #stripcreator how was it?
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| The judge in the Michael Jackson trial issued a gag order to ensure an untainted jury. | |
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| Where are they going to find 12 people without taints? | |
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| I could have served after my episiotomy. | |
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there's some story in the papers here about an owl trying to dive in and snatch one of those yorkshire terrier dogs
So nothing happened on you guys' end?
Rabid, do you realize what this means? We found a rip in time
it's a netsplit
just that for a few seconds, you were replaced by doubles from an antimatter universe which is a rip in time
it's the temporal episiotomy
silly string is involved
right, dan?
You guys all disappeared. I swear.
I swear I wasn't playing around with the silly string.
Mediocrity at its most average.