And just because I thought of it...
Button Man: Dr Pedantic
Doctor Pedantic is possessed of extraordinary resolve, exemplary stamina, and revulsion at the requirement to do anything as vulgar as beat people up.
f6, f6, 10, 10, Y
Button Man: Tobor
Tobor occasionally takes a break from cornholing people to beat them up instead.
20, 20, q20, q20
I thought we could use these formulae to start a "development" game, but apparently "You must have played more than 50 games to make development games." So I guess I'd better get cracking. I'm dying to find out which one-note character would win in a fight.
I think Tobor might need to keep at least two of his dice to win, but with the discrepancy in sizes, that might not be so difficult.
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!