choad: some chick just had her labia reduction featured on tv
choad: they didnt show it,but christ, why would someone want to be the "girl who used to have moose knuckle?"
NastyPope: what channel? that brilliant
choad: E
choad: its over
NastyPope: A labia reduction on E.?
NastyPope: the Entertainment channel?
choad: i was channel surfing and caught it
choad: it was entertaining
choad: they didnt show it
choad: just showed around it
choad: like the doc elbow deep under a sheet
NastyPope: but still, when did they start showing medical stories?
choad: its called Dr 90210
choad: its all plastic surgery
NastyPope: interesting. usually you see that on Discovery health or TLC
choad: yeah--i never watch surgery shows
NastyPope: I think its rather brave of her to admit to millions she had mothra like piss flaps
choad: kajun uses the term "manky piss flaps"
choad: she had her clitoral hood reduced too
NastyPope: ive never heard the term manky before.
choad: now she can let boyz in da hood
choad: me neither, but i completely understand what it means
NastyPope: Clitoral Hood Ornament?
choad: that would be a great before-and-after on wheel of fortune
choad: in fact, the next time i'm at my parents' house at 7 oclock, i will use that
NastyPope: which, CHO?
NastyPope: So, is labial reduction surgery passed on by word of lips?
choad: its all lip service
choad: she had a mons-ter in her pants
NastyPope: and drove a vulva
choad: she's the majora-ty leader
NastyPope: or the minor-ity after the fact
choad: we shouldnt pussy foot around her camel toe
NastyPope: G marks the spot
choad: the doctor gave her a standing ovation
NastyPope: Because she became one with the Folds
choad: i wonder if the surgery was a hatchet job
NastyPope: she likes to use the mens restroom because thats where the Fellopians
choad: to find the area of her vulva, you divide by pie
NastyPope: when you use angry words uterus apart
choad: i wonder if she hood winked the surgeon
NastyPope: I'm sure he would have fingered it out
choad: she focused on her labia because she tends to think outside the box
NastyPope: I heard she got fat from ovary-ting
choad: eggs-actly
NastyPope: she keeps her cash in her money-clit
choad: he threw the excess skin he removed in the clitty litter
NastyPope: in order to reduce her crack cuntsumption
choad: she's a little bit cuntry
NastyPope: Bleedin labia-rels
choad: actually, one was bigger than the other, so the doctor just wanted to make her lips sync
choad: (that part is actually true)
Solid_Snake: Stop
NastyPope: Hrm, I wonder if thats what they make Trim-spa out of