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Stripcreator's Big Boss

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(continued from above)

Umm...left teste.
why hello, mr. 8
hey there boinky 38
long time no see
who are you?
Boinky, learn how to read.
* ftc is now known as EffTeeSee
i didnt look at it hard enough
We finally got rid of that cunt chubby
It's ok Jeff. We'll forgive you for a second time.
go fuck yourself
* LususNaturae has joined #stripcreator
hot damn. Hello, kids.
hi lusus
Wow. Bumpin' chat.
I'v got the Diarea!
My bum hurts.
Save some for me!
I smell like watery poo.
Awesome! The new scent from Calvin Klein!
The girls must love it
Not really.
They find the smell of Watery Poo quite a turn off.
No way!
Yes way.
water poo
You must be hanging out with the wrong girls. My girlfriend has a great scent too... it's called Yeast Infected Tuna Vagina...
Your so lucky.
Its by Tommy Girl
boinky's mom wears it
I wish I could find a girl like that.
call boinky's house!
boinky's mom wears what i tell her to wear.
it's included in the $5.99 package.
that was mean.
I meant...
boinky's dad wears it!
my mom rented crappy movies so im going to watch them
okay, I will leave boinky and his parents alone
* boinky33 has quit IRC (Quit: boinky33)
I was walking down the lane and I had a sudden pain.
Diarea, Sniff Sniff, Diarea, Sniff Sniff.
When my mother wasn't in I did it in the bin.
Diarea, Sniff Sniff, Diarea, Sniff Sniff.
When I was walking past the Vickers I did it in my Knickers.
Diarea, Sniff Sniff, Diarea, Sniff Sniff.
You slide to first... you feel a burst!
It felt like pee as it slide down the back of your knee.
hmmn... okay Im off.
take it easy

Poo perhaps?

3-19-05 5:26pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

choadwarrior: okay, time to shit, shower, and shave
choadwarrior: in precisely that order
choadwarrior: BigEvilDan is in charge until I come back
•choadwarrior has left #stripcreator
chooby: oh man, I can't believe he's going to take an unshaven shit

Dad was flammable

4-09-05 4:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

brad: and i made a typo at one point and that really sucked
brad: renamed everything to panst1-r
brad: instead of pants1-r
Bchoad: i thought Boorite was panst

4-12-05 7:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

StripGuest320: i think i broke my irc
andydougan: I turned my penis inside out and stuck it up its own urethra
StripGuest320: well that sounds worse

Dad was flammable

4-13-05 1:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

dougan is a big fan of glory holes, btw
Glory Hole Theme Park?
SPEAKING of glory holes...
he's cut a hole in his flat already and hangs his wang out every night hoping against hope
I was watching 'How It's Made' last night and they were doing a piece on glass blowing
get to the part about the glory holes plz thnx
and when they described putting the glass vase back into the fire, they ACTUALLY said 'after one more stay in the glory hole'
glory hole aka boorite's ass
there's glass in his ass?
that's not the only mineral in there
glory hole != someone's ass
Mikey you sure seem keen on asses
you know nothing about illicit gay sex
they've stopped mining boorite's ass for minerals
after it collapsed on those poor minors
I mean, miners.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

4-13-05 1:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

* phreafk has quit IRC (Quit: WOOOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEEE)
now it's just us
* BigEvilDan partays.
oh god, my eyes
put that away
8====D what?
* boorite flop flop
it's hypnotising
watch the pendulum
you are getting faggy
very faaaaaggy
* chooby 's wrist goes limp.
when you awaken, you will thik you are a sump pump
* boorite snaps fingers
omg dan is a basement that is flooded
* chooby rushes over there
* chooby pumps like he's never pumped before
omg lewl hypnosis
pump-a pump-a pump
pumpitty pumpitty pump

What others say about boorite!

4-15-05 12:59pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

LususNaturae: I know he isn't perfect.
LususNaturae: of course, it's easy to say these things.
LususNaturae: whether or not they're true.
chooby: I wouldn't want to meet anyone who was "perfect".
chooby: ever
LususNaturae: but how can I tell if they're true?
chooby: if what's true?
LususNaturae: why not, Chooby? someone who's perfect would necessarily understand that nobody else is perfect and would be much more understanding, methinks.
choad: no i wouldnt

4-16-05 9:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

kitty_: You know what I really want to do? Body shots
Mikey: lewl that still makes me giggle
Mikey: i never really got body shots
chooby: humour me
Mikey: who wants to taint the liquor with some cunt's skin cells?
chooby: oh, licking alcohol off of someone?
Mikey: aye
chooby: huh
Mikey: too much of a chance of some of it missing the mouth
kitty_: well, that's how some body shots are done
kitty_: others are you put the shotglass in the cleavage or whatever
Mikey: there are also the ones where a tart puts a shotglass between her teats and...
Mikey: yes
chooby: you could always inject vodka into your testicles then play Russian Roullete Bukkake Blowjob
chooby: that'd work
Mikey: still, too much of a chance the liquor would spill
Mikey: lewl chooby
chooby: "who's gonna get the shot...?"
chooby: *unf*
chooby: "okay, chooby, I want the next one!"
chooby: "uh, gimme a few minutes"
chooby: zzzzzzzz

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

4-18-05 1:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

4-19-05 7:51am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

IvyThePlant: my fortune cookie says "The mood is right for a friendly chat to lead to romance."
*** Rabid_Weasle has joined #stripcreator.
Rabid_Weasle: balls!

4-25-05 7:20pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[21:25] choad: yeah, i quickly bored of cub scouts
[21:26] choad: i also didnt want to move on because i didnt like the colour of the weblo/boy scout uniforms
[21:26] choad: blue and gold was fine...but tan and green...blech
[21:26] choad: and plaid
[21:27] choad: gawd, i should have known back then

4-25-05 9:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

choad: well, the truth is, i did know back then, i just didnt know i knew because i didnt know what it was
choad: also, you'd think i would have wanted to be a wee blow
IvyThePlant: goddamnit, i just inhaled another grape

4-25-05 9:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

•phreaky smashes a zebra cake with her bare hand.
Kajun: spoil sport
phreaky: I talk enough about that shit.
phreaky: like you need to hear more about it.
Kajun: true
boinky33: that was a terrible waste of a zebra cake
boinky33: good thing i have a zebra cake tree growing in my back yard
Kajun: that's an endangered tree
Kajun: you can't harvest it's sweet sweet fruits
boinky33: i believe i can and will
•Kajun reports boinky to the RSPCT
boinky33: find out what it means to me
Kajun: lewl
boinky33: sock it to me
boinky33: sock it to me
boinky33: sock it to me
boinky33: sock it to me
boinky33: sock it to me
boinky33: well......
•Kajun socks it to boinky
Kajun: (just a little bit)

Dad was flammable

4-27-05 12:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Kajun: people appear to be posting pictures from my website
brad: i saw your nuts somewhere
Kajun: yes, and now my gravy boat has been posted
brad: do i want to know what your gravy boat is
brad: that could be basically any part of your body
Kajun: uh
Kajun: it's actually a small china jug thing that you use to pour gravy onto food stuffs
Kajun: usually meat
brad: groooss

Dad was flammable

4-27-05 1:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

*** Joins: brad [~none@] has joined #stripcreator
*** Mode change on #stripcreator by ChanServ: +o brad
We weren't doing anything brad
hello brad
* Chicka crosses fingers behind back
you're all under arrest
we're not running a drug mill in irc
we swear
A drug mill? I thought this was a cock fight
cock mill
So what happened to my $10?
i bought a cock

Mediocrity at its most average.

4-28-05 5:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

if Rabid_Weasle has sex with kitty, would that be beastiality?
probably closer to a miracle

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

4-28-05 10:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[22:48] Whats the best thing to say to a girl to make them know that your interested in them, but you don't want to seem to foreward. Example, I work ina petrol pump garage, theres this girl who works in the shop beside it, when I go in we talk but i'd like to say something that would make her think "I think he likes me". Any ideas?
[22:51] keep the change
[22:51] But i'm a stingy bastard.
[22:52] * Jes_AFK_ADSL is now known as Jes_L
[22:52] See when you deal wth a customer, do you wait till the leave the shop then utter under your breath "You just got derved, bitch"?
[22:52] served
[22:53] "derved" is funnier
[22:53] No, I usually say to the lad next to me "He's a cunt" or my preferred "Watta wanker".
[22:54] I used to keep some change up my asshole and I'd dish that out to the people I disliked.
[22:54] Lovely.
[22:55] What's the record again, £93 in ones and twos?
[22:55] I have no idea.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

5-15-05 2:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Sorry honey.
* choad holds rolling pin behind his back
I've heard that calcium can alleviate the symptoms of PMS.
maybe that's my problem
i'm 36 and i still havent had my period
That could be it.
But don't be in much of a rush, I can't even begin to speculate where you'd put the tampons.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

5-17-05 12:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Kajun, can I stop massaging your balls now?
nnnnnnnnow you can.
i need a bath

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

5-17-05 1:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[21:38] You know what I hate? When a girl says she likes you but then goes steady with someone else, then tells your friend that she still likes you but she's not breaking up with her boyfriend because he buys her nice things. Then you dont talk to each other for a month, and finally when your getting over her and are making progress with her "out of bounds" friend she txts you out of the blue, completely ruining everthing. That. I hate that.
[21:39] yeah that happened to me only a few hours ago
[21:39] I just received a postcard from Ivy.
[21:39] its happening to me as we speak
[21:39] I am tickled pink.
[21:39] * PhreakyZzzing is now known as Phreaky
[21:39] wow, cool
[21:39] ............................
[21:39] pink?
[21:39] I'm going out for a bit
[21:40] * Jes_L is now known as Jes_AFK_PUB
[21:40] ttyl
[21:40] get out!
[21:40] so sweet of her
[21:40] now I am going to have to send her one
[21:40] when you come back, me and ftc will masturbate on you, jes
[21:40] Hi FTC.
[21:40] like old times
[21:40] Cya Jes.
[21:40] :) Hi Phreaky.
[21:41] Lets masterbate on him now. All over his brand spanking new "AFK_PUB".
[21:42] yes, it needs a fresh coat
[21:43] Hell, I'll help.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

5-24-05 2:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Okay, so this wasn't #stripcreator, but I thought it was worthy enough for this.

IvyThePlantae (5:51 PM): ow. rope burn
PhreakyChinchilla (5:51 PM): errr...that's an odd way to start a conversation.
IvyThePlantae (5:52 PM): i strive to be odd
PhreakyChinchilla (5:52 PM): No need to strive, overachiever.

5-26-05 7:10pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Kajun: I have just finished a curry.
Kajun: it was highly enjoyable.
smamurai: what did u have?
Kajun: south indian garlic chilli
Kajun: chicken masala dish thing
Kajun: vera spicy
smamurai: sounds pretty fucking tasty like. We had vegetable biriyani a couple of days back from the Jahangir. That stuff is awesome
Kajun: I went to a curry house in Cupar once that was fucking awesome.
smamurai: I wish I could make bhuna like the pros
Kajun: it's taken a lot out of me to be honest
Kajun: I mean, not as much as it'll take out of me tomorrow morning.
Kajun: but I'm so stuffed I just want collapse in a corner and fall asleep like the big fat bastard that I am
smamurai: my ring is stinging just thinking about yours
smamurai: I think u just set off my ulcer
smamurai: My stomach gets it's ass kicked by anything stronger than yoghurt
smamurai: I wasn't rally thinking about ur ring
smamurai: oh no, now I really am thinking about ur ring
Kajun: it's a vicious circle

Dad was flammable

5-30-05 1:16pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

choad: some chick just had her labia reduction featured on tv
choad: they didnt show it,but christ, why would someone want to be the "girl who used to have moose knuckle?"
NastyPope: what channel? that brilliant
choad: E
choad: its over
NastyPope: A labia reduction on E.?
NastyPope: the Entertainment channel?
choad: i was channel surfing and caught it
choad: it was entertaining
choad: they didnt show it
choad: just showed around it
choad: like the doc elbow deep under a sheet
NastyPope: but still, when did they start showing medical stories?
choad: its called Dr 90210
choad: its all plastic surgery
NastyPope: interesting. usually you see that on Discovery health or TLC
choad: yeah--i never watch surgery shows
NastyPope: I think its rather brave of her to admit to millions she had mothra like piss flaps
choad: kajun uses the term "manky piss flaps"
choad: she had her clitoral hood reduced too
NastyPope: ive never heard the term manky before.
choad: now she can let boyz in da hood
choad: me neither, but i completely understand what it means
NastyPope: Clitoral Hood Ornament?
choad: that would be a great before-and-after on wheel of fortune
choad: in fact, the next time i'm at my parents' house at 7 oclock, i will use that
NastyPope: which, CHO?

NastyPope: So, is labial reduction surgery passed on by word of lips?
choad: its all lip service
choad: she had a mons-ter in her pants
NastyPope: and drove a vulva
choad: she's the majora-ty leader
NastyPope: or the minor-ity after the fact
choad: we shouldnt pussy foot around her camel toe
NastyPope: G marks the spot
choad: the doctor gave her a standing ovation
NastyPope: Because she became one with the Folds
choad: i wonder if the surgery was a hatchet job
NastyPope: she likes to use the mens restroom because thats where the Fellopians
choad: to find the area of her vulva, you divide by pie
NastyPope: when you use angry words uterus apart
choad: i wonder if she hood winked the surgeon
NastyPope: I'm sure he would have fingered it out
choad: she focused on her labia because she tends to think outside the box
NastyPope: I heard she got fat from ovary-ting
choad: eggs-actly
NastyPope: she keeps her cash in her money-clit
choad: he threw the excess skin he removed in the clitty litter
NastyPope: in order to reduce her crack cuntsumption
choad: she's a little bit cuntry
NastyPope: Bleedin labia-rels
choad: actually, one was bigger than the other, so the doctor just wanted to make her lips sync
choad: (that part is actually true)
Solid_Snake: Stop
NastyPope: Hrm, I wonder if thats what they make Trim-spa out of

5-30-05 10:15pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

* LususNaturae has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
tsh, well i feel used.
Don't we all.
Tsh, reach down and find your inner spankling, dude
The only thing he finds when he reaches down is a handful of magic marker.
Sorry. And sticky curry fingers.
that's better
although, why I would be eating a sticky curry, or any kind of curry for that matter, with my fingers is beyond me.
also: I never, ever want to try a "sticky curry".
also: beat it to death why don't you.
Sorry. And sticky curry fingers. Sticky, curry fingers.
Sticky because he can't keep his hands off himself and curry coated because that seems to be all he eats.
My name isnt Sticky, and you still haven't told me who/what the curry fingers
Language is fun.

dcomposed:11-06-05: If I was a viking invading your village, you'd be the first to get raped.
Crabby: 10/5/06: i would love to feed you fresh fruit while bathing you.

5-31-05 11:02am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

•Mikey has left #stripcreator

Dad was flammable

5-31-05 2:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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