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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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You're not making my headache any less painful...

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

11-19-03 7:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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This is clearly the thread for idiots. You were warned of what to expect.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-19-03 7:53pm (new)
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Some bloke.

Member Rated:

Yeah. Lucid, well-written sentences are for losers.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

11-19-03 9:31pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Lucid and well-written? I'm sorry, but all I see is redundant and vague. I think after about the third time you say something in a post, I get bored of it.

Oh, I forgot, more is ALWAYS better when writing! It gets you better grades, and it usually keeps the professor from reading it and realizing you have no clue what you're talking about! I'm sorry, I've been out of high school so long I forgot that.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

11-19-03 9:59pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Wordy wordy WORDY.

I'm tired of this thread. I'm almost certain it could easily be paraphrased down to a couple sentences per post, at most.

You're welcome to give it a shot. Or if you're tired, have a nap.


I want to be interested, and I want to be well-educated on politics, but I just don't have the patience to read through redundant sentence after redundant sentence just to get to the point.

I want to be sympathetic, but you are an able-minded person living in history's most powerful democracy, with unprecedented access to information literally at your fingertips, and I just don't have the patience to read through your redundant gripes about how you can't get interested.

Like what?

Are you seriously complaining about the difficult vocabulary of an argument over your tax dollars killing people you never met?

And Makk is therefore implying that I'm an idiot?

Jesus H. Christ dudes. Your souls are at stake here. Get serious for a second.

Speaking of having no clue what you're talking about: When was the last time you wrote something for a professor? I don't mind bashing the academy. I do it all the time. But it'd be nice if you knew what you were bashing.

God this is unimpressive.

What others say about boorite!

11-19-03 11:04pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:


I'm even more confused since boorite and I had a whole other thread about this and he's bringing everything up here again, moreso since I was trying to address MikeyG's comments.

Which you did by distorting the US Constitution. So really I was just replying to what you said. Which you obviously have a problem with. I suppose we should all just sit and watch the bullshit roll by.

And I'm sure I'm not the source of your confusion.

You know that's not true. We discussed it in IRC. Why would you say something you didn't think was true?

Funny. Bunner had that dog metaphor in the other thread, and here you are reminding me of the dog that stares at the finger instead of what the finger is pointing at. I wouldn't call it heartbreaking, but it's certainly pathetic.

Anyway, I wish you would flesh out your "authoritarian" views for us. Unlike some, I do have the patience, even if large words are involved. Trust me: I won't complain about the lack of entertainment value. Would you like to do it here or in a new thread?

What others say about boorite!

11-19-03 11:31pm (new)
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Member Rated:

The reason I have been half-hearted and diserious here is because it seems pointless to do this in another thread. But if it's really causing you so much discomfort here we go again:

I didn't distort the Constitution. I'm talking about our sovereignty, and I don't think we can be sovereign without security, and I don't think we can have secuirty when we are beholden to international bodies' interpretations of how we should behave ourselves, when they aren't securing our ports, securing our interests, or addressing the terrorist threat in a pro-active* manner.

I have very little respect for international treaties. They were made to be broken, and I think it is amusing that that notion gives you white hairs. They are made out of mutual benefit, not out of some lofty sense of doing the right thing or obeying law for law's sake. When they no longer benefit us, or hurt us more than help us, you'd better believe we will throw them off. Who will stop us?

I'm sure I don't need to list treaties we (and other nations) have defaulted on, but let me know if you really do need some examples. (Surprisingly despite this, the UN, World Court, France, the indigenous peoples of South America and the entire world has never fallen to pieces since World War II).

I think that might argument in the DSMP thread that the U.S. has to do what is right for it to maintain a better world demonstrates my authoritarian outlook. Another example could be that I think the democatic nations of the earth should have more power and say-so than all of the other nations put together.

I don't think that is being duplicitous. I think it's a paradox, in that it seems that I cannot both be for an open democracy at home but a hegemony abroad, but our democracy at home would not be secured without this hegemony. This could be analagous to being for pro-worker in an industrial society, and it seeming wrong to also be interested in the rights of the corporations also. You might fight the industries when they want to keep wages and benefits low, but your ultimate goal in the fight is not to destroy the industries, for without the industries there is no work. Yes, we have an authoritarian, elitist hegemony abroad but without it we would not have a secure democracy.

And once again I think I said way too much on the Iraq issue already. You say Iraq was not a threat. I say it seemed like enough of one for me not to wait to be proved right by a nuclear bomb surfacing in one of our port towns or an organized attack on our power infrastructure or a laundry list of other attacks that would be effective precisely because we didn't see them coming. I can already hear your sardonic "but but by your logic we should bomb London we would never see an attack from them coming" response and I'm sick of it. Iraq was our enemy, and the government planned on sticking around as long as it could, and a weakened and besieged America is one of the few things that would have accomplished their objectives in the long-run. If they had a covert plan against us it would be void the second we knew about it, and yes, this opens up a gray area were many actions might be justified. I'd rather gamble on us not having a domestic disaster by unseating Saddam (in one of the neatest, cleanest military wars ever fought). And now I want us to stick around despite subversive elements that want us to leave so they can reclaim their terror nation. I'm so fucking sorry Abdul's Baklava Shack got blown up and the rubble crushed his little boy. We have wastelands to pave, Chik-fil-a's to erect, chess-playing super-computers to build, Chinese to nuke and a solar system to colonise. I'm so fucking sick of limp-wristed international-multi-culturalism I swear to God I could genocide every people that stood in my way. Be good and you can come with us. If not we are going to fucking blow up your goddamn hospitals and schools first in the next war, you insane, suicide-bombing throw-backs from the 1200's. I am sorry your Messiah came so late, but remember late-bloomers are special. It will be ok, we will get through this together.

There that's my answer I hope it makes you happy. I am hope you are insane with glee to discover that I am a blood-thirsty animal. That is what all of us are that argue against your cookie-cutter liberalism are, aren't we?

And if the World Court took themselves seriously they would pay more than four hundred dollars for a web site. I'm fucking serious.

*caution: buzzword detected

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-20-03 12:10am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Editor's note + apologies

I think that might argument in the DSMP thread... should read I think that my argument in the DSMP thread...

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-20-03 12:32am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Here's a good story on CNN outlining what your vaulted UN thinks about Al Qaeda.

A good reason to stay (one of my original points of argument) regardless of how we got in. And again a long time ago I conceded it is understandable to be mad about how we got into this.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-20-03 1:43am (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

I don't say that we shouldn't have eventually gone into Iraq. But the way we did it (thumbing our nose at the International community) will, in the long run, do us more harm than good. Ultimately, I think the harm we've done to ourselves far outweighs any good that might have come by going in early.

What will it take to rebuiuld the international good will we had after 9/11? Another attack? And next time, will they look at us and say, "Well, they brought this on themselves." ?

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

11-20-03 5:18am (new)
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Some bloke.

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I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the jackbooted, kill-em-all rabble when they find out that they aint a part of the "us" that they're cheering for. I don't know who told you that you had a seat in the bunker, pal, but you better check the resume`s of who's actually in the club. Man, this is a hoot.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

11-20-03 8:36am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Bunner, you have no sense of sarcasm and are just a complete idiot. Yes, I was totally leading everyone to march off into genocide, oh you caught me. That's how you want to see pro-war supporters because you can come up with an easy, completely 100% righteous response. I had a feeling you would pick out that one part and chime in and ignore the rest. Hey bunner, what about the rest of the things I said? Why don't you argue about a single bit of that?


"Blah blah blather gaping maws angels dancing on the head of a pin" -bunner

Fuzzyman a lot of people said we brought the first attack on ourselves. I do agree that Bush seems to make a lot of this harder than it should.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-20-03 8:51am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

"Blah blah blather gaping maws angels dancing on the head of a pin" -bunner

Huh... I don't remember saying that, but hey... If you say so, I must have. Far be it from me to argue with the Authorities®.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

11-20-03 8:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

Hardly, but most failed arguments lean towards name calling in their last wax and wane. I don't suppose it's ever occurred to you that your opinion of me is as about as important to me as my opinion of you is to you.

Sarcasm? Looks like a straw grab to me, from the rest of the body of your statement. I'm sorry that individual sentences in your screed aren't able to stand on their own. Sort of.

It's so hard to try and have a rational argument with somebody who just uses the framework of one for an excuse to insult people and ignores any semblance of fact.

Ask boorite.

You have nothing to say but "you're all a bunch of idiots" and you're going to say it, over and over in one form or another, as long as somebody bothers to reply. If that isn't classic trolling, I don't know what is.

Then again, common knowledge just doesn't apply to you, does it? : )

Your zebras are green, your sky is pink, cold is hot, and all of the things that the rest of the world thinks to be true are obviously nothing other than the beliefs of complete idiots when you get to maaktown.

Fascinating, in a 24-car-pile-up sort of way.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

11-20-03 9:10am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Bunnerabb, I don't think anyone could have summed it up more succinctly.
The problem is that ALL of us are angry, and bitter, but not all of us aim it at the right things. People like MaKK, your opinions have been challenged, and you are offended by the fact that your long-held ideals and indoctrinated thoughts are quite possibly bullshit. People like boorite, who went into college life with a set philosophy, and was challenged constantly, are the epitome of intelligent, thoughtful individualism. He was presented with truth, and instead of balking against it and becoming even more bitter and screaming, "Leftist Commies!" or "Liberal Hippies!" at those who tried to actively show him the truth, he opened his mind a little. boorite was afforded a boon that everyone can have if they decide to look beyond places like Fox News and CNN for their information. I can guarantee you that no media corporation, with its basis in capitalism, that has ANY stake in business throughout the world, will allow any self-denigrating material to be aired to the public on their own airwaves. Want to see a better view of some of the shit that America does? You'll probably find more footage, LESS edited than the U.S. versions, on the BBC. THAT alone, the complete lack of truth in major reporting, should be enough to piss off every damn citizen of this country. As for the U.N. comments that were made by MaKK, I am really finding it hard to believe that you have any real belief in peace. And to criticize the World Court on their aesthetics? Absolutely incredible that you would focus on that. Let's say you see someone handing out 20 dollar bills to the homeless, or standing in the middle of a field of hungry Ethiopians, handing out food that was personally made by them from their own kitchen stores. Then, as you get closer, you see they have one eye, three noses, a penis growing out of their forehead, and dragging along a bloated, Akira-esque appendage. Would that make them any less of a kind individual? Would that make them any less effective at what they do? People like YOU, MaKK, are exactly the kind of people who make learning impossible. Most of us were all as obstinate as you once, but WE learned. WE saw. I can only hope you do, too. You and Dragon are products of a 'give it to me now', in-your-face, money and advertising-driven society. The patience is even less than the comprehension. I hope you evolve beyond it, I really do. If you are of the school of thought that says politicians are put there to protect us from ourselves, you seem to forget that they are human, too. That allows politicians and law-makers to withold things from you that they deem too harmful for our poor little brains. And a lot of people don't care because they believe if that person was put in power in the first place, THEY certainly must know better. WRONG. YOU should know better. We all should. Do some real research. Stop relying on T.V. news for your information about the world beyond. It's all a matter of perception as to what happens anywhere in the universe, and the only way you can truly judge is by GETTING BOTH SIDES, or all sides, and weeding through it to grasp that truth. I apologize for the length, but I fear that the attention I have held in this statement is fading or had faded already. There is nothing redundant about stressing the need for people to do their own research using all the sources at their disposal. It IS amusing in a 24-car-pile-up kind of way. I think it's sad that it is amusing, in a kind of a dead kitten kind of way.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-20-03 10:52am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

These aren't my long-held beliefs, as I stated before I changed how I felt about foreign politics changed because of 9-11. I used to be adamantly opposed to any war (one of the reasons I was very angry with Clinton -for using any force at all)

I also used to be a liberal and college -along with being around other "liberals"- luckily cured me of that.

I don't watch television.

You have no idea what you are talking about in respect to me, or how useful line breaks can be when you prepare an electronic communication.

You are just engaging in monolgues about how right you are. I feel like Kaufman and boorite are the only ones actually responding to what I say. I don't care if you agree or not, but respond to what I say rather than how dumb you think I am and how right you must be. If you can't do this I stand by my statement that you are an idiot (this is the thread for such language anyway).

Bunner you still fail to address any points I have made. Maybe you are grasping for straws and waxing poetic with your gaping maw.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-20-03 3:33pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

No one here is an idiot and we all love each other etc. I'm glad this forum is here and would not like to think anyone actually feels bad about it. Shake hands and come out fighting.

Makk, you're right that I am paying attention to your comments. I'm actually making a searchable database of them.

No, I'm not.

Yes, I am.

What others say about boorite!

11-20-03 4:38pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Well I was talking to bunner and MikeyG here (though I don't know why)

Or..are you saying you are MikeyG? (I'm confused).

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-20-03 4:58pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Well I was talking to bunner and MikeyG here (though I don't know why)

Or..are you saying you are MikeyG? (I'm confused).

You know that's not true. Now stop it.

I'm just saying we all tend to think the other guy is such a dick when in fact maybe he's, well, just kind of a dick, like we all are.

What others say about boorite!

11-20-03 5:01pm (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

no, Knights in Satan's Service :p

11-20-03 8:20pm (new)
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Member Rated:

I would just like to take this opportunity to once again say shitguzzlingsquirrelrapingfesteringcuntmouthedmotherfucketyfuck.

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

11-20-03 11:46pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

... fuckety fuck?

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

11-21-03 12:01am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Yes, fuckety fuck.

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

11-21-03 12:30am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:


Oh, I forgot, more is ALWAYS better when writing! It gets you better grades, and it usually keeps the professor from reading it and realizing you have no clue what you're talking about!

Speaking of having no clue what you're talking about: When was the last time you wrote something for a professor? I don't mind bashing the academy. I do it all the time. But it'd be nice if you knew what you were bashing.

God this is unimpressive.

My apologies, I meant teachers. I remember high school quite well. You write an essay, double-space it, throw in a few redundant words here and there, grab a few more out of the dictionary, copy most of the chapter you were supposed to read out of the book, change some words, re-organize the sentences, and BAM! A+.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

11-21-03 4:50am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

La fille qui a joué avec le feu

Member Rated:

MaKK, you've broken my heart. You truly are a blood-thirsty animal, with no good motive, emotion or thought. You have no sorrow over Abdul's kid being crushed... he'd have been included sooner or later in your wonderful plans for genocide anyway. You're a freaking nutball.

MikeyG, those twenty dollar bills to the homeless wouldn't happen to be the new ones, would they? Because they weren't aesthetically pleasing, to say the least. They were PEACH coloured, for chrissakes!

“It is only with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” - The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1945)

11-21-03 6:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Idiots.

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