The reason I have been half-hearted and diserious here is because it seems pointless to do this in another thread. But if it's really causing you so much discomfort here we go again:
I didn't distort the Constitution. I'm talking about our sovereignty, and I don't think we can be sovereign without security, and I don't think we can have secuirty when we are beholden to international bodies' interpretations of how we should behave ourselves, when they aren't securing our ports, securing our interests, or addressing the terrorist threat in a pro-active* manner.
I have very little respect for international treaties. They were made to be broken, and I think it is amusing that that notion gives you white hairs. They are made out of mutual benefit, not out of some lofty sense of doing the right thing or obeying law for law's sake. When they no longer benefit us, or hurt us more than help us, you'd better believe we will throw them off. Who will stop us?
I'm sure I don't need to list treaties we (and other nations) have defaulted on, but let me know if you really do need some examples. (Surprisingly despite this, the UN, World Court, France, the indigenous peoples of South America and the entire world has never fallen to pieces since World War II).
I think that might argument in the DSMP thread that the U.S. has to do what is right for it to maintain a better world demonstrates my authoritarian outlook. Another example could be that I think the democatic nations of the earth should have more power and say-so than all of the other nations put together.
I don't think that is being duplicitous. I think it's a paradox, in that it seems that I cannot both be for an open democracy at home but a hegemony abroad, but our democracy at home would not be secured without this hegemony. This could be analagous to being for pro-worker in an industrial society, and it seeming wrong to also be interested in the rights of the corporations also. You might fight the industries when they want to keep wages and benefits low, but your ultimate goal in the fight is not to destroy the industries, for without the industries there is no work. Yes, we have an authoritarian, elitist hegemony abroad but without it we would not have a secure democracy.
And once again I think I said way too much on the Iraq issue already. You say Iraq was not a threat. I say it seemed like enough of one for me not to wait to be proved right by a nuclear bomb surfacing in one of our port towns or an organized attack on our power infrastructure or a laundry list of other attacks that would be effective precisely because we didn't see them coming. I can already hear your sardonic "but but by your logic we should bomb London we would never see an attack from them coming" response and I'm sick of it. Iraq was our enemy, and the government planned on sticking around as long as it could, and a weakened and besieged America is one of the few things that would have accomplished their objectives in the long-run. If they had a covert plan against us it would be void the second we knew about it, and yes, this opens up a gray area were many actions might be justified. I'd rather gamble on us not having a domestic disaster by unseating Saddam (in one of the neatest, cleanest military wars ever fought). And now I want us to stick around despite subversive elements that want us to leave so they can reclaim their terror nation. I'm so fucking sorry Abdul's Baklava Shack got blown up and the rubble crushed his little boy. We have wastelands to pave, Chik-fil-a's to erect, chess-playing super-computers to build, Chinese to nuke and a solar system to colonise. I'm so fucking sick of limp-wristed international-multi-culturalism I swear to God I could genocide every people that stood in my way. Be good and you can come with us. If not we are going to fucking blow up your goddamn hospitals and schools first in the next war, you insane, suicide-bombing throw-backs from the 1200's. I am sorry your Messiah came so late, but remember late-bloomers are special. It will be ok, we will get through this together.
There that's my answer I hope it makes you happy. I am hope you are insane with glee to discover that I am a blood-thirsty animal. That is what all of us are that argue against your cookie-cutter liberalism are, aren't we?
And if the World Court took themselves seriously they would pay more than four hundred dollars for a web site. I'm fucking serious.
*caution: buzzword detected
Vote Jeb Bush 2008