I think you'll find you've made the most posts in this thread, 21 to be exact.
which goes to show how much people have been responding, starting of course with you and your discovery of awesomeness
The idea that the mods go around exterminating anyone who doesn't conform to their way of thinking is YOUR idea, it's all in YOUR head, YOU'RE the one that keeps going on about it.
good to know then that i wont be banned for this thread
i've tried to say this to you as kindly as i can but it doesnt seem to break through the wall of awesomeness surrounding you. so here it is bluntly - i dont care what you think. your a loudmouth throwing a tantrum because he isnt getting his way. i'm having fun, HCRoyall's having fun, other people are having fun, and if someone doesnt like me HAVING FUN in their thread ON A COMEDY SITE, then they can just tell me and i'll stop. i can only assume that how you get away with being such a tightass on what should be a fun and lose comic forum is that either people have a pat you on the head mentality, or i'm just the only one who hasnt found the ignore user button.
like i said i dont care if he does come back. im justing responding with my opinion in a forum. if thats considered digging myself a hole here then fuck it. i'll pour water in, add a diving board and pee on the steps
what if nigger meant kite